02 [written / action]

Feb 07, 2010 14:23

[After having a lengthy and rather pitiful fight with the southern barrier, Dilandau has returned to the village alone, looking significantly more depressed and resigned. The first place he wanders into is, of course, the Good Spirits Bar. He silently curses what he thinks is a stupid name. Regardless, he proceeds to order glass after glass of red ( Read more... )

fucking hate this place, whining, boredom boredom, booze!, angst

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Comments 228

[Voice] one_green_eye February 7 2010, 21:28:48 UTC
[flat tone is flat] Why don't you complain about it? Maybe that'll fix it.


[Voice] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 21:39:26 UTC
What the hell else am I supposed to do? Prance around "trying to make the best of things?" Act like I'm all happy to be stuck here? If something sucks this much it deserves to be complained about.


[Voice] one_green_eye February 7 2010, 23:17:18 UTC
You could shut up and save your energy for dealing with things.


[Voice] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 23:21:33 UTC
This is my book! It has my name on it, and I'll write whatever I want in it! If you don't like it, then you can just stay the fuck out of my book!


[ Voice ] sniperkingftw February 7 2010, 21:34:29 UTC
I think a lot of people do.


[ Voice ] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 21:41:03 UTC
Good. Then some of you are still sane after all.


[ Voice ] sniperkingftw February 7 2010, 22:30:00 UTC
Someone has to be, right?


[ Voice ] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 22:32:49 UTC
Yeah. We have to find a way out of here. Kill the Malnosso or something... Why hasn't anyone else thought of that?


[Voice] foodovermystery February 7 2010, 21:41:24 UTC
[Yeah, how'd that barrier fight work out for you, Dilandau? >:| She almost wants to say something immature, based on their earlier conversation, but she stops herself. She isn't one to hold a grudge.]

I haven't met anyone who actually likes it here, but give it some time. You'll at least get used to it.


[Voice] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 21:44:19 UTC
Like how prisoners get used to starving, and being tortured, and rotting in dungeons for years and years?


[Voice] foodovermystery February 7 2010, 21:51:51 UTC
It's not the same thing. Compared to that, this really isn't so bad.


[Voice] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 21:56:03 UTC
Okay, so we're not starving and the booze isn't that bad.

Other than that, I'm not seeing a difference.


[written] wishesofdestiny February 7 2010, 22:01:05 UTC
I see you haven't yet drunk yourself into enough of a stupor to wake up from your nightmare.


[written] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 22:02:54 UTC
I'm working on it.


[written] wishesofdestiny February 7 2010, 22:14:25 UTC
Not hard enough, your writing is still legible too.


[written] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 22:17:09 UTC
I've only had half a bottle.

Give me another thirty minutes.


[Action] goldenglasses February 7 2010, 22:07:52 UTC
[Vash is at the bar nursing a drink, he’s not spying over your shoulder to see what you’re writing, but he glances your way at the drumming.]


[Action] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 22:13:32 UTC
[At Vash's glance, Dilandau immediately lifts his eyes for a "don't fuck with me" glare. He's obviously not the friendliest of new feathers.]

You got a problem?


[Action] goldenglasses February 7 2010, 22:38:43 UTC
[Slightly nervous laugh.] Problem? Nope! No problem! Nothing at all! Ahahaha~!


[Action] pretty_fascist February 7 2010, 22:48:24 UTC
[He just keeps staring while Vash awkwardly laughs.]

......... Good.

[He turns back to the bar, downing the rest of his drink, and very quickly ordering another one. With a twitch, he suddenly turns back to Vash, apparently angry now. Mood swings FTW.]

Why the hell are you so happy!? You were... laughing! What right do you have to laugh in my presence!?


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