(no subject)

Mar 03, 2010 22:13

TITLE: I'm in Love with my Best Friend's Enemy
PERPETRATOR: renji aburai

FULL NAME: Jasmine Garcia
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: fangs, but she is not a vampire. Wings: "Wings of a bat that were big enough to keep me airborne unfurled from my back and I flew around. "
POSSESSIONS: a wand: "I forget what it was, but I knew it had to do with some sort of large, scaly lizard or snakelike creature." Dragon or Basilisk, I'm sure. Black silk robes because "they look sleek". A "large, jet-black raven" named Midnight. Nightgown: "green, silk".

ORIGIN: Wakes up on the Dursley's porch, and instead of having the police come and collect her, they take her into their home. While there she meets Harry, and announces within two sentences that she is going to Hogwarts. She is starting third year with Harry. No one "knew" about her until now, and now "they" want her go to go Hogwarts, very badly.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Chats with Hedwig. Runs away with Harry from the Dursleys. Chats with Malfoy at Madame Malkins. Rooms with Hermione while at the Leaky Cauldron, but when Hermione doesn't turn out the light when Jasmine wants her to, she jumps two storeys to the ground to go for a walk. She is attracted to Malfoy. She was sorted into Slytherin, but wants to still be friends with Harry. When going to bed on the first day of school, Draco kisses her on her forehead before she leaves the common room; it inspires cat calls. It's also extremely weird for thirteen-year-olds to be acting that way. She dances around her bedroom until her roommates (a jealous Pansy included) fall asleep. Then she jumps out her window and flies to Gryffindor Tower to spy on Harry.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Talks to animals, "portals" to locations, super-human physical abilities, the dementors made her turn into a fox when they boarded the Hogwarts Express, giant bat wings that magically appear on her back. Can see thestrals because "I have seen it [death] multiple times".

NOTES: Yay! A bitchiwitch/sparklypoo crossover! Everyone loves her and she's fantastic, but she's ~*dark*~.


I followed them inside. It was a neat little house. The first thing I noticed was a boy about my age. He was thin with a scar under his shaggy dark hair and glasses. This must be that Dudley kid they were talking about.

I skipped in front of Mr. and Mrs. Dursley and went up to him. "Hello, I'm Jasmine. You must be Dudley. Your parents mentioned you," I smiled.

A smirk crossed his face. "Actually, no. I'm Harry Potter. Dudley is my cousin."

I was confused. "They didn't mention you. Are you visiting? Where are your parents? I'm sure there just as nice as Mrs. and Mr. Dursley have been to me."

"Um. I have to stay here until my school starts up again. My parents are gone."

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say so I only muttered, "Oh. Um, I'm so sorry."

"No, you don't have to be. So where are your parents?" he asked.

"I can't remember. I just remember waking up on your porch. Hmm," I said thoughtfully. "Oh yea! And where I'm going to school when school starts up." I giggled. I couldn't tell them. They were stupid muggles; they would never understand.

"Oh, where are you going?" he asked.

"Hogwarts, oopies! I wasn't supposed to say that. Oh well, stupid muggles like you would never understand," I giggled. I turned around and saw that Mr. and Mrs. Dursley had turned pale white. Harry had the widest grin on his face. "What?"

"That's the school I go to," he said. "What year are you in?"

"Third. I didn't enter the school at the same time. In fact, they didn't know about my magic. But now that they've found me, well, they really want me to be going there. I forget why they were so anxious for me to be enrolled." I shrugged. "Oh well. So where is this Dudley person?"

"I'm right here," said a boy voice from behind me. I turned around to see a boy that looked something like a pig. Or more like an elephant so I don't insult the poor pig.

"Hmm. I don't think I'm going to mistake you two any more," I said to Harry. Then I lowered my voice and whispered, "Although if an elephant comes to town I might confuse them if they stand next to each other."

He tried to hold back a laugh, but a snort snuck out. I smiled. It was a cute kind of snort.

"Do you remember when school is going to start up?" I asked. "Something really knocked up my memory."

"Yea, in a few weeks."

Mr. Dursley cleared his throat, and I looked at him. "Well, Harry and Dudley's Aunt will be coming this weekend, and we do not need any magical mischief. Jasmine, one slip up and you're on the streets. Harry, I'll sign that paper if you're good. Dudley and you will have to share a room. Jasmine can have your room Harry."

"Uh, can you show me where that is Harry?" I asked.

"Sure, come on," he sighed. Dudley must be that bad, I thought.

I followed him up the stairs, taking them two at a time. "Here is my room," he said, opening a door. "Let me just get my stuff out of here." A snow owl sat in the corner of the room.

"Aw, how adorable!" I said. I walked over to her.

"Hello. Who are you? My name is Hedwig," the owl hooted.

"Hello, Hedwig, I'm Jasmine. Oh, how awful it must be to be locked up like that," I said.

"Yes, but it is the rule made from that large, abusive man. Can you give me some of those seeds. I'm very hungry and that man doesn't like me being fed all the time but I kind of need it now," Hedwig said.

"Oh. Of course," I said, pouring some seeds into the feeder. "But I don't think he's that mean."

"You've just met him. He abuses my master. Now, I would like a nap so if you don't mind," she said with a beak full of seeds.

"Oh no, I'm sorry." I leaned away from her cage and turned to see Harry staring at me quizzically.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Um, if you don't mind, I'm just going to leave my stuff here and come back later," he said.

"That's not my decision. It's your room," I smiled.

"True. Well, I'll talk to you later," he said, backing out of his room.

"Ok, bye!" I said. I sat down on his bed and stared at the room around me. It was small but large enough for me. I smiled as my memories flooded in. I remembered everything. But everything must stay a secret or I might be kicked out of Hogwarts. A fang tried to slip out, but I kept it in. Do you think I'm a vampire? Well I will tell you one thing; I'm definitely not. Am I evil? Absolutely, positively not. Am I related to something evil? Well,… Yes.

al - animal languages, rating - toxic, c - unknown, bp - wings

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