
Sep 20, 2012 11:59

Here is our sixth BONUS Sue. Don't worry... the Sue's name isn't Linday. No, this one is a bit different. Thirteen days left to vote.

Hmm... wonder if I can find a fanfic where 1D goes to Hogwarts. Well, actually... I believe I did awhile back. It was Love is Real by elliebronbron. With as many infractions as that kiddo had in that one fanfic it ( Read more... )

sue - ginny weasley, rating - awful, sue - pansy parkinson, sue - luna lovegood, 0 - wank, sue - hermione granger

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Comments 39

beacon80 September 20 2012, 19:41:12 UTC
Y'know, the girls just come across as idiots for not realizing the boys were under a spell. But what really gets me is that the guys are more concerned with their girlfriends not listening to them than the fact that they were all just raped. When their rapists tell them point blank what they did, the guys get upset, but not really angry.

Rape aside, it's not hard to tell the girls you were under a spell. Shout it at them before they can walk away, if you need to. Not to mention any one of the four could probably manage to get one of the other girls to listen, especially Ron or Harry to Hermione, or Ron to Ginny.

That's not even getting in to the fact that you can't just randomly stick Hermione with Draco, Ron with Pansy, or Ginny with Blaise. Really, I'm not that willing to just accept Luna/Harry with no explanation, but that's mild compared to the other three.

On a final note:
not to mention dresses that they get from a shop that can only be seen by girls with a broken heartI initially interpreted this as that the dresses could ( ... )


indigoneutrino September 20 2012, 22:49:25 UTC
I think it's made even worse by the fact that the boys don't even remember it happening, until this Veronica person comes and gloats at them about it. So basically these girls have placed the boys under the spell and made them do stuff which they don't even remember afterwards, and then the girls enjoy showing off about it. I'm pretty sure that's illegal in the wizarding world even without the sex element - it's called the Imperius Curse. And in the real world it would most definitely be illegal - isn't that the equivalent of drugging someone so that they have no control over their actions and won't really remember being raped? But because it's girls doing it to guys rather than the other way round, the tone of the fic seems to be implying that it's not so bad and kind of funny. Which it isn't. It's sick. This fanfic disturbs me and I'm worried by the Suethor's way of thinking.


beacon80 September 20 2012, 23:01:04 UTC
They might have just been cursed into a stupor, in which case it's not an Unforgivable, but it's still the equivalent of slipping someone a roofie.


indigoneutrino September 20 2012, 23:04:40 UTC
Pretty much. Everything about this is pretty screwed up with what the girls do in the first place and how everyone reacts to it.


anonymous September 20 2012, 19:44:19 UTC
How can a store stay in business if it can only be seen by heartbroken girls ?. Also, What ... the.... crap ? is wrong with this fanfic.


little_masaouki September 20 2012, 20:12:00 UTC
Particularly since it's a dress and fashion shop. I'm not a girl, but I can't imagine most heartbroken girls don't rush out and buy pretty things.

The fact that she gives out jewelry doesn't help.


beacon80 September 20 2012, 20:29:46 UTC
She gave away the dresses, too!
Now I will not charge you because not many people come here and I see that you have really had you're heart broken.
Not many people coming is less of a reason not to charge people, and her entire clientel consists of heart broken girls, so she'll never sell anything.

Really, the store is far too fairy tale for Harry Potter. A magic store that only a select few* can see, and a keeper that gives away wondrous items and weapons for no apparent reason. The dresses and jewlery/weapons don't fit Harry Potter, either.

* This would be fine if the "select few" was "all witches and wizards"


sapnish September 21 2012, 00:32:03 UTC
There's a term for this where I'm form. It's called "Panadería en el Cielo" which is "(having a) Bakery in Heaven": It's there, but it's completely useless since nobody alive (not even you) can go there. And then, even if the people who already live in Paradise go to your bakery, none of them have money or, for that matter, the need to buy bread. And you can't sell it, because you can't show it to your potential buyers.


little_masaouki September 20 2012, 20:41:41 UTC
So even though they are clearly brainwashed and the girls in question openly admit to brainwashing him. So naturally its all their fault.

This feels strongly like "Men can't get raped" argument which pisses me off greatly.

Also, how about "Your Cheating Heart" for the week title?


pottersues September 20 2012, 21:28:05 UTC
That's what I was thinking of but couldn't remember! :D


indigoneutrino September 20 2012, 23:02:03 UTC
It is "men can't get raped". It's also victim blaming. This fic is really getting on the wrong side of me, which I'm sure wasn't the Suethor's intention, but the attitudes presented in it really bother me. I'm also bothered by that awful "What a boyfriend SHOULD do" thing on her profile. I feel like someone needs to point out to her why things like this aren't okay and shouldn't be made light of.


yemi_hikari September 21 2012, 00:11:55 UTC
And to think, we've been trying to get away from victim blaming. I love Law and Order for a very good reason, it addresses serious issues. Suethor's should watch more educational programming on top of whatever they are already watching.


castleofcolours September 20 2012, 22:54:41 UTC
Mon Dieu, what did I just read? Am I the only one who is absolutely terrified of what this story is about ( ... )


beacon80 September 20 2012, 23:11:46 UTC
As far as I can tell, the girls never find out that their boyfriends were raped, because they won't listen to them long enough for them to explain. But even then, their responses make no sense ( ... )


castleofcolours September 20 2012, 23:30:14 UTC
Thank you for your insight. I am currently powering my way through school related books so the Harry Potter series has sadly been taking on dust in the corner of the room ( ... )


sapnish September 20 2012, 23:59:25 UTC
If Luna was cheated on, she would most likely fall in a hole of pure despair. She would think it was entirely her fault, that she didn't deserve him to begin with and that it was only natural for he boyfriend to dump her for someone more normal...she would cry, but not in public. She would lock herself somewhere, like a bathroom, and just stay there for hours. Then she would get out and continue living, since that's the sane thing to do, but she would lose a part of her whimsy for a while.

As for the DA, they would come after the poor bastard and hex him until not even his mother could recognize him...and then, make his life a living hell.

I dunno, I'm just pondering.


sapnish September 21 2012, 00:11:10 UTC
"Hey!" yelled Draco. "What sort of boyfriend are you, just eating there while your girl won't listen to what you have to say?"
"I get what you're all trying to say, but what can we do about it?"
Despite being Ron, this dude has sense.

First line: Who are you and what have you done with Malfoy? He was an actual person, this is a teenage girl-pleasing-zombie!

Second line: Bravo! Some sanity around here for a change!

Third line: "Despite being Ron"? What are you implying? He isn't dumb or crazy, on the contrary, he's the voice of reason for most of the time...The problem is that he's a slacker and has an inferiority complex, none of those a cause to consider him an idiot.


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