(no subject)

Jun 20, 2010 22:37

TITLE: Tame the Wild
PERPETRATOR: thraxbaby

FULL NAME: Amarantha Apollo
HAIR: "dark purple" (dyed)
EYES: "jade-green"
MARKINGS: none described
POSSESSIONS: a guitar which she plays Plain White Ts, MGMT, All American Rejects, and Cute is What We Aim For tunes. A "TRUE LOVE test" that "says" that she and Snape are "78% compatible". You know, I played MASH all the time, and I still didn't marry Brian from the Backstreet Boys.

ORIGIN: She is new to Hogwarts, as she is changing schools due to her behaviour issues. She is fourteen.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: She is sorted into Slytherin through an appropriate sorting ceremony. It is apparently going to be Snape's "job" to "tame" her. She befriends Pansy & Millicent. The twins liked her music. She sings while in detention with Snape. When she scores badly on a test, he snidely offers to tutor her. His Pepperup Potion is spiked with a love potion, he kisses her after drinking it. She is able to give him an antidote and he tells her that "this didn't happen" and cancels her tutoring. She snaps at him because she feels that he is avoiding her. Snape is still feeling romantic feelings for her, and goes to see Dumbledore because he thinks that the antidote didn't work completely. Dumbledore, instead of offering to give another dose, asks Snape if he is in love with Amarantha because "a very talented young woman. I've heard a lot of her musical abilities". Snape is horrified, and Dumbledore apologizes. She overhears this, and assumes that he does have feelings for her, and is not still under the potion. That night she has a tame "sex-dream" about Snape. The next day she approaches him after class and initiates a make-out session with him. Then she visits Snape in his office one night, and falls asleep on his leather sofa. He puts a blanket over her and "gets ready for bed". That night he dreamt of her replacing Lily Evans.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Likes pulling pranks because she becomes "curious". She amazes everyone with her singing abilities. When she learns that Slytherins and Gryffindors are enemies, she decides that she will befriend them because she "can win almost anyone over". She prefers "real" men over "famous Quidditch players" like Krum.

NOTES: Snape would have more common sense than being involved with a student. I could accept a liaison with a fellow teacher, or another non-student, he would never risk everything for this relationship. And what is with Dumbledore asking "Well, do you love her?" That is some sort of enabler crap right there.

I'm only rating it awful, because I'm still holding out hope here that she might be paired with someone her age, plus the sorting and her introduction was fairly tolerable.


"Miss Apollo, pay attention!" Amarantha looked up from her notebook and saw Snape towering over her.

"Sorry." She closed her notebook and he continued his lecture. As soon as his back was turned, she re-opened her notebook and finished her TRUE LOVE test. When she finished, she found out she and Snape were 78% compatible. She looked over at him and saw him terrorizing Neville. The girl with bushy brown hair stood up for him and somehow three Gryffindors got a detention. She hoped the test was right, but if you can't trust a TRUE LOVE test, then what can you trust? Amarantha stayed behind once again after class.

"What are you doing?" Snape asked when he spotted Amarantha looking at the book on his desk.

"Nice book." She said as she held up the book. She set it back on his desk and turned to face him. "You know, Professor, I heard the most interesting piece of news recently." She sat on the desk in front of him. "You see, there's this guy I really like. At first, I didn't think he liked me back, but that was before I heard him practically confess it to Dumbledore." Snape narrowed his eyes at her.

"Why'd you listen? That was private!"

"Well, since it's about me, I just thought I should be in on your dirty little secret." She answered. He sneered at her. "Hey, I wasn't put into Slytherin for nothing." She kissed him on the lips, but he turned away. "What?"

"This is wrong. If anyone should find out, we'd both be kicked out."

"Well, it's a good thing nobody's going to find out." She continued kissing him. He kissed back, one hand in her hair and one on her waist. A minute later, Amarantha's back was on the desk and she had her legs wrapped around his waist. A knock at the door had them flying off the desk. They straightened out their clothes and fixed their hair. "See you later, Professor." She then sauntered out as if nothing happened.

rating - awful, o - pepper jack cheese, b - speshul hair

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