Fan Fiction Challenge 1: Aftermath

Mar 18, 2007 17:25

This is the first time I've ever started a fan fiction challenge, so please bear with me while I find my feet.  I thought we could have two challenges, one for drabbles and one for longer stories.  Both deal with the aftermath of episode six and you can enter stories for both challenges or just one of them.

Challenge A (Drabble)
Pick a character and write 100 words on their thoughts and feelings after the events of episode six.  You can write it as though the character is talking to someone else, but no one else should speak.  The challenge is to convey thoughts and feelings, not interaction between characters.  You can write as many as you like, perhaps one for each character or several about the same character.

Challenge B
Write what happens next after the end of episode six.  Your story should begin within 24 hours of where the episode ended.  Minimum 300 words.  No maximum word limit.


This challenge is now officially closed, but if you have been inspired by it you are welcome to post a late entry at any time.  If you do, you need to follow these posting guidelines.


Here are the entries.  The names given are the characters and pairings that appear in the story.  The title of the story is a link to the post where you can read it.

For Challenge A:

Six Drabbles: Reactions [PG, Nick/Helen, Stephen/Helen, Connor, Lester, Abby, 6x100 words] posted by

Two Drabbles: Talk To Me / Betrayed [PG, Nick/Stephen, angst, 2x100 words] posted by

For Challenge B:

Three Kisses [PG, Nick/Claudia, 385 words] posted by

Broken Images [PG, canon pairings, angst/drama, 8000 words] posted by

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