I have an interview in about an hour and half. I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant. Should I tell them right off the bat or wait until after my first OB appointment
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Totally up to you and your ethics whether or not you want to disclose the pregnancy. You're not legally obligated to do so, but I know I'd feel guilty if I didn't.
I also wouldn't wear DEET or anything that full of chemicals. Maybe use citronella or something natural instead?
Yea I've been using a citronella candle when outside, but still get bit, so I'm gonna go try to find some natural bug spray (via a couple links from the ladies below), keep using the candle and avoid DEET at all costs! :)
As for telling the employer, I think I'll wait until after the first ob appointment or the beginning of the 2nd tri. That way we're out of the scary part and they'd probably understand me waiting to tell them for that reason, I think hope. lol
It's totally okay not to tell them you're pregnant. Legally they can't discriminate against you, but that doesn't mean they won't find an excuse. I didn't tell my work until I was like 15 weeks, and I had been working there a long time and trusted them not to discriminate.
Thanks for the link! Guess I should have checked the archives! D: sry.. lol but in heinz sight it was very helpful, I'll def go splurge on some natural stuff if I have to (no DEET for me this summer!). Or maybe check out that OFF clip on fan thingy. :)
I'm now thinking I will wait until after the OB appointment.
You're not entitled to tell them and technically, I believe it's illegal for them to NOT hire you based off being pregnant; that would be pregnancy discrimination. I'd go in for the interview, not mention it and see how it goes. If they call you back and want to hire you, then it's your choice whether or not to tell them. At this point though, if you do tell them and they don't hire you, I don't know if you would've wanted to work there anyway. As far as bug spray, i wouldn't touch it, too many chemicals. Here are a few tips: http://www.gardenmandy.com/5-homemade-chemical-free-bug-repellents-that-work/
I literally bookmarked this yesterday, so I haven't had a chance to try it. But I'm planning to. I lived in SD (we see quite a few of your state birds over there) when I was pregnant with my first two. I found a natural bug spray at Wal-Mart at the time... kind of a minty smell. It's not as good as DEET by any means, but it worked well enough.
OOH! Thanks! I think I'm going to go natural too! Just read that DEET can cause brain developmental problems on the link up top. :) So thanks for this one! :D
Comments 25
I also wouldn't wear DEET or anything that full of chemicals. Maybe use citronella or something natural instead?
As for telling the employer, I think I'll wait until after the first ob appointment or the beginning of the 2nd tri. That way we're out of the scary part and they'd probably understand me waiting to tell them for that reason, I think hope. lol
There's a recent post about bug spray: http://pregnant.livejournal.com/16898701.html
I'm now thinking I will wait until after the OB appointment.
As far as bug spray, i wouldn't touch it, too many chemicals.
Here are a few tips: http://www.gardenmandy.com/5-homemade-chemical-free-bug-repellents-that-work/
Also, it sounds like a good idea to probably wait until after our first OB appointment or until the beginning of the 2nd tri.
(Um, it would help if I left the link: http://www.icanteachmychild.com/2011/06/make-it-natural-mosquito-spray.html)
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