3461: Yule Ball Panic & The Power of Love - Jasmine Dorea Potter & Hermione Granger

Oct 14, 2015 23:01

It's tme for Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

Today's link of the day is Scary yaoi fangirls. It just felt appropriate for today.

TITLE: Yule Ball Banic and The Power of Love
PERPETRATOR: Philosophize
COVER/BANNER ART: ( Read more... )

p - fluff train, rating - toxic, pc - b swanitis, pb - taco-show, stu - harry potter, sue - hermione granger, pc - lesbians and more

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Comments 1

darth_gojira June 30 2018, 21:25:39 UTC
Why are there two fics of this?


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