(no subject)

Oct 15, 2013 18:57

Eight days and the pit still hasn't turned off nocopy. A03's selection is horribly bleak.

TITLE: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (my version)
PERPETRATOR: Saphira1001

FULL NAME: Saphira McGonagall
SPECIES: “A retelling of JK Rowling's classic story from the eyes of Saphira McGongall, Minerva McGonagall's daughter and Harry Potter's newest friend.”
HAIR: “Her face broke into a huge grin, she got dressed hurriedly, and then ran from the r oom her long black hair flowing behind her.”
EYES: Green
POSSESSIONS: “ After trying three wands Saphira finally was handed a wand which was eleven and a half inches and made of yew and dragon heartstring. When she waved the wand of small stream of golden fire burst from the tip. “
CONNECTION TO CANON: Saphira and her mother runs into Harry and Hagrid. While her mother and Hagrid talk she goes off to sit and talk with Harry and she says “I would be happy to answer your questions,” and “No problem I'm happy to help.”
ORIGIN: Do we really want to know.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's the go to person for Harry.

NOTES: There is only one chapter but if her A:tLA story is any indicator this could get very interesting.

Avatar: The Legend of the Phoenix Book One 水

”The story follows the journey of Erica who is the newest Phoenix. The Phoenix is a girl who is able to master two of the four elements. Fire then another in the order of Air, Earth, then Water. It is the Phoenix duty to keep the Avatar in check and ensure he or she doesn't lose control and try and take over the world. However since there is no Avatar Erica must decide who she will become. Set three years before Aang is found in the iceberg.”
“Book One: Water”
“Book One follows Erica and her pet eelhound Natsu heading to the North Pole so Erica can learn Waterbending. On the way they must avoid the Fire Nation General Hazma and the other members of the Fire Nation. Takes place around 97 ASC.”


"Saphira its time to get up!" called a woman's voice from the other side of the door.

"Uunnn…" Was the response that came from a young girl lying in bed.

"Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes so you'd better hurry up," Came the woman’s voice.

"Ok, I will be down in a minute,” came the groggy voice from the girl.

After she heard the footsteps indicating her mother had walked away, Saphira sat up in her bed and opened her green eyes. She then slowly proceeded to climb out of bed and look at her calendar and she saw that today's date was circled. It took only a moment for Saphira to remember what was happening today. Her face broke into a huge grin, she got dressed hurriedly, and then ran from the room her long black hair flowing behind her.

Her mother was in the kitchen her wand out and was moving it over a pan.

"Well someone looks excited." said Saphira's mother looking at her eleven-year-old daughter.

rating - awful, related to mcgonagall

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