Futari wa Pretty Cure Blue Moon ep7

Aug 16, 2009 13:04

Kainatrol, you suck.

Information: Fanseries wiki and fanseries ad comm
Episodes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bonus 16 17 18 19 20 Bonus 21 22 23 24 Ending & Epilogue

They were being watched. Kawada Asa and Nakayama Yoko, two girls from Kazahana City who had been chosen as legendary warriors, had thought that they had kept their identities and the existence of Pretty Cure secret. That was until Yoko thought too hard about the convenient appearance of their second Moon Piece. Her suspicions that someone had figured it out were confirmed: a mysterious woman had held Yoko's friend Yukari back from following them and led her to safety when Mireyes, the old fortune teller from the Etherium, attacked a nearby construction site. As Yoko, Asa and Yukari walked out of the Seiki Open Mall, semi-engaged in awkward conversation, two out of three were still thinking about what all this could mean.

Mekuramast glanced over the side of a building down at the street.

Futari wa Pretty Cure Blue Moon
Episode 7: Welcome to my Magic Show! Lovely Assistant Yukari!?

"So you're sure about this?" Asa stuffed a piece of avocado roll into her mouth and made a face. The convenience store never made them taste as good as they did fresh, but she'd never learned to cook and her mother certainly didn't have the time. "This lady's been following us?"

"As far as I can tell, yes." Yoko frowned over a stapled package of papers and circled some things with a red pen. "Kawada-san, did you even read the section on angles and movement in that textbook we borrowed?"

Most of the students had taken their food to the lunchroom, courtyard or roof, leaving Asa and Yoko to work on their science project in the classroom. Of course, this made it a perfect opportunity for the two of them to discuss Pretty Cure business, and it was less suspicious than staying after school every day. Papers and books were strewn around the desks, with plans written on looseleaf about how the presentation would go.

Asa sweatdropped. "What did I mess up?"

Yoko facepalmed. "Almost everything. The physics are all wrong. If you built an engine like that, it would explode when you turned it on."

The blue-haired girl sighed and leafed through one of the neglected books. "What do you think it means? Us being followed, that is. There's about a 50% chance that she's evil, but she could be helping us, too."

"She did plant the Moon Piece in the classroom," Yoko mused. "At least, that's my theory. It could have just been there, or someone else could have done it."

Asa munched on her avocado roll. "Even if she is helping us, we're going to have to fight her at least a few times, is what I think. Should probably be prepared. Who knows?"

"You got that conclusion from TV, didn't you?" Yoko sighed.

Asa nodded. "Yup."

For the second day in a row, the classroom door opened. Both girls looked up to see a student with bright red hair and a huge pink hair bow shuffling her feet and staring at the floor.

"Uh... Kawada-san? Nakayama-san?"

"Ogata-san!" Asa's eyes grew wide. Ogata Mia was a classmate who had taken a late vacation just when Asa transferred in and come back a little after Asa and Yoko had become Pretty Cure. She had been suspected of having a Moon Piece, so the girls had followed her and Asa determined that it wasn't. Mia blew up at Asa about being 'delusional' after she used the Scan Card, but after Sunday and Night saved her from Kainatrol, Asa found a simple apology note in her shoe locker. Mia hadn't spoken to them since. She wrung her hands and stepped into the classroom.

Yoko stood up. "What is it?"

Mia flinched. "You see..." She drew out two pamphlets from her school bag. "I volunteered to give these out to help advertise a show that's going on in the town square. I was giving them to the whole class, so maybe you want to..."

Yoko took them out of her hand and inspected one. "A stage show?"

Mia turned her head away. "I'm sure it's not really your thing, but just if you wanted to. I didn't want to leave you two out this time."

'You two'? They were being lumped together? Yoko frowned. "Well, maybe--"

Asa shot up out of her seat. "We're definitely coming! Thanks a lot, Ogata-san!"

Yoko boggled at her. "What!?"

Asa took a pamphlet out of Yoko's hand and scanned it over. "Yep, looks good. You won't have to worry about me or Nakayama-san."

Mia blinked. "Well... okay!" She ran off and closed the door behind her.

Yoko whirled around and put her hands on her hips. "What was that about?"

Asa remembered herself and shrunk back. "Um... sorry, Nakayama-san. I just thought, doesn't it seem like an evil plot?"

"An evil plot? You have to be kidding me," Yoko said. "Even saying it like that?"

Asa took in a sharp breath. "Sorry, but... to me, it looks obvious."

Yoko facepalmed. "I can't believe this."

Somewhere in Wakaba, somebody sneezed.


