(no subject)

Oct 16, 2013 21:08

Here is day five of A03 week. It is also day nine of the pit having nocopy coding.

TITLE: Haunted Ways
PERPETRATOR: XenaPotterStoreis
COVER/BANNER ART: The banner art work is really bad photo shop images. There are even sparkly page breaks in chapter two. Guess where I quit reading this on A03 and went looking for this on the pit?

FULL NAME: Sage Tuner
SPECIES: She is a normal high school girl.
HAIR: “long black hair with blue tips”
EYES: “her eyes were really light blue like an icy blue”
POSSESSIONS: “she had a white shirt on bringing her tan and her eyes out more, she had tight fitting black jeans on, she reaches over to her bed grabbing a leather jacket that belong to her gang The Marauders, she was the leader but was thinking of handing it over to someone else *If the gang at my new school sees me and drags me into one I'll give up my title*”
CONNECTION TO CANON: There is no connection to the canon beyond the writer throwing around canon names and canon words. The writer's thrown out the rest of canon. So that Tom Riddle is for some reason going to school at the same time as Cho Chang. The writer shoves poor Neville into the position of being the leader of the Hufflepuff gang while Harry is the leader of Gryffindor. Cho is Ravenclaw's and you can guess who the “very scary and handsome” leader of Slytherin is. Chapter three having her yell at her sister that the only reason her sister took her in is because she inherits and then her sister is throws a butcher knife at her. Yeah... I'm stopping here.
ORIGIN: Here is the summary for this story. “A new girl Sage Tuner tansfers to Hogwarts High School when her parents get killed in a car accident, who does she fall in love with? One handsome boy named Tom Riddle who is the leader of the gang called Slytherins. Ok this summary is no good but I'm sure the story is better check it out thanks.” Now she lives with her older sister Beth.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “The kids at this school were high class, her old school didn't care either way. She didn’t mind she knew they had money but she doesn’t act like it. Her parents started her with self defense when she was way little, now she has all kind of black belts in different things, she wasn’t afraid of getting beat up, but she was laying low, she didn’t want any of the four gangs to notice her.” She's taking Us History 2 (Binns), English 10 (Hooch), Health (Madam Pomfrey)/Broadcast Mediall (Flirtwick), Algebraic (Snape), Personal Finance (McGonagall)/Study Hall (Hargriad), Lunch (Staff), Culinary Principles (McGonagall)/Girl Pe (Hooch and French (Snape).

NOTES: After the writer says that the story is better then the summary she then goes on to say in an author's note ”ATTENTION TO ALL READERS THIS STORY IS A HARRY POTTER STORY BUT IT'S A NON MAGIC ONE I IT'S NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA THAN PLEASE LEAVE, DON'T LEAVE FLAMES JUST LEAVE YOU AJVE BEEN WARNED THANK YOU XENAPOTTERSTORIES.” The problem with no-magic stories is that writers don't just strip the world of magic, they also strip the characters of their personalities. The writer is writing about gangs but hasn't bothered to do her research.


The sixteen year old girl let a sigh out, she was going to a school called Hogwarts High School. She heard rumors that there were four gangs in the school, Ravenclaws where the smart ones always thinking and sometimes staying out of trouble, Hufflepuff was the loyal one, if one person picks on you than you pick on the whole gang, Gryffindor was the rush in and asked questions later group, Slytherin was the smart cunning group, they never get caught. The leader of Ravenclaw was a girl named Cho something, the leader of Hufflepuff was Neville Longbottom, the leader for Gryffindor name is Harry Potter, and the leader who she was told was very scary and handsome was named Tom Riddle. She sighs again flipping her long black hair with blue tips behind her. Her parents got killed in a car accident so she moved in with her older sister Beth who transferred her to this high school. The kids at this school were high class snobs, her old school didn’t care either way. She didn’t mind she knew they had money but she doesn’t act like it. Her parents started her with self defense when she was way little, now she has all kind of black belts in different things, she wasn’t afraid of getting beat up, but she was laying low, she didn’t want any of the four gangs to notice her. She checks herself out in a mirror, she was tall for a sixteen year old, she had long raven hair that her tips were blue and looks like she has blue tint, her eyes were a really light blue like an icy blue, she had a white shirt on bringing her tan and eyes out more, she had tight fitting black jeans on, she reaches over to her bed grabbing a leather jacket that belong to her gang The Marauders, she was the leader but was thinking of handing it over to someone else *If the gang at my new school sees me and drags me into one I’ll give up my title* she thought. She slips her jacket on, she heard her sister yelling from downstairs,

p - sue what plot? swp, rating - toxic, pw - text-block-of-doom

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