240 Glee Main St. (12/13)

Jul 15, 2010 10:04

Title: 240 Glee Main St. (12/13)
Author: pri_rage
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Santana/Brittany. Mentions Finn/Quinn, Artie/Tina.
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, just borrowing them for a bit.
Spoilers: AU Glee. No spoilers.
Word Count:  5566
POV: Quinn
A/NI: The plan was to finish this before posting. But next week I won't have time to breath, and it's been a while since I last updated. There is finally development between our girls. Hope you like it.
A/NII: I'm not very religious, so I don't know much about how stuff works. I'm sorry if I unintentionally offend anyone. I don't mean any disrespect. I respect every religion, and their beliefs (well, not every belief, but you know what I mean.) If you think I should change something to be more accurate or less offensive, let me know, I'm willing to do so.

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Rachel visits me and tells me that B and S are coming to see me today, to apologize. She also mentions that B was never really mad at me, but S didn't let her do anything. I give her a little smile and bring her to the couch at the living room. We cuddle by the TV. Some cartoon is on, and Rachel is going on about the qualities of children television. I am not really listening to her, just enjoying her body against mine. Last night I didn't sleep well because I had too many nightmares. I normally sleep with Rachel, because I feel more comfortable with her. But yesterday she went on a lecture about how I needed to slowly return to sleeping by myself. After noticing how tired she has been, I let her go. The girl deserves some sleep too.

I fall asleep pretty fast and it feels heavenly. Rachel wakes me up when the girls are here. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and let out a loud yawn. Rachel gives me an adorable little smile then moves to S and B side. B is smiling brightly.

S is not, on the other side. She looks angry. And like she was in a really bad fight. One of her eyes is purple, and she has bruises on both arms. I wonder where that come from. I raise one of my eyebrows at her. She stares at Rachel with a look that could kill. Rachel looks anywhere but at me.

"We should get you girls something do drink. What do you like? We have lemonade, orange juice, strawberry juice, raspberry juice, grape juice, banana smoothies and water. I could also add any of the fruits I mentioned to the smoothie." Rachel says and goes to the kitchen. "I will make a banana with raspberry smoothie then." She doesn't even give any of us a chance to answer. I laugh a little at the way she is acting.

"Hey guys." I say quietly.

"Hey Q. S is sorry."

"Yeah, whatever."

Rachel appears at the door and narrow her eyes at S. I have a bad feeling Rachel has something to do with the condition S is. Although how someone so small could hurt Santana Lopez is beyond me.

"I mean, I'm sorry." She says with a huff and sits by my side. B sits at her lap.


"We need to make a plan to make sure your father never wants to visit you again." B says.

I don't get it what's up with her and making plans for everything. Maybe she likes doing it because she think she is a spy or something like that.

"I already have a plan. They come, I ignore them, they go and leave me alone. Hopefully forever this time."

Rachel comes back from the kitchen and hand us smoothies. She starts talking, completely ignoring what I said.

"I agree with Britt that a plan is necessary. I believe that thinking beforehand helps you develop control over the situation, so you won't be vulnerable to their spell. They could try to convince you how your life here is not satisfactory, and we need to make you mentally ready to face that. We need to gather information about their life and personalities. Find their weak points and use that to your advantage. We need to have you armed so you can defeat them."

"Are you planning a war? I choose S to fight for me." B asks. I would laugh normally. But Rachel looks like she is planing a war. She is writing on a piece of paper and her eyes are shining and its a little scary. S is ignoring the whole thing.

"I think I have a plan." B says.

"Oh god. We are doomed." S says. B slaps her arms where it's bruised and she winces. Maybe B beat her up.

"Hey, be nice. It was my plan that got us together." I raised my eyebrows at her. I had a feeling that this wasn't a good idea. "You said your parents are close minded religious people. All you have to do is make things that they are against and that would make them think you are the devil's daughter."

Me and S starts laughing, and Rachel quickly join us. The way B said it, she was acting like a maniac. Something very non-Brittany like.

"That is a stupid plan. They could try to steal me and send me to a boarding school."

"I think Britt has a point, although I am concerned about her mental health with her making plans. They wouldn't send you to boarding school because that would get your name out there, and you could spread things about them. Here you are in a little town that barely have any contact with the rest of the country. And if your father has as much power as your mom said, then he wouldn't want that to happen"

"They could send me abroad."

