(no subject)

Feb 02, 2010 22:06

TITLE: The TimeTravelers Lover

FULL NAME: Annie Arpin
HAIR: dark brown
EYES: "the most stunning green eyes", just like her mother.
MARKINGS: a "slim figure", "cute nose", 5'0".
POSSESSIONS: A Marauders Map version 2.0: "The Paper Of Ashes".

ORIGIN: Sydney, Australia with Luna and Robert. They transfer to Hogwarts in third year. A mishap sends her back to the Marauder Era.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: She is best friends with Luna Lovegood. Luna, OC-Robert and Annie call themselves the "ash trio" and transform into fantastic animals to help werewolf-Luna during the full moon. She will be paired with Remus Lupin, and will become his lover.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is a lion animagus: "I am a tall Lion, up to Rob's shoulder, with a tail of fire and my eyes as blue as the ocean", helps make a Marauders Map,

NOTES: I don't care if Lupin remembers her from the past, she doesn't know him so this "first meeting scene" is incredibly creepy.


This year, year 3, we won't be going to Brighton's school for the magical folk, instead, our parents decided to send us to England so we can go to school at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so, now, I am on the train, sitting in some compartment, waiting for my friends,on the way to Hogwarts, what fun!

" Hello Annie!" Boomed Robert as he strutted into the compartment, he does that often.

"ROBERT! Shut the hell up! Someone is SLEEPING! Can't you see that?" I hissed at him

"Gee... Sorry Annie, I'm so sorry to almost wake up your new boyfriend"

"Rob... Eww, I think he's a teacher, don't go saying stuff like that"

I don't think he heard me because now he's rolling on the floor laughing his head off, I had to use all my mental strength not to start kicking him, I don't want to get a detention on the first day of a new school, by the way, the professor is asleep so i'd best not to disturb him.

Wow, he's really good looking, that professor Yeah... wait, WHAT?! Why the hell did I just think that, I'm going mad!

"Hello Annie, say, why is Flighty on the floor laughing like that?"

"Oh, Moony, thank-" I was interrupted by the professor waking up suddenly

"Did someone say Moony?" He asked He's even more good-looking when he's awake! Oh My God! I HAVE to stop thinking that!

"Uhh... Yeah, I did, why?" I replied while Luna sat opposite us and Robert sat next to her

"Oh, no reason, it's just my friends called me Moony at school"

"Cool! Yeah, we call Luna Moony because she-" Luna gave me this look that said please, don't tell him so now i have to lie to the hot professor, GAH!

"Uhh, really likes astronomy, yeah" Thank Merlin, he looks like he believes it

"Okay, well, good-night children, wake me up when the train stops, will you?" he turns to me, I gasp, so many scars, they remind me of Luna's scars poor, hot professor! SHUT UP!!!

"Uhh.. Umm.. I-I, Uhh..."

"Sure we will, good-night, Professor" Replied Robert, just before he cracks up laughing

While Luna was trying to get him to shut the hell up, I got my favourite book out The Dark arts and how they became, It's really interesting, then these three people come to our compartment.

"Hi! My name is Hermione, my friends and I noticed that you guys were new this year and we thought that we would help you out, can we sit with you?" Asked this bushy haired girl

"Sure... But only if you sit next to me" Robert said to her, I think he was flirting, and i think she caught on

"Uhh, sure. Harry, Ron, come ON already"

Just as she came into the compartment and sat in between Robby and Luna, these two boys came into the compartment, one boy, who sat next to Luna, was tallish and had red hair and the boy who sat next to me, he had jet black hair and these amazing green eyes, they remind me of my mother's eyes but they were hidden behind those ugly muggle glasses, he also had this lightning shaped scar on his forehead , I remember reading something about the unforgivable curses and how they leave scars, that's when I gasped!

"Oh My God" I said to him, he looked at me like he was expecting it, all I could go was give him a bone crushing hug. " Who did that to you? What curse did they use?" I pointed to his scar when I asked, he looked shocked before answering

"Uhh, Voldemort did this to me" He looked surprised at me for some reason, like I was supposed to react to that name, and who is Voldemort? What a weird name. "And... He used the Killing curse on me" I gasped again, the Killing Curse? Who would do that to a kid? That's just... just... sick! Luna and Robert seemed to think so as well.

"WHAT?! THE KILLING CURSE?! WHO WOULD TRY TO KILL A 13 YEAR OLD KID?!" Yelled Robert, Hermione had to put her hand over his mouth to quieten him down because of the hot professor

"Yeah, about that... I was one when he tried to kill me" WHAT?! ONE YEARS OLD?! I'LL KILL THAT DOUCH!

"ONE?! Are you sure?" Luna asked, I supposed that she doesn't believe him, I'm having trouble with believing him as well

"Yeah, I'm sure"

"Who are you, by the way?" I asked, I mean, we're... I am asking all these questions about him and we don't even know who he is

"Are you serious?" Asked the red head kid

"Yeah, we are, why?" Luna replied

"BECAUSE... Everyone knows who he is"

"Well, we don't. We'll introduce ourselves first and a little fact about ourselves and you do the same, Okay?" I asked, Everyone nodded in agreement and Robert went first.

