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Sep 20, 2012 11:59

Here is our sixth BONUS Sue. Don't worry... the Sue's name isn't Linday. No, this one is a bit different. Thirteen days left to vote.

Hmm... wonder if I can find a fanfic where 1D goes to Hogwarts. Well, actually... I believe I did awhile back. It was Love is Real by elliebronbron. With as many infractions as that kiddo had in that one fanfic it isn't a surprise she lost her account. This includes harassing the reviewers, song lyrics, real people, not rating the fanfic correctly and poor grammar. I found out from a minion that she had created a new account, but lost the fanfic again. She's lucky she hasn't yet lost the other account though, as she was flaming other people's stories.

TITLE: Masquerade
PERPETRATOR: Lindsay Annabeth Malfoy
COVER/BANNER ART: A clip of their avatar... which is for 1D. Anybody feel bad for those guys. (This is the reason for the note up above.)

FULL NAME: Camilla, Veronica, Romilda and Trixie, plus Hermione, Pansy, Luna and Ginny, plus Draco, Ron, Harry, Blaize.
SPECIES: bitchy girls
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: not described
POSSESSIONS: masks for the masquerade ball, not to mention dresses that they get from a shop that can only be seen by girls with a broken heart, because “my great grandmother put this store up when she was heart broken...” Yeah... no. Particularly when these girls are just bitchy teenagers who don't take time to listen to the guys they are supposed to be dating. They jump to conclusions. The shop owner gives them “Ohh...and I wanted to give you these stuff a bracelet for Luna, a necklace for Ginny, a ring for Pansy, and last but not the least a celestial Combe for Hermione.” Anyways, their dreses. “Pansy. She was in a black and green gown with fabric gathered at her waist with a green ribbon.” “Ginny. Her gown was sleeveless with the colors black and gold.” “Hermione. She fingered the celestial comb she hung at the waist of her gold and green dress.” “Luna. Her bracelet shone against her black and blue gown.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: Dumbledore announces a masquerade ball. The girls use it as a chance to sing their revenge at the boys. Yes... I is another one of those.
ORIGIN: The guys cheated on the girls, but the guys don't know what happened.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Getting Draco to say “Hey, baby, what's with the face?” o.0

NOTES: I love the summary. “Draco and the guys cheat on the girls. What will the girls do now? DM/HG, RW/PP, HP/LL, BZ/GW.” Unfortunately, next special week is going to involve stories with cheating in their summary. I need a good name for the week though. Yeah... I have a major dislike for fanfics where the girls jump to the conclusion that the guys were cheating on them when they were not. And yet rabid fans eat this up. Then again, most of these rabid fans are likely teenagers (I hope for goodness sake that they aren't adults.) These are the same girls who think along the lines of, “if the guy I like gets together with any girl other then me, then he is cheating on me”. Particularly true if the guy is a famous person or a fictional character.

This is where I got the idea for "cheating week". That said, I remembered there were some special weeks I wanted to specifically do for the month of October so more special weeks are added in.


"unity" they they got in they saw 4 girls coming down from the boys' side, with their hair in a mess and robes open, and ties just hanging loosely around their necks.
Hermione recognized them as Camilla, Veronica, Romilda, and Trixie. Following them were Draco, Blaise, Harry, and Ron. The four inappropriately dressed girls froze upon seeing Hermione, Pansy, Luna, and Ginny, but the boys didn't seem to notice and retained goofy smiles on their faces.
"What the bloody hell happened here?" yelled Ginny.
None of the four boys dressed inappropriately answered. Camilla stepped out boldly and answered with extreme confidence that drove the girls' blood to boil,
"Well, duh."
Hermione roared with rage and leapt at the girl. Then a beautiful screaming- hair-pulling festival followed, with the boys looking on without really knowing what was going on. When Hermione and her friends succeeded in throwing the other girls out, they turned to the boys with fiery eyes.

sue - ginny weasley, rating - awful, sue - pansy parkinson, sue - luna lovegood, 0 - wank, sue - hermione granger

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