Greetings, friends.
I've not posted in a while, sorry. Working on many fronts, you know? I try to make the rounds, get back to this site and that site. Not a religious Journal poster, but I *do* read my friends list on a near daily basis. =)
I always get a kick out of my web site tracking stats thingie [tm].
I operate my web site primarily as a tattoo and graphic art advertisement, featuring a couple of galleries and some biographical information.
As most of you know,
Tabaqui has her web site
Scarecrow Horses which is also hosted there.
My web stat anaylyzer thingie [tm] keeps a nice profile of who comes to the site, why, when, what they do there, where they were referred from, etc.
Tabaqui's side of the web site brings in just short of what my side brings in, really. On the average, we get around 400 visitors per day at, with 40% or so of that being hers.
Little trivia that is also tracked? 80.71% of our visitors use Internet Explorer, 16.59% Netscape, and the other stray percents are mostly web crawlers.
The top entry page on my site is the root, with running a close second.
The most curious and entertaining stat that is tracked is of course SEARCH STRINGS.
Things that people are searching for when they end up clicking into our domain...
Well, most often, people looking for free tattoo designs.
Search strings like:
free tattoo flash (everybody wants something for free.)
tribal designs (oh, how trendy of you!)
cat tattoo (a tattoo of *me*? I'm so flattered that you bothered to look for it..)
skull tattoo (Folks of my own heart! Arrrr!)
Then there are the things that bring people to
Tabaqui's web site.
These are always the most fun.
Here's a sampling from recent months' stats.
big breasts Uhhh. Shut up, Beavis.
xander spike hyena Jillions of these!
spike xander dogs of war
cashmere sweater erection Ummm. Okay then! Power to the cashmere love!
asian chewing reaver Sometimes I have to really scrutinize - how did this search bring them here?
man breasts Hmmm. I'm going to have to track this one down.
tight jeans Unfortunately not looking for *my* tight jeans, probably Xander's. *sigh*
livejournal xander spike fic
how to start a business Huh?
xander cock <-- knows exactly what s/he's searching for.
buffy kitten poker
spike xander suck cock Cheerfully providing you such content, come on in! *g*
spike xander credence
spander fiction
angel and xander lemon A/X!LemonFic?? *boggles*
adhd spike xander buffy adhd. hmmm.
fanfiction xander spike scarecrow
letters written to friends having nervous break down *blink*
my daddy the letters he sent me *blink blink*
hyena xander
angelus spike
heroin boy xander Old heroin boy. That's our Xander.
cock tugging Straight to the business at hand!
buffy spike sex long stories Spuffy for a reader with an attention span!
buffy inches long vampire cock Uh. Long vampire cock, always a popular item.
cordelia and connor
spike angel helped spike to ...helped spike to what? hmmm.
xander strokes spike Sometimes, yes.
spike oz cock rod
buffy girlfriend touching boyfriend's belly You figure that one out.
Anyhow.... there it is!
A fun sampling of what it is that people are searching for who find my and Tabaqui's html based treasures.
Hope everyone is well, and enjoying their time online and off!
Fond regards,