240 Glee Main St. (13/13)

Aug 08, 2010 23:49

Title: 240 Glee Main St. (13/13)
Author: pri_rage
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Santana/Brittany. Mentions Finn/Quinn, Artie/Tina.
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, just borrowing them for a bit.
Spoilers: AU Glee. No spoilers.
Word Count: 2465
POV: Quinn
A/NI: Yay, it's done. For now anyway. I'm not keeping any promises, but if you guys are interested, I wouldn't be averse to writing more in this universe. Only not right now, because I'm working on two fics.

A/NII: As I mentioned, I'm working on other fics, and I'm looking for betas. Let me know if you are interested. They are both AU Faberry (both very different from this fic).

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After our talk in the park, Rach and I have got closer. Not physically close, because she insisted that she wanted to make this right, go on a date and everything. Which wouldn’t happen until Judy and Russel left, leading me to be even more annoyed they are here. But luckily Rachel has been around a lot, so I get to spend time with her.

The only problem is that Rachel new favorite activity is to tease me.

For dinner she decided to use a V-neck blouse and a short skirt that got me drooling. I stared at her all dinner; I didn’t even care if everybody noticed.

And the way she was eating her food was just obscene. I kicked her under the table several times, trying to make her stop, but she would just give me an innocent smile.

So that night, instead of asking her to to stay over, I just let her go, because I just knew I wouldn’t be able to hold back. Her lips were just too inviting, and I didn’t want to ruin my chances with the “Family girl”. I still roll my eyes at that every time I think about it.

Saturday would consist of me finally making brownies for her, and I was thrilled about it. I’m pretty sure I could bribe her to make out with me. Or at least to convince her that it was a date or something. Judy and Russel would come later for dinner and to eat the brownies I was making, because my mom convinced them that it was the best, so they wanted to taste it. Russel commented that a career in culinary could be very promising for me, as long as I made vegetarian food only. I ignored his comment, obviously.

I am preparing the kitchen, and I hear the the bell ringing. I feel my face splitting in too from the smile. I pretty much skip to the door. I take a deep breath and open the door, and the beautiful brunette is standing there with a smile to match mine, a very short pair of shorts (that should be illegal to be worn by someone with her legs) and a white tank top, that was a little see through, thus providing a very distracting view of her black bra. I seriously have no idea how I’m going to be able to concentrate on baking.

“Come on in!” I say after what feels like forever, I was too busy staring at her legs. And her bra.

We go to the kitchen, and I start to get the ingredients out. She is sitting in a bench, following my every move. I can only hope she will behave today, but I doubt it. I wouldn’t be that lucky.

“You want to eat or drink something while you wait?”

“I have a few things in mind that sounds lovely.” She looks me with hungry eyes, and I stare at her blankly. I can’t really think of anything. Like, I totally forgot what the recipe is. Or my name. Or where I’m at.

I turn my back to her, and try to calm down. I get a cup of water and drink it in seconds. I hear her giggling behind me, and I find the strengh inside to control myself.

“You behave, or no brownie for you.” She pouts, and its adorable.

“Okay.” she says quietly. “But you are ruining all the fun.”

“You are the only one that think this is funny.”

“Your mom thought it was funny too. You’re like a 13 year old boy, you know that? It’s hilarious.”

“No, it’s not.” I mumbled, and brought my focus back to cooking.

“I think there should be music on while you bake. I read a study once about how a certain type of music made workers more efficient at what they were doing. Do you have a radio close by? Maybe we can find something fun there, although I hardly believe so. Radio quality has decreased considerably.” She changes the subject and I welcome the change.

I tell her about the radio in the living room, and all I know is that we are dancing and singing and having fun while I bake.

I have the mix done, ready to put them in the oven, when Rachel sneak behind me and puts her finger on the mixture, and licks her finger, maintaining eye contact with me in a way that sends shivers down my spine. She is so close, and I can’t resist her. I grab her hand slowly, and take it out of her mouth. I close the distance, and we are kissing. I can taste the brownie in her mouth, and it makes it all more delicious.

I release her hand and move my hand to her neck, pulling her close. I feel her hands tangling in my hair. My body is on fire. We kiss for a long time. At least I think it is. I lost sense of anything besides her lips and tongue in my mouth.

I hear someone clearing their throat, and we jump from each other like we are burning. Which I totally am. I’m breathing heavily, and I see my mom by the door, a big smirk on her face.

“I see you guys are having fun. Don’t have too much fun though. I don’t want to have to be thinking about where your hands have been while you were cooking the brownies, and questioning any weird taste.” I crinkle my nose, and I hear Rachel laughing besides me.

“Mom, don’t say stuff like that. Ever.”

“You’ve been spending too much time with Santana. You are starting to talk like her.”

I roll my eyes at her.

“See, you’re even making her signature expression.”

“Okay, mom. If you’re done making fun of me, I need to finish cooking this.”

She snorts.

“I bet you do. Just make sure you are not ‘cooking’ it anymore when Judy and Russel are back tonight. Unless that’s all part of the plan, and you guys actually want them to walk in on you. So you guys were, like, just rehearsing from then, right?” She mocks B’s voice, and it’s hard not to laugh. So I do.

Rachel keeps laughing besides me.


She leaves, thankfully.

I put the brownies in the oven, and sit by the kitchen counter, singing softly under my breath, trying to calm myself from our very heated make out session. She finally stops laughing, and joins me by the chairs. I smile at her, and she joins my singing.

It’s such a peaceful moment, in the middle of so much emotional turmoil for me, that I regret taking this long to break up with Finn. Also, staying all depressed and having her bossing me around. Actually, I don’t mind her bossing me around. It’s kinda of hot.

