2011 - Cos Review

Dec 30, 2011 20:10

Wow, another year!
I can't believe it's almost over!

Well, here's my semi-yearly (looks like I forgot last year) cosplay review

All my new stuff! Or rather, newly worn.

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yearly cosplay

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Comments 6

katmillia December 31 2011, 06:20:08 UTC
you consistently amaze me with your cosplay, and look fantastic ♥ keep posting pictures, because they make me smile!


praedestinatio January 1 2012, 03:27:32 UTC
Baaaw, you're too sweet.
Btw! Looking to finally use my Dreamwidth account, I may be asking you some questions :D


aimeekitty December 31 2011, 19:08:18 UTC
So much fun stuff! I love seeing you do more historical, you're Victorian was gorgeous!


praedestinatio January 1 2012, 03:28:52 UTC
Yes! I went from no historical costumes to three in one year :D So I think it's safe to say there will be more in the future <3


1ucifer December 31 2011, 23:24:51 UTC
Wooohooooo! Btw, exactly why have I not seen your Sherlock photos? It looks great!


praedestinatio January 1 2012, 03:26:33 UTC
Because I don't have the pics from Oscar!
But here's what Lydia posted :D
There's a couple of pics in the comments too I think.

The pics were taken around Lydia's then apartment, so she just got a copy of them all from Oscar just then, I'm still waiting for mine 8D


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