The Etherium had three members of its force missing that day. Mireyes was off staring into her crystal ball, Tachimany were carrying on a conversation with themselves, and Binbeat had left with a devious grin and the intention to run somebody's underwear up a flagpole. This left Mekuramast and Kainatrol, standing in the middle of the void and shooting evil looks at one another.

"Pay attention." They turned back to the front. The Boss continued. "Luring out Pretty Cure and determining their strength is all well and good, but we need to focus first on the objective at hand: obtaining the thirteen Moon Pieces."

"I'm aware," Mekuramast said. He, of course, knew full well where two of them were, but he didn't volunteer it. "What would you like us to do?"

The air rippled. "Gather a large amount of people. One of them may have found a Moon Piece. If not, they can be commanded to search. That should be easy enough with Kainatrol's power." The sound turned towards her. "I realize that you usually direct one subject at a time, but you have shown yourself to be more than capable of what I ask."

Kainatrol bowed. "Naturally. I should ask, though; what if Pretty Cure does show up?"

Mekuramast shook his head with a smirk. "After all this time, you still don't have enough power to mind-control the legendary warriors. You can leave fighting them to me."

Kainatrol smacked her open palm with her riding crop. "Did the Boss ask you to speak?"

"Silence, the both of you," said the invisivble voice. "As for your concerns, I am fully aware that not all of my agents are suited to fighting. The two of you together, on the other hand, are more than capable of handling the possibility of those girls appearing. Now, go." The air stood still.

The two of them bowed and teleported out. Eight figures in shiny white suits -- Tachimany, judging either by the gold trim on the suits, the gold-studded eye masks, or the fact that all eight people were completely identical -- appeared to the side.

"Is this a good idea, Boss?", one of their bodies asked. "Not to question you, but..."

"They work great together, remember?", another interrupted. "One grabbing all the attention and fighting, the other in the back keeping everyone in line."

A third body nodded. "As good as they are separately, they can't have the unity that we as Tachimany do alone. We're just lucky like that."

The first crossed his (her?) arms. "You've forgotten one thing, selves. They hate each other." She (he?) nodded sagely. "They've always hated each other, at least ever since they first joined us."

The air rippled in front of Tachimany. "As true as that may be, it's more efficient to do it this way," said the boss. "Besides." A pause. "They both seem to need a lesson about who's in charge."


The park was filling with all kinds of people, standing around a makeshift stage. The girls of the Lily Class were busy chattering to one another and gesturing to the signs and posters.

"A stage show, right? So many people are here." Omemi Emiru twirled a piece of her hair.

Mia nodded. "Someone approached me to help out with giving away tickets! Even I'm not sure what it's for."

Izumi Misaki tilted her head one way. "You don't know? That's strange."

Misaki Izumi tilted her head the other way. "It is strange. You really don't know?"

A few people away from the group, Asa fidgeted with her bag. "This is boring."

Hoshi laughed. "Weren't you the one who wanted to come?"

"I didn't think there would be this much waiting," Asa sighed. "When are the people coming out?"

Hoshi sighed and ran a hand through her own mess of hair. "Asa, you really need to work on the whole patience thing. They'll be out any minute."

Yukari ran over to them with a smile and wave. "Ah, Kawada-san! Kondou-san, too!" She gestured for Yoko to come over, which she did with a sigh.

Hoshi stepped back, eyes wide. "Okamoto and Nakayama?" She turned to Asa. "Was this your idea?"

"Oh, don't be like that, Kondou-san!" Yukari smiled politely. "It's always good to be with more people. Besides, we aren't scary or dangerous!" She looked back. "Isn't that right, Yoko?"

Yoko frowned and looked off to the side. "We're not."

"Then it's settled!" Yukari looked up to the stage. "There shouldn't be any problem with us all being together."

A light came on and the crowd settled down. A blue-haired man in a shiny white top hat rose on a platform from underneath the stage. Everyone applauded as he stepped forward and bowed.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" He looked at everybody in the crowd. "Today we've got some interesting things to show you. But first, I'll have to call someone up."

Kainatrol smirked from somewhere behind the scenes and held up a gold metal circle with "communication ring" in some language engraved on the outside. It glowed as she whispered. "Looking for a new assistant, are you?"

The disguised Mekuramast tightened his grip on an identical ring. "You're mocking me, Kainatrol," he whispered.

Kainatrol heard him through her metal circle and smirked. "Oh, am I, now? Be careful what you say, magician."

Mekuramast cursed the communication rings and looked through the crowd. Wait, was that --

Pretty Cure. He didn't know who the other two girls were, but he'd seen the one with the crown braid before, down in the shopping district (apparently it was an open mall now, whatever the difference was). Well, this was new. He swept out his arm and pointed his wand at Yukari.

"You with the glasses in the blue school uniform, please come forward!"

