Title: Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise (8/8)
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn; Brittany/Santana; Artie/Tina
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count (this part): 10,330
Word Count (total): 59,986
Description: Rachel's answer to Quinn's melancholia is to take her on a summer road trip with the gleeks.
Note: The characters
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Comments 146
Artie stood out for me, wanting to do something for Tina that should be easy if he wasn't in his chair and then basically telling Quinn to buck up and do the right thing.
Finn (with the strings being pulled by Rachel) getting Quinn in to talk with Ms. Pillsbury. I doubt Quinn could have gotten to the point where she could be with Rachel if it wasn't a combination of Artie and Ms. Pillsbury playing their roles, oh Santana too, the tough love was necessary.
Seriously, this whole story was brilliant. Thank you for writing it.
It was important for Quinn to work things out on her own, but it was definitely a team effort in getting her to where she was. I love all the glee kids so much. They should all get a role in how Faberry comes together!
So, basically I loved the whole story. It made me laugh and cry (properly cry and people looked at me really oddly) and it was just great! Thank you for writing it.
Now I'm going to go and find a tissue, because I couldn't bear to part with my laptop before finishing the story.
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