Evelyn Rose I. (5lb 8oz) and Claire Elizabeth I. (4lbs 10 oz) were born by emergency cesarean at 12:01 and 12:03am on Friday, February 19th.
37 weeks 2 days pregnant with twins. I'd had a mostly-flawless pregnancy, until the start of the 37th week.
First Cut : The Birth Story )
Comments 17
Your girls are so lovely!
I'm so happy you're all fine. :-)
I am feeling very relieved and accepting of what happened. I wonder a little bit if it was because of the drugs and the surreal quality of the experience thus far. I can't help but feel that things still turned out as they were supposed to, even though technically things went pretty upside-down. It's got to be the drugs.. making me believe in fate. :)
I am glad that you and the babies went through the birth safely.
Husband and I were just discussing about his painkiller resistance. Hopefully, our baby inherit my whimpy gene of painkiller susptibility.
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