"Well, they could. But I believe that its worth the risk."

"Thank you, but I prefer to not be shipped out the country."

"Stop being a drama Queen." S says the first thing so far. We all look at her. "I think terrifying her parents would be great. And I could beat them up if they try to take you away." S is looking at Rachel, and they have a silent conversation.

"If that's your plan, why don't you just beat them up to begin with?" I say, not hiding my annoyance. I was hoping the afternoon would be movies and popcorn.

"I think Q should act pregnant. That would freak out any parent, with your parents it should give them a hear attack." B says.

We all laugh at the idea. That sure would be a fun thing to do.

"Also, you should act like you are dating Rachel, and she could come and you could make out in front of them."

The room is silent. You could probably hear a pin drop. I feel myself blushing, and look anywhere but at Rachel. S is giving a look to B.

"What did I say? That would be funny too."

S and B start laughing and I join, and then Rachel. I only laugh to break the awkward situation. I look at Rachel and she is genuinely laughing, and she look so beautiful. Then I look at B and I realize that her plan might not be exclusive to the stuff with my parents, since she is smirking at me.

"B, can I talk to you?"

"Yes." She says, but don't move.

"Alone." I leave and grab her hand. I take her to the music room to make sure Rachel doesn't listen our talk. I close the door behind us.

Once the door is closed, I try to keep myself calm.

"B, can you just stop?"

"Stop what?"

I roll my eyes. The innocent act didn't help with my nerves.

"That stuff you are planing."

"But I want your parents gone."

"So do I. You don't need to add to the plan me and Rachel."

"But you need to be part of it."

"I'm talking about us. As a couple."

"Oh, why didn't you just day so?"

"Stop it."

"But you want her."

"No, I don't."

"Don't deny it Quinn. Its annoying. And its okay to like her."

"I'm not ready for it just yet. I'm taking this slow and getting to know her."

"I tried that, and look where it got me. It took me 12 years."

"You liked S since you were 5?"

"Yes. So you are going to act like you are dating, and then you are going to kiss her, and then she won't be able to resist you anymore."

"I don't see this plan working, but I don't think I can convince you to not go through with this whole thing."


"They are coming next week." My mom tells me a few nights after, during dinner. All girls are over.

"When did you talk to them?"

"Yesterday. They plan on coming Wednesday and staying until Saturday."

"We didn't know they were staying so long. Brit, we need to re-plan this now." Rachel leaves the table and drags B to the living room.

"You have a plan?"

"They do. I just have to follow it. One of B's fabulous ideas."

"Santana isn't helping?"

"My plan was to beat them up."

My mom just smirk. She is used to S' violent way. She feels safe because I have my own bodyguard, and its free."


The bell rings and I shuffle nervously in the bed. I'm watching TV and Rachel is in the bathroom making sure she is ready and all. I haven't seen her yet. B gave her a make over because S said that if she dressed like she normally do, I would be like a pedophile, only I'm underage too. She said that I didn't need to add that to the things I'm doing to annoy them.

I convinced I was not going to pretend to be pregnant. Because that would be weird if I'm dating Rachel. It was hard to convince them, but I did. I tried to make them give up making any plans, but my mom said it would be fun to see their faces. So I'm going with it. Even if the only one that might be screwed in this whole thing is me. At least I have someone to blame if I go abroad.

I hear my mom opening the door and voices. My mom is loud as always, but Judy and Russel are fairly quiet.

I go to the bathroom to get Rachel. I knock on the door.

"Rachel? They are here. Are you done, or do you need another month? I could hide under my bed and when the month is over I can come out?"

"Don't be silly Quinn. I'm done."

She comes out, and I feel the air leaves my lungs. She is dressing a white short summer dress. Her hair is slightly curvy, and she using very little make up, just eyeliner and gloss. She looks like an angel. I swear there is a spotlight or her, and there is a fan somewhere making her hair moves and I have goosebumps all over. It makes me forget everything. Everything besides her, that is.

"I think you are drooling." She giggles. It brings me back to reality. Sort of. But I do close my mouth, I hadn't even realized it was open. I start breathing again. But I still feel my heart beating fast, and the I feel warm all over.

