
Oct 15, 2013 18:57

Eight days and the pit still hasn't turned off nocopy. A03's selection is horribly bleak.

TITLE: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (my version)
PERPETRATOR: Saphira1001
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rating - awful, related to mcgonagall

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Comments 1

beacon80 October 18 2013, 21:28:00 UTC
So, ignoring the fact that the Avatar is a force of balance, and is extremely unlikely to go megalomaniacal in the first place .
Ignoring that, the balance is a single person who, by default, is weaker than the Avatar, and is inherently an unbalancing element (favoring fire over the other elements).
And assuming that the Phoenix is some how naturally capable of defeating the Avatar, who keeps her in check if she decides to take over the world (which seems more likely, since her spirit is built around establishing control, rather than maintaining balance).
I might need to look into this more. It sounds hilariously bad.


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