"Okay, Hi! My name is Robert Stevenson, aka Flighty and I'm the smart one of the group because I was able to make the Paper of Ashes, because I'm so cool"

"Hello, My name is Luna Lovegood, aka Moony and I um... Am more dangerous than I look" All three of us gave the other three a look that says we'll kill you in your sleep if you hurt any of us. you could see the fear on their faces

"Hey, I'm Annie Arpin, aka Leo, I'm the best DADA student in this compartment and we are known as the Ash Trio" I said proudly, it was the bushy haired girls turn next

"Hi, My name is Hermione Granger, I'm in Gryffindor and I'm really smart" Robert gave her a mischievous look

"Hello, My name is Ron Weasley, I am one of seven children in my family and I'm in Gryffindor." Luna and Robert snickered at Ron, 6 other siblings; LOL!

"Hey guys, I'm Harry James Potter, also -unfortunately- known as The-Boy-Who-Lived, I'm also in Gryffindor, a man broke out of prison to kill me and we are known as the Golden Trio"

"So... Now we know a little bit about each other, let's talk about our talents, we'll go in reverse order this time, so, Harry? Your up!" I said :)

"O-Kay then, I have a - uh... Talent for trouble, it seems to follow me everywhere, like, in year one: Voldemort disguised himself as a professor and tried to kill me, last year: Found out i was a parsel-mouth and found a way into the chamber of secrets where I fought off Tom Riddles Diary and a Basilisk and this year: A murderer broke out of the most secure prison to try and kill me."

"Wow" Rob said "Nice life, dude" "Thanks"

"Alright, you know I'm Ron, well, I am pretty protective of my friends, yeah..."

"Hermione's my name, as you know, and I'm incredibly smart, I'm already reading year 5 subjects so, thats my talent" Robert looked at her before answering "Please, babe. I'm already beating you, I'm up to year 7, sweetheart, better catch up or I'll win" He said with a wink, Hermione look flabbergasted, it was funny

"Alrighty then" I said "I'm Annie :) and DADA and Transfiguration are my talents, I'm already an animagus and with my help, so is Robert, Luna.. Ahh... Didn't want to become one... Yeah" now they ALL looked flabbergasted

"Prove it!"Hermione hissed at me, like she didn't believe it, so, I shrugged, stood up and turned into my Lion which is my form, I am a tall Lion, up to Rob's shoulder, with a tail of fire and my eyes as blue as the ocean

they all gasped and tried to get away from me, I laughed, well, roared and transformed back and sat back down again.

"You believe me now?" Luna and Robert were just sitting there, snickering away

all they could do was nod, I think they were in shock, which only made Luny and Rob burst out laughing, I was too until i felt the professor move

"Guys! SHHHH!! The professor can hear you!" I hissed at them, I got on my knees on the seat, leaned over until my face was inches away from his go on the voice said kiss him, I dare you so, I closed the gap between us and kissed him on the fore head, he started to speak in his sleep and I jumped back onto Harry in surprise

"brown hair... green eyes... beautiful... soul mate... in love... just met... 13 years... who cares?... get fired... who cares?... dangerous... she'll live... name?..." Everyone was silent and everyone knew he was talking about me, my heart gave a little flutter at his words. He knew I was his soul mate and he loves me! Yay!

"Umm... For the first time since I was able to talk, I'm speechless" Robert said, still staring, wide eyed at the professor

"He's telling the truth" Luna said suddenly, whenever someone confesses their love for one of us, she'll tell us if there's gnargles in their brain, it's only happened a few times and all those times the gnargles are at fault and for Luna to say that he's telling the truth is big because that means that there's no gnargles... YAY!!! Hehe... My evil plans to make him ours are just beginning... MWAHAHAHA!!! Merlin, I'm weird!

"Luna Louise Lovegood"Robert started "Are you SURE that there's no gnargles in his brain? Please tell me there's gnargles in there!"

"I'm sorry Flighty, there's no gnargles" Luna said sadly

"That's it!" Rob shouted suddenly, he got up, rolled his sleeves up and was about to throw a punch at the professor when I said "STOP, ROBERT! Moony, help!" Luna got up and held Robert back from punching the professor, when he finally calmed down, he asked me something;

"Annie... Are you okay?" I only just realized that I was crying, and so had everyone else, Luna came up to me and hugged me "It's okay, Leo, it's okay" she hummed, so soothing, i stopped crying and she went to sit down again to calm Rob a bit more

It quickly got cold in the compartment, the windows were frosting over and all the water in the room froze, I knew what was happening

"Flighty, Moony, we have a problem"

"What's happening, Leo?" Luna asked

"One word, Moony... Dementors" Everyone gasped, Luna and Robert fainted and Ron and Hermione were trying to wake them up

the compartment door slid open and in came the dementor, I quickly grabbed my wand and I thought of the first time Robert and I ran/flew with Luