2011 - Cos Review

Dec 30, 2011 20:10

Wow, another year!
I can't believe it's almost over!

Well, here's my semi-yearly (looks like I forgot last year) cosplay review

All my new stuff! Or rather, newly worn.

Reworn this year was:
Gallifreyan Robes from Doctor Who @ Gallifrey One

Soubi from Loveless @ Fanime

The Third Doctor from Doctor Who @ SDCC (see icon!)

Cassidy from Preacher @ SDCC

Alyss Heart from The Looking Glass Wars @ WesterCon (Actually, I modified this so much I'd like to shoot it again)

Not a lot of rewearing!
Not sure if that's good or bad.

Of the new!
Subaru Sumeragi - X/1999
I actually made anime version Subaru for wearing in Japan and I thought for sure there was at least one pic taken with the coat but I can't find it. It's okay though, I'm not totally happy with the coat.

Susan Foreman - Doctor Who
I bought this top on uber clearance at Targets, thus this outfit. I don't think I'll ever do it again though.

The Master - Doctor Who TV Movie
I HAVE TALKED ABOUT THIS FOR AGES. And now it's done! Well, mostly. I'd like to fix a few small things. ziggybecket took amazing pics of it HERE.

Lumi - Fables
I actually made this in 2008! Out of scrap fabric. The only thing I lacked was that lovely wig and the fur stole, I got to borrow Mici's at WonderCon and so finally wore it :D mognetcentral took perfect fairytale pics HERE.

Cain - Sandman
It's a suit + facial hair + cleaver, WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?

Mr. Orange - Reservoir Dogs
I'm really not sure which wins out, suit + facial hair + cleaver, or suit + BLOOD + gun?

Dr. Watson - Sherlock (BBC 2011 version)
I had a fabulous, if not frustrating, time replicating his coat, though the rest of the outfit is only moderately accurate. I'd love to get the proper sweater, replicate Sherlock's gorgeous coat and do a reshoot.

Jane Lane - Daria
Need to do again! I made some shorts and an incredibly shoddy jacket, but it was so much fun.

Tulio - The Road to El Dorado
I actually made the outfit in... 2008? And yay finally got to wear! Some things need to be changed, like I need to darken my eyebrows and do stubble makeup and I should probably remake the shirt 'cause it's a bit snug in the arms now. But the proportion of how much fun we had in them to how long we wore them was enormous :D
More pics HERE

Desire - The Sandman
My... Third? Fourth Desire? I dunno what it says about me but I love this character. I think we all looked fantastic together. And I see now I never posted the shoot, I should fix that.
Guys, we need a Sandman con.

Mr. Dark - Fables
Continuing my trend of only doing baddies from Fables I guess 8D
I was really pleased with how the coat sleeves came out on this, but due to catching the Nerdist Doctor Who podcast with ziggybecket I had to leave early from the Fables panel and have all of two pics of this.

1920s dress
I went to Gatsby Afternoon with mognetcentral, twjudy, and Katie, and it was soooo much fun. But next time, if I do a 20s dress again, I want a flowy one, not a boxy one ;_; Though I did like my little asymmetrical side pleating. Pics from the event HERE!

The Doctor ("Raggedy Doctor") - Doctor Who
I had a grand ol' time attacking this shirt with a steak knife and burnt pieces of wood for iamradar's Halloween party, but the pic in the collage is the only good pic I have of it 8D (Still counts! That means I've done four out of eleven Doctors!)

Victorian dress
Omg I had so much fun! Special thanks to ajmeow and twjudy for being my oh so patient mentors. I had lots of questions 8D
I loved wearing it and I can't wait to shoot it!

I made a few other things this year, like the Regency dress I posted some time back, but they're not included because I haven't worn them yet.

Things will be changing in 2012, so my goal is to do some things I've always wanted to! Also more historical please :D The bug bit me hard.

yearly cosplay

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