Evelyn Rose I. (5lb 8oz) and Claire Elizabeth I. (4lbs 10 oz) were born by emergency cesarean at 12:01 and 12:03am on Friday, February 19th.
37 weeks 2 days pregnant with twins. I'd had a mostly-flawless pregnancy, until the start of the 37th week.
First Cut : The Birth Story )
Comments 17
These first few weeks aren't going to be the easiest ones of your life - but it *does* get easier quickly. Don't stress too much about the formula - you have to do what's best for the babies, and you will be able to breastfeed if that's what you want to do. I breastfed my triplets for 14 months, despite being told by many people that it wouldn't be possible.
Congrats and thanks so much for sharing your birth story and pics:)
I'm sorry that it wasn't the natural birth that you had hoped for...give yourself time to grieve for that loss. Whats most important is that *YOU* are getting better and the babies are beautiful and healthy! Being a tough cookie seems to have served you very well! Most peeps I know would ahve been a mess with even the littlest hiccup in their "plan". Good for you!
Can't wait to hear more when you are rested and comfortably settled back at home.
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