Yukari blinked and made her way out of the crowd. She climbed up the steps and bowed. "Yes, what is it?"

Mekuramast gestured offstage. "Could you bring out the large mirror?"

"All right!" Yukari walked over and pulled on the side of a gigantic mirror suspended on a rolling three-sided frame. All of the parts surrounding the glass were some clean, ornately carved white material that glinted in the sun.

Asa blinked. "It looks like a fancy, oversized makeup mirror. Like for giant rich people."

Yoko raised an eyebrow at her. "...Giant rich people."

Asa turned pink. "Well, that's what it looks like!"

Hoshi scratched her head. When did Asa start talking back to someone she used to be afraid of? This was getting weirder and weirder.

The magician twirled his wand and put his hat back on. "Now, stand aside." He tilted the mirror slightly, and a woman with short, deep red hair, a red vest, a crisp white uniform and an eye mask appeared.

Mia gasped and stumbled back. "That's--" She forced herself out of the crowd and bolted.

Asa and Yoko looked at each other.

"Let's go!" Asa tried running after, but Yoko grabbed her arm and yanked her back.

"What? Ow!"

Yoko pointed to the stage. "Yukari is up there!", she whispered. "Are you just going to leave her to these people? What about the crowd?"

Asa looked back at her. "If we don't leave, we won't be able to come back and help!"

Yoko's grip tightened. "If we do leave, we could come back too late!"

Hoshi stepped between them. "What are you two talking about?"

Kainatrol's image in the mirror laughed a bit. "Well, people of Kazahana City, I'd like for you to do something for me." Her eyes began to glow. Hoshi turned around to face the stage with a blank look. The rest of the crowd also went emotionless and stared.

Yoko looked around. "Why are we the only ones not affected?"

Starry poked his head out of Yoko's phone. "I don't think it can hurt Pretty Cure ~susu! It's not strong enough ~susu!"

Asa tugged on Yoko's arm. "We need to leave, now!"


Asa gulped but stood her ground. "It's the only thing we can do! Let's go!" She pulled Yoko along with her out of the crowd and ran behind the trees and around the park area.

Mekuramast smirked and swept his cape around himself. His suit slightly changed and his hair went back down to the style it was usually in, and his eye mask was now on. "Now it's all your turn," he said with an exaggerated bow.

Kainatrol focused on her hypnotized crowd. "Every one of you, find the thirteen Moon Pieces--"


Mekuramast turned to look at the top of the stage. Kainatrol's image in the mirror looked slightly up and to the side.

Night and Sunday stood on top of the framework, pointing down.

"On behalf of the light, I am Cure Sunday!"

"In the name of the shadows, I am Cure Night!"

"We are Pretty Cure!"

"We'll defend at all hours..."

"To ensure a peaceful era!"

Mekuramast smirked. "I thought that you two would show up."

Night leapt down to the front of the stage between Yukari and Mekuramast. "Let go of Yukari and everyone else!"

"I don't have anyone to let go of," he shrugged. "It's all her doing."

Sunday jumped down after her partner. "You mean the person who hypnotized Ogata-san before!"

Kainatrol's image in the mirror shook her head. "I'd appreciate if you didn't treat me as if I weren't here." She smirked. "Even if, as you see, I'm not."

"Where are you!?" Night snapped at the mirror.

"That would ruin the whole point," Kainatrol said. "Besides, I don't like to fight. That's someone else's job." With that, Yukari mindlessly wandered toward them.

"Yukari!" Night stepped back. "Wake up!"

"She's controlling her!", Sunday reminded. "She probably won't listen to you!"

Yukari swept her leg up and kicked at Night, who blocked just in time and skidded back. The brainwashed girl continued to strike, with Night blocking everything.

Sunday stepped in to try and hit the girl. Night grabbed her, leaving them both open. Yukari struck the two of them down to the stage.

"What are you doing?", Sunday said.

"That's Yukari!" Night forced herself up and returned to just blocking. "She's my friend! She can't fight! One hit from us would probably kill her!"

Mekuramast held up his communication ring. "Tell me, Kainatrol, what's the difference between this and summoning a Hidoinaa? We all know you hate doing that."

Kainatrol laughed a little. "It takes a little more effort, but it's quite worth it."

Sunday got up and jumped toward Mekuramast. "We're not letting either of you do this!"

He dodged and stood there as she turned to face him. "Again, it isn't me. I'm just here for the show. And the Moon Pieces, of course." He drew out a handful of exploding cards and tossed them at her. When the dust subsided, she stood there, arms over her face, barely hurt.

"We need them, too!" Sunday struck at him and knocked him back. He did a flip in the air, landed with a force that jolted the mirror to tilt slightly backward, and ran to hit her back again.