"Uh, you look... good. I think. I mean, you normally look good, but. Well. I like white. The dress I mean. The white dress. That you happen to be wearing. It's cute. Like you. But not a small kid or a puppy kinda of cute. Like, I don't know. Just cute. You look cute." I mumble.

She laughs, and I smile. I can feel my cheeks burning.

"Let's go meet your parents before your brain melts completely." She gives me a wink and take my hand. She leads me downstairs. "You look good. Yellow suits you." She says before entering the living room. Judy and Russel are siting in one couch in the corner of the room, and my mom is sitting at the one furthest from them, leaving me in the one in the middle, closer to them.

I focus on Rachel's hand in mine, instead of them. I don't even look at them. Just being at the same room makes me feel all those things as I went through when I lived with them.

My mom introduces Rachel. We decided to not introduce her as my fake girlfriend just yet. Rachel is convinced that they might have changed, and that they might accept me as I am. So we need to get a feel to how they feel before doing anything.

I am quiet during all conversation. My therapist told me it was better to be quiet then to say everything that was on my mind. Yeah, I know, it's weird. I mean, therapy is all about being open and stuff, and she says I shouldn't be. I really don't care why.

Being quiet is not that hard, mainly being sitting so close to Rachel. We are sitting really close, our thighs touching and our hands intertwined. I feel every part that our bodies are touching. Its warm. Way too warm for summer, I tell you. It's like we don't have A/C. But it's not a bad type of warm. I feel myself sweating cold, and it cools me a little. I look at her and she is looking at me, but not really focusing, since I raise one eyebrow and she doesn't even blink. It's a little weird.


"Yeah?" I look at my mom.

"Your mother was asking you something."

"What were you asking?" I say, still looking at my mom.

"Not me. Judy."

"You are my mother. She isn't anything." I say, quiet proud at myself for keeping my tone neutral. Rachel squeezes my hand, and I look at her, and I see a reassuring smile. It calms me down for the moment, but I don't smile back.

"Well, then. Judy was asking you something."

"What was that?" I say, looking at Judy for the first time, but move my gaze quickly away. I notice she has gotten really old. She looks much older then she actually is.

"How is school?"

"It's fine." I mumble.

There is an awkward silence. I wish there was some music, because the silence is annoying.

"I should get dinner ready." I leave, finding an excuse to leave, bringing Rachel with me.

"Are you okay?" She asks me when we get to the kitchen.

"What type of question is that?" I snap at her. I know I shouldn't be stupid to her, but I need to free the anger somehow.

"Right. Of course you're not fine. Sorry."

"I just feel like punching someone. And I don't like violence. At least not physical violence."

"Uh. Should I leave?"

"No. I won't hurt you. I promise you. Just don't start giving one of your long speeches. Then I can assure you I won't be able to hold myself." I give her a small smile, trying to lighten up the conversation.

"I won't. Do you need help?"

"No. Do you think they are allergic to nuts? I put a bunch of them in everything. And milk also, in case they are lactose intolerant. Also, I made sure the shrimp was spoiled."

"That wasn't the part of the plan, giving them food poisoning."

"It's part of my plan."

"I'm glad I'm vegetarian."

I smile at her.

"Anything else I should be worried. You didn't spit on the food, or pee on the tea, or something disgusting like that?"

"Crap, I didn't think about that. It's too late now. I don't have how to warn my mom without raising suspicion."

She laughs, and I smile. I feel butterflies in my stomach from the sound.

"Have you planned this all along?"

"Well, I figured since you and my mom are vegetarian, I could say I am as well, and if they get food poisoning I could say that I'm not used to cook any type of animal."

"I better be nice to you from now on. I don't want food revenge against me anytime soon."

"Don't give me any ideas." I give her a full smile and her eyes move to my mouth and focus there. Her gaze is intense, and makes me blush. She blushes too, and I move my gaze back to the food.


"Hey, hon, are you done?" My mom comes into the kitchen.

"Yes, I just need to bring those to the table, and clean up really quick." I say, cleaning my hands at and taking the cooking apron off.

