(no subject)

May 15, 2011 19:31

Title: People are like seasons
Author: leochan
Series: Heartcatch Pretty Cure! ♥
Rating: G
Word Count: 799
Character(s): Yuri Tsukikage, Tsubomi Hanasaki (small cameo)
Author's note: This is set during immediately after episode 34 when Yuri's dragged away and everything fades to the ending credits. Technically, this is my third person sample for an RP character application but I wrote it so that it could technically stand on its own. Either way. I'm actually quite proud of this little ficlet so I figured I'd share with you guys. |3 Enjoy~

Yuri was lucky. Not the kind of lucky where good things would happen to her randomly -- not in the slightest. She never left her fate to luck and preferred to take it into her own hands. No, this kind of luck where one who bore the guilt of watching someone close to them die was finally given a chance at redemption. Where they were finally given answers that, for all sakes and purposes, gave them hope for the future and lifted a large burden from their shoulders.

Thanks to her comrades hard work, she had been able to finally see Cologne at the Great Heart Tree. Her fairy partner might not have had a physical body anymore since the fateful day that he had given up his life to protect her, but she was still able to see him -- speak to him. That had been the most important thing because he had said the things she needed to hear; that she was a kind person and only wanted to protect others from getting hurt. He hadn't been mad that she chose to work alone because sometime during her constant run ins with her successors she had found a small bit of faith in friendship and comrades.

At the Tree, she had wished to become a Pretty Cure again to protect those closest to her. She had gotten her powers back and had successfully saved them at the very last minute. When all was said and done, she had returned to talk to Cologne once more before he disappeared for good. It had been good for her. She had been forgiven and able to leave with a much lighter heart.

But, now she was sitting inside of the Fairy Drop clothing store watching as the girls and their classmates rushed around the store to find matching styles that could quite possibly fit her for their fashion show.

"Yuri-san, how does this color look?"

"No, those hoop earrings don't look good on her at all!"

"Maybe we should find something with more lace!"

Somewhere between finding a skirt that didn't make her lower half look huge and accessories that weren't too gaudy was when Yuri pulled herself away from the energetic girls and stepped outside into the open night air. Taking a deep breath, Yuri let her eyes slide shut for the time being and relished in the cool wind. The unrelenting hot season was finally fading into a cool and comforting one. In a way it was like her -- finally changing for the better.


The sudden voice of Tsubomi Hanasaki caused Yuri to open her eyes and glance over her shoulder. Upon seeing the slightly worried face the young girl had, she could only reassure her with a small smile before turning her head back to the moon that hung in the night sky.

"We .. aren't making you uncomfortable are we?"

"Of course not. There isn't much for me to do except watch you all work." Yuri could only shake her head at hearing Tsubomi's 'Oh.' in reaction to her explanation. Worrying about everyone was a trait in Tsubomi that Yuri had grown to admire. Even if it felt misplaced at times. "I just wonder what I'm doing here if this is supposed to be your group project."

"That's because having you here inspires us!" When Yuri turned her head back to the younger girl, she was greeted with an excited smile -- eyes glittering in admiration and happiness. "We want to you to be happy with the ideas we have for you! The theme is A New Me correct? It wouldn't be a new Yuri-san if she didn't like it at all." It was the way that Tsubomi spoke that made a light blush spread on Yuri's cheeks. Even now, it still boggled her mind at how considerate these girls were of her.. even before they had really known the troubles she had experienced.

"I suppose you are correct." The wind picked up, and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear Yuri turned her whole body to face Tsubomi with a calm smile. This fashion show was much like the relationship that they had now. Yuri was inspiring them to do better and watching them work so hard made a content feeling settle in her heart. "Then let's head back inside. I'm sure everyone has more ideas they wish to share." Calmly, she strolled back into the shop with Tsubomi following her with an excited, "Okay!" and was suddenly assaulted with a barrage of colors and different kinds of fabrics and styles of jewelry from all sides.

She would protect the world with the girls she called friends. That's what they wanted. But more importantly, that was what the new her wanted.

Also, on a more serious MODLY note, I added the tags to the main layout of the page so that you can get to it a little easier than to have to go through the userinfo and then the tags page. Organization is nice and being able to find things is even better!

So please don't forget to tag your entries today! /lame PSA is lame

*series: heartcatch precure!, *fanfiction

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