Night dodged Yukari's next few blows and grabbed her arm. "Yukari! Come on, what are you doing?"

"You wouldn't even do anything with them!" Mekuramast jumped back and drew out the scarf-whip from his sleeve, attacking Sunday with it.

She grabbed the whip with her arm, wincing in pain. "We'd be keeping them from you guys! That's more than enough for me!"

He yanked it back, sending her flying into the cyclorama. "I need them more than you do!"

Sunday ripped right through it and dropped to the boards backstage. She pulled herself back up and ran at him again. "Yeah, right!"

"Sunday!" Night struggled at downstage left. "Hurry and beat him! I can't hold Yukari for much longer!"

Mekuramast blocked Sunday's chop with his hand and smirked. "You won't free her by fighting me. Kainatrol's the one you need to defeat for that." He pushed her back and jumped onto a prop. "She'll lose her control if she's hit hard enough."

"She's not even here!" Sunday swept it out from under him. He landed on his hands, sprung and got back on his feet in front of the mirror. Wait, the mirror -- it had tilted back during the fight, and something red flashed behind the projected image. "Night! You understand this physics stuff! Where is she?"

Night turned to the mirror, still trying to hold onto Yukari. Right... "There!" She let go of the hypnotized girl, ran to her partner and grabbed her hand.

"Sun Limit!"

"Night Limit!"

A magic circle drew itself behind them and a burning dark blue aura surrounded them.

"You've used up your days..."

"...and you're out of time!"

Night looked at the tilted mirror on the stage, then to the audience. The projector was hidden somewhere... the direction and size of the projection -- ah, over there. That flash of red she'd seen was higher up on the mirror. This meant... She moved to point herself straight above where they were. Sunday moved along with her.

"Pretty Cure Second Spin!"

They flew right upwards and tore through the top of the stage setup. Kainatrol stood there, a horrified look on her face, and put her hands out. A red, glowing light shield manifested itself in front of them, holding them off. Still, the Cures continued to press, blue on red, fighting to get through.

"We're pulling out of here!", she demanded down at the stage. "Now!" Kainatrol vanished, as did Mekuramast below and all of their props. Night and Sunday kept going and crashed into a high tree.

"Oww..." Sunday rubbed her side. "I'm gonna be so bruised in the morning."

"Don't you heal instantly ~susu?" Starry poked his head out of Yoko's phone.

She sweatdropped. "Oh, yeah!"

"Yukari!" Night jumped down from the tree and detransformed, forcing Sunday along with her. Yoko ran up to the stage, which was repairing itself from the damage sustained in the fight, and to her friend.

"What's going on?" Yukari held her head.

"I have no idea," Yoko said. "We should get going. Don't you have to work at your parents' store?"

Yukari gasped. "Right! Let's go, okay? I'll take you out for taiyaki later!"

Asa's shoulders slumped as the tree she was in put itself back together. She climbed down the side and hopped to the ground.


"You practically helped them ruin the entire plan!", Kainatrol spat. This corner of the Etherium looked quite empty, but it always did, even when you could see people inside. "What did you think you were doing?"

Mekuramast twirled his wand. "You're taking it too seriously, Feared Tamer. I wasn't helping anybody. Why would I? I want the Moon Pieces just as much as you do."

She fumed and smacked her gloved hand with her riding crop. "You'll listen to me when I'm in charge."

He shrugged. "Ah, but you weren't in charge and you didn't tell me anything to listen to. I just went along with the plan."

Kainatrol glared through her red-studded eye mask. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but you're going to listen to me."

Mekuramast took off his own blue-studded eye mask. "Whereas I know exactly what you're trying to do, and I think I'll pass." He teleported out.

She seethed and held the handle of her riding crop tighter. "You have no idea."


Asa: Well! Welcome to another round of...

Everyone: Asa and Yoko's Comment Corner! (Starry: ~susu!)

Mekuramast: Have you girls even got a topic this episode?

Yoko: I'm personally surprised that this episode was even finished. The author usually gives up when the computer eats part of what she's written.

Starry: She must be acting more industriously ~susu!

Hoshi: I think that'll go to her head.

Kainatrol: The author struggled far too much for my tastes with trying to figure out how the mirror plan could physically work. The final result still didn't work, so this new revision moves the mirror and the projection is overridden with what's actually happening.

Asa: Doesn't anybody have any comments about me getting stuck in a tree?

Yukari: Well, at least you got down, right?

Yoko: There were more important things to worry about!

Starry: Please end this Comment Corner before you all start fighting ~susu...

Mia: See you all next time!


Next Episode: There's No Way I Like You! Is There?


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