end of the road

Jul 10, 2011 19:04

Summary: lonely little life, I could kid myself to thinking that I'm fine

Char/Pair: Al/Scorpius

Genre: pre-slash, mild angst/drama

Rating: PG

A/N: albuscorpius100: independence (... even though it's an hour late oTL)

Originally @ | FFnet Mirror | AO3 Mirror

Scorpius Malfoy is in the Potions classroom )

g: drama, g: slash, f: harry potter, p: albus severus/scorpius, g: angst, r: pg, !fic, g: friendship, *challenge, l: oneshot

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Comments 4

thedegraded July 11 2011, 15:09:23 UTC
Aw, this was nice. I love how reclusive Scorpius is; it's both endearing and frustrating haha. I like your characterization of Slytherin!Al. It's... different. Usually, in slytherin he's portrayed as cocky, arrogant and persistent- but you certaintly got that last one down pat.

Great job! Hopefully I see a sequel approaching...? :)


kingdra August 18 2011, 16:39:13 UTC
Thank you! And yeah, I like my Slytherin!Al more submissive :>
Yup! (Though when I'll start on that, I have no idea >.>)


transparentcut July 16 2011, 06:59:22 UTC
I love this! This is what I kind of imagine Snape to be minus Lily of course. I would love to read more based off this! This is kind of my ideal Scorpius personality with the nosy Albus. Wonderful work :)


kingdra August 18 2011, 16:39:42 UTC
Haha, thank you :>


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