The stove clock rings, reminding me about the brownie and awakening me from daydream. Time just flew away, both of us singing.

“So, I was thinking we could do another batch, because maybe your parents will like it a lot and stuff.”

“You mean I could do it. And don’t call them that, I already told you not to. Also, I find it hard to believe you are worried about them liking it.”

“Of course I am worried. What if they like it so much that I get to have none.”

“Stop whining. It’s not like you are going to behave and wait until they are here to eat it. Unless you are Rachel’s twin sister, and she has self-control.”

She rolls her eyes as I’m taking the brownies out of the oven.

“Well, then you will be in trouble for making out with her sister, won’t you?”

“Well, you do look the same, so you can’t blame me. I don’t have that much self-control.”

She walks over, and claws a big brownie ball from the tray and starts eating it. It would be disgusting if it wasn’t her. I just look at her with mouth open.

“What? You said I can’t control myself.”

She hops back to the kitchen counter and sit, like eating like that was the most normal thing in the world.

“You are worst then a kid.”

She shows me her tongue.

“Yep, worse then I kid.” I add, shaking my head.

I cut the brownies and pile them up in a plate, and place them in front of Rachel. It’s probably a bad idea, but she looks so happy I can’t help it. It’s like B and ducks. She looks at me with a big smile when she sees the plate, her face all brown and messy. It’s really cute.



Then I get an idea, and take the plate away. The girl pouts immediately, and tries to reach for it, but I put it too high for her to catch it.

“You get it back if you considers this our first date.”

“Okay. We are spending time together, and talking and getting to know each other. Now gimme brownies.”

I put the brownies back, laughing. She instantly attacks it.

I go back to my baking, occasionally looking at the brunette. When I’m done, I go and sit by her. She looks at me, a shining smile on her beautiful lips.

“I see you are almost done. Considering half of it is on your face, I’m not impressed.”

I lick my lips. Brownies never looked so delicious.

“Don’t forget the fact that you hid most of them in the fridge.”

“Did not.”

“Did too.”

“Well, I didn’t want you having stomach ache.”

“Fine, mom.”

“Can’t your girlfriend be worried about your health?”

“I’m already your girlfriend? We’re not even done with our first date.”

“Well, I’m quite sure about where both of us stand, aren’t you?”

“You’re cute when you’re confident.”

I smile, and my eyes move to her lips, looking really inviting with all the brownie.

“You should go to a brownie contest or something. It is crunchy, but soft and moist. It’s so good.”


I have no idea what she is saying, but the way she is saying it drives me insane. I move closer to her and lick some of the brownie off her mouth, maintaining eye contact to see her reaction. Her eyes are instantly darker. I back off, not breaking eye contact yet.

She licks her lips, and dives in for a kiss. Her lips are soft against mine, and I hear a whimper, but I’m not sure from whom it is. I tangle my hand in her brown soft her, and pull her towards me, making both of us stand up, so our bodies are melded together. It’s like we are puzzle pieces. Her hands move from cupping my face to my hips, keeping me close to her. Not that I was planning to get away anytime soon. I move my free hand to her back, and moan when she enters my mouth with her tongue.

We stay there for a good time (or 30 minutes, the time it takes for the brownie to finish baking), our tongues battling, our hands attempting to pull us closer.

How we managed to kiss that long is beyond me. But then, we could have taken breaks in between, I wouldn’t remember any of it. All I could focus was on her lips and tongue and her body against mine.

We both are panting, and I go plate the brownies and put them away form Rachel so they can cool off and so I can cool off too.

“I should make dinner, and you should go home and shower and get ready.”

“Are you kicking me out?” She asks with a smirk on her face.

“No. But I doubt I’ll get out dinner done with you here.”

“We could always order pizza.”

I roll my eyes.

“Good try.”

“That means our date is over. It also means you have to walk me to my door.”

“If I do, I’m not sure we will ever leave your door.”

“True. But you have to anyway.”


I grab her hands, and we slowly walk to her house, making small talk on the way.

We stop by the door steps, and stand there awkwardly, like we had not made out for 30 minutes just a while ago.

“This is where you kiss me goodbye.” She whispers jokingly, and smile.

I kiss her softly, making it short. I pull away and push a strand of her away from her face.

“I will see you later.”

She nods, a soft smile on her lips, and enters her home.

I pretty much skip my way home. I bet I look ridiculous to everybody else. But I can’t care less. I finally found someone that makes me forget everything, that makes me feel happy with myself. Not only happy with myself, but with my life. I’m pretty sure I’m having a smile on my face for the rest of the days.



Dinner that night was weird. I was surprisingly friendly towards Judy and Russel. Everybody was shocked, including me.

I felt at peace with myself.

I didn’t forgive them for what they did, but they would be gone soon.

Rachel and I were overly touchy with each other all dinner. I even fed her some brownie, which was torture for me. She just has a very talented mouth.

I stayed to talk after dinner for the first time that week. She sat by me and we held hands, and occasionally I would lean over and whisper something on her ear, which caused her to spill her drink every time she was drinking something. Revenge was sweet.

Judy and Russel weren’t blind, and last day they interrogated me on our relationship. I came out, leading to a very angry red faced Russel and a crying Judy. They were gone so fast, I actually regretted not telling them the first day. But, weirdly enough, them being here gave me a push to make my move on Rachel, so I wasn’t complaining much.

My life with Rach was not easy, mostly because she was totally insane, but in a very adorable way. She drove S insane, and sometimes me too. But in the end we would end up happy and go to the park with her brown dog called (you guessed it) Brownie.

And despite what Rach may say, I still think that dog is in love with her and anytime now it is going to make its move on Rachel, and she is going to dump me.

I think she only stays because of my brownies.

Thanks for reading and comments please =D
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