I could be focusing on the fact I haven't been writing much lately and haven't finished Christmas requests (or, really, started on most of them), or I could do a meme! :D YAY, MEMES.
This one goes out to darling Sirona who posted the meme before me.
The rules are as follows:
1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions. )
Comments 13
... The DBZ thing is kinda awesome, actually, and I'm not even a passing fan. xD But you should be ashamed for the Twilight song ! I totally have an awesome song on my ipod that I'm almost positive is about Twilight, but I don't want to check and have my suspicions confirmed, nooooooo
Lots of people love Regina Spektor and recommend her to me... but I'm just not catching on for some reason :/ ... I do really like the part from 1:40 to 3:05 though. Also the video is cute xD
Really? I figured it was mostly nostalgia filter making it sound so cool. It's a decent remix--y'know, everything on beat and nothing off-key. XD The movies are an embarrassment for many reasons, and Boyf names all the worst cinematography-based ones because he's a film geek every time they're mentioned, but the music is actually pretty good. It has Florence + the Machine, Death Cab for Cutie, and other awesome things, so I'm willing to trust them with mixing a CD. The only flaw I've seen so far is the overdose of Muse (I don't like the band that much) and the only Iron & Wine song they've used happens to be the only one I don't like.Some of her stuff is really pretty and really pop, and I like it a ( ... )
The nostalgia filter probably makes it better, but it is decent (and amusing ;p) Florence and the Machine ? Hu. That's unexpected. ... Muse isn't as much of a surprise, but they are usually regarded as a good band (at least over here), I'm not a huge fan either but I do like them.
... I just about died laughing when Linkin Park (What I've Done I think it was) came up during the credits of the first movie. XD I mean, I like LP, but you don't get much more emo-rock-teenager than that. (... Though I didn't like that album very much because it wasn't emo enough. xD *shot*)Yeah, I figured she was kind of like Tori, in the either-you-worship-her-either-you-just-don't-get-it and can-get-away-with-anything-weird way :3 ( ... )
Florence and the Machine on more than one album. It's been said in interviews that SMeyer has a giant hard-on for Muse, so it would be more surprising if they weren't on there.
Right? LP is the go to emor-rock-teenangst band. (I liked it at first, and then I decided "meh" for the same reason.)
YEAH. That's a good way to put it. I don't like her music as much as Tori's, but she has some really neat stuff. Mostly I like it 'cause it sounds pretty, though.
I do not stop staring at their movement. oh my.
link if the video doesn't appear.
8eight | without a heart
The original Korean is shimjangi opso SO IT TOTALLY COUNTS.
I don't understand all the Korean in it so I believe it's possible to feel the meaning of the song through the sound.
For me the most poignant part is when the singer says: I'm without a heart, so I shouldn't have such pain. I can't say I haven't wondered these thoughts myself before.
link if the video doesn't appear.
spice girls | spice up your life
link if the video doesn't appear.
muse | supermassive black hole
ty, twilight. ty.
link if the video doesn't appear.
norazo | superman
This is my IN THE ABSENCE OF CAFFEINE song. Invigorates me quite nicely at 4AM! You'll see ;)
My advice would be to skip the intro to the song, and to read the lyrics. Quite humorous indeed!
link if the video doesn't appear.
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