"You look really cute in those." Rachel says, with a bright smile. The her smile falters, and she is blushing, looking at the floor. It's rather cute. I realize that this might not be part of the plan, but it might be, so I don't keep my hopes up. She is a good actress after all. Or so my mom says.

Judy appears, and help my mom putting things in the dinning table.

Rachel sits by my side, and Judy sits in front of my, Russel at her side. My mom sits at the head of the table.

"Quinn, would you like to say grace?" Judy says.


Mom stares at me, and I roll my eyes.

"I want to thank for this meal, and for my friends and for the fact that I my mom adopted me so I wouldn't starve, which enabled me to be here now. Also for being away from those who didn't love me enough to care that I was starving." I try to be confident, but my voice cracks at the last sentence. "Amen."

We eat, silently, because I managed to make everything awkward. Rachel squeeze my thigh reassuringly every now and then, and it makes me feel things in the southern region.

"So, Rachel, Carol was telling me that you were taking singing lessons with her?"

Rachel nods, but she is looking at her food.

"Well, I don't know if my sister told you, but Quinn has a really good voice. Maye you could convince her to join you in you lessons?"

"That sounds like a great idea. I haven't heard Quinn sing yet, but talent seems to run in the family. I take performing arts very seriously, and I believe it would be of great importance for Quinn to practice her singing."

I storm out of the table, not believing my ears. Rachel wasn't supposed to act like that, all nice towards them. They ruined my childhood. She should hate them as much as I do. Or, like my therapist says, be indifferent, because indifference it's worse then hate.

I slam my door closed and drop down on my bed. I want to cry, but I don't have any tears left in me. So I start punching my pillow to release my anger.

I hear someone knocking, but I ignore them. I put scream into the pillow so the sound isn't loud. I can hear someone entering my room, but I don't turn to see who it was.

"Leave me alone." My voice is muffled by the pillow, but it's loud enough so whoever it was could hear me.

"Don't do that to your pillow. What has it done to you?" I hear Rachel say softly, and feel her sit on the bed.

"You are not suppose to be nice to them."

"I was being polite."

"They don't deserve polite. They don't deserve anything coming from you. You are too good for them."

"But I think they have changed."

"No, they haven't."

"Can you leave this pillow and talk to me like a human being?"

I throw the pillow on the ground, and sit up. I cross my arms and pout.

"Now, act like your age."

I roll my eyes, and drop my arms to the bed. She holds my hand and tangles our finger together. I have goosebumps all over, but it doesn't do anything to calm my rage.

"Judy seems to be supporting art. That seems to be a quite liberal point of view."

"Don't let her fool you. The only interest she has from art is money. That's all she ever cares about. Do I have to remind you that my grandma was an actress? She made enough to give her daughters a very good life, with good university to both kids. Judy dropped out after she met my father, because that was the only reason she went there. To find a wealthy husband. She knows that with my name I could go far, and be rich. And that's what she wants from me. Money."

She looks down at our hands, her gaze softened, and I can see guilt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." she says quietly.

"I told you to not trust them. But of course, I'm too emotionally involved in this to say anything that's true, right?" I say loudly.

"It's not that."

She says in a way that makes me feel bad for acting like this. Her voice is soft, and I feel all warm inside.

I don't even know how it happened, but I feel her lips against mine. I don't know who started it, but her lips are soft and warm, and just from that small kiss, my heart is beating fast and I feel warm. We stay close, our breaths mingling. My eyes are closed, but I can feel her close to me.

"I should go." I hear her quietly, but I can hear in her tone that she is asking if she can stay.

I open my eyes, and look at her beautiful face. I can't help but bring my hand up and cup her cheek. My hand leave her cheek, and I touch her closed eyes and move my hands slowly down to her lips. I stop at her chin, and she open her eyes, and releases a deep breath.

"Stay? I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight, nightmares and all." I pretty much beg her.

I can see her eyes lighten up, and a smile starting to form. She nods and move away.

"Are you coming back down?"


"Okay. I will tell your mom you are alright and steal some dessert for us. I heard that there is a berry pie, and according to your mom, it's your best pie ever. I will bring you some." She says with a beaming smile.

I give her a nod and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and try to cool down. My heart is still beating fast. I look my self in the mirror and I'm flushed. When I come back to the room, Rachel is done with her pie and now is eating a second slice, the one supposed to be mine.

