[MOD POST] - Reviewing Rules, A Few Announcements

May 15, 2011 22:41

Hey, guys!

Your resident moderator here. leochan and I were discussing some things we've noticed going on in the community and feel that now is a good time to go over a few things that we might not have covered in the past -- or have been covered so far in the past that some of our newer members may have not been aware of them.

leochan and I are here. I don't read every comment thread in the community; I have certain threads that interest me more than others and do follow them, and I'm sure that the same can be said for leochan. I don't comment often, but I am here -- and the same goes for leochan. If you need anything from either one of us or think that we may not be aware of a problem, please feel free to shoot us a message. I know either one of us will get to it as soon as possible.

While it's not a rule, it's a good idea to tag your entries; this makes it easier for other people to find what they're looking for -- be it fanfics or fanfiction. By tagging, you make it easier for people to find your works in the future.

Now to review a few rules:

❶ Play nice. Friendly debate is acceptable, but posts or comments attacking specific members is not allowed.

What does this mean? Have tact; speak to others the way you would want them to speak to you. If you're being a jerk, expect to be warned; if it persists, you will be banned.

❷ Stay on topic.

Is this entry about Precure? If it's not, it goes in the Free-For-All Friday Post. Don't post about things unrelated to Pretty Cure, no matter how much you may want to share it with other members of the community.

❸ If you are going to post fanfiction, large images, polls, or spoilers, post it under a lj-cut.

This one's a gimme -- if you even suspect it might be a spoiler, put it under a lj-cut. Trust me, you're still going to get many views, and you'll avoid making a brunt of the community unhappy.

❹ Complaints, suggestions, and kudos should be addressed directly to the person concerned, either in their original post, or via message. Do not make another entry for these things.

This one, too, is obvious.

❺ Check to make sure that your topic has not been discussed in the last two weeks. If it has been, post your thoughts in a comment.

This one in particular is especially important; if it has been discussed and there is not anything substantial to add to the discussion, post it as a comment to the original post. The Cure Muse debacle is a perfect example of this.

You might have noticed entries disappearing recently; those entries that do not follow the rules or are intentionally trolling will be deleted without warning. If you are not sure what warranted your post being deleted, feel free to message any of the moderators for clarification.

That said, last but not least, I'd like to announce that as of today, we've made stupendous a moderator of the community! Please give her a warm welcome to the moderating team.

!mod post

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