"Hey, that's my pie."

She shows me her tongue, red because of the pie.

"You took to long. It's mine now." She smiles brightly and her mouth is a mess with berries all over it. I lick my lips at the sight. I almost give in to the cliche of 'there is something in your face, let me clean it for you. With my tongue.' I'm able to control myself, but not my teenage hormones, and I can feel the heat from between my legs.

"Who is the kid now?" She ignores me and goes on with her eating pie mission.


Apparently I managed to food poison Judy and Russel, because they canceled lunch and dinner today. My mom used the excuse that I'm not used to cook meat, but she was not very happy. She told me I was grounded. I just rolled my eyes. My friends still could visit me, even if I was grounded, so I didn't have to worry about not seeing Rachel.

Talking about her.

We wake up at noon, with my mom knocking at the door. She tells us about Judy and Russel. We leave bed because Rachel says that the pie must be even better in the morning. Truth be told, I much rather stay in bed with her cuddling. But her stomach is a monster. A sugar monster.

We sit in the kitchen counter, and my mom bring us a piece of pie and a glass of chocolate milk to each of us.

I keep looking at Rachel and looking away when she looks back, only to look back when I think she is not looking anymore.

"I will leave you girls to do... something. I'm running. Just make sure to keep you door open, Quinn."

I blush, and look at the table, avoiding looking at Rachel.

Then I realize that my mom is talking about me being grounded, not me and Rachel doing stuff. Not that would do anything. We aren't really dong anything together. After the kiss last night, we watched TV, and I feel asleep in her arms. But we didn't kiss again or talk about it.

"Are you going to eat yours?" I look up at Rachel, and she is looking hungrily at my pie. I slide my plate to her, I'm not really hungry.

She eats really fast, and goes to the fridge to get more. She gives me one slice, and actually let me eat it this time.

"You know, you are going to be obese before you make 18 if you keep eating like this."

"It's your fault to making delicious deserts. You need to learn to make the healthier ones. But they need to taste good."

"Well, I'm grounded again, I will time to work on that."

"I can help!" She squeals.

"You can cheer for me. I don't like people in my kitchen."

She considers it and nods energetically.


"And I will tie your hands back."

"Oh, really?" she teases me. She raises her eyebrows. "I might like it."

I turn away from her, feeling my skin burning. Besides blushing, I can feel something in the pit of my stomach.

She laughs wholeheartedly. I can't help but smile at the sound.

"You should have seen your face. That was so fun."

Later B and S stop by. Rachel tell them about dinner and the spoiled shrimp, and give them some pie, only so she can more herself and don't feel guilty about it.

We laugh some and have fun. It's a good break from the stress from dealing with Judy and Russel.

We decide me and Rachel are going to act more like girlfriends tomorrow. The plan is to go to the park and have a picnic. The idea itself is weird, mainly coming from Judy and Russel. They hate nature, and bugs and any animal other then humans. Rachel thinks it is great. We will be out and we can go to have a walk and breath some fresh air and relax.

We kind of forgot about the discussion that happened last night. Or at least I did and I doubt that she would bring it up.

Later in the day, I'm with Rachel in my room. She insisted to stay with me during Judy and Russel visit, so I could have someone to talk to, and so I don't do anything stupid, like run away. Her words, not mine.

We are watching one of Rachel's favorite movie. A musical, of course. I don't even know the name, for me they are all the same. She insists that musical can be a liberating experience, because it takes you away from the real world with music, and they are normally happy movies.

"I have to admit, though, the storyline is not the best. But the movie is really fun. Meryl Streep does a great job. She is genius, I think. She can play so many parts, in different genres, and still be her best. And she has an interesting voice. Even though I am not sure whether that is really her voice, you know, with all editing they do. But you have to admit..."

"Rach, can you stop talking for a second? I'm trying to watch the movie."

"I thought you said that musicals are all the same. So you don't need to watch. It would be much more interesting for you if you listen to my observations on the movie. After all, I have extended knowledge of Broadway shows, and I could give you a comparison between the movie and the play..."

"Please, stop. My head hurts. Why don't you go get some pie, that way you won't be able to speak?"

"Fine" She pouts. It's adorable."But if I get obese, it's your fault."

She leaves the room and I roll my eyes. I use the time she is away to change the movie.

She comes back with all the pie that was left.

"Geez, don't blame me for being obese. I didn't make you bring almost half pie."

"You made the pie. Also, it's not all for me. You are going to help."

We sit at the bed, eating the pie and watching the movie. It takes her a while to realize I changed the movie.

"Hey, although that is Meryl Streep, that is not Mamma Mia. I thought we agreed to watch something fun."

"Devil Wears Prada is fun. Besides, Anne Hathaway is much better then Amanda Seyfried."

"Is not. Amanda Seyfried is a break out star that had her spotlight in Mamma Mia, which makes me respect her much more, seeing how the movie wasn't very praised by the critics."

"Anne Hathaway is more attractive. Amanda Seyfried's eyes scare me."

"Figures you would go for the brunette." I hear her mumble.

"What was that?" I raise my eyebrows.


"Shut up and eat your pie then. And let me enjoy the movie in peace." I grumble, but I don't sound really mad.


Picnic is even more awkward then dinner. But it is more fun, for me at least. We ended up in a table under a tree. It was really warm, but the shadow made it better. My mom prepared everything, food included. It wasn't that hard making sadwiches and buying potato salad. She bought some brownies too.

"Quinn, when did you make the brownies? Did you wake up in the middle of the night?" Rachel asks me.

"I didn't make them." She looks sad. "But I will make some for you tomorrow, what do you say about that, hon?"

"Okay, sweetie pie." She smiles. I fake a smile and stare at her. Was that the best she could come up with?

We stop looking at each other and look at the adults, who are looking curiously at our exchange. Even mom, which is weird since she knows the plan. I look back at Rach, who is drinking some lemonade. I really wish I was the cup that she was drinking from. Her mouth looks so inviting. I feel a warm hand in my thigh, and I jump.

"Are you okay, Quinnie?" Judy asks.

I give her a bitter look.

"Don't call me that, and you don't need to act like you care." I look at Rachel with a questioning look, but she is looking in the distance.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper in her ear. She hesitates for a second, but answers soon.

"You do remember the plan?" She whisper back, and I feel goosebumbs at having her that close, her warm breath in my ear. She pulls a strand of hair back and smile. I was going to say that Judy and Russel don't have eye under the table, but my brain is not working properly. The hand is back, and I feel warm. And it has nothing to do with the summer. I feel it all pool between my legs, and I know I have to cool off. There is so much a teenager can take.

"I need to walk." I say to nobody in particular.

Rachel stands up, and joins me, holding my hands, not even thinking that I might want sometime alone.

"Are you okay?" She asks me quietly.


We walk in silence, until we get to an area that is covered with trees. I sit in a rock, and Rachel support her weigh in a tree near by.

"It won't be long until they are gone now." Rachel says silently.

"Hopefully won't have to see them again."

She moves and kneels in front of me. She lift my chin up so that I am looking into her eyes. I feel her soft lips against mine. The kiss is much like our first. And it has the same effect. I close my eye and keep them closed.

"I was... uh... wondering if after your parents are gone..." She says silently.

"Don't call them that."

"Right, sorry. When Judy and Russel are gone. If you would like to go out with me." I think it's cute that she asks me out. But I think is unfair she asks me after she kissed me. I can't really think straight.

"As.. as in a date?" I hesitate.

"It could be. If you want it to be that it." Her stuttering is adorable.

"Ask me again when they are gone. And when you haven't just kissed me. That's not fair." I smile at her.

"Is that a yes?" She gives me one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen.

"No, that is a ask me again when they are gone."

"But you are not denying me. And you just mentioned the effect my kisses have on you." Her smile turns into a smirk. I roll my eyes.

"Don't ruin the moment." I smile and kiss her softly. The kiss starts to get more intense, and I touch my tongue to her lips, asking permission. She pushes back and I frown.

"No kissing until your parents are gone. I mean, Judy and Russel."

"Really?" I ask annoyed.

"Don't ruin the moment." she mocks me. I roll my eyes at that. "Besides, I'm a family girl, I don't have 'things' with people, I have dates."

Comments are very much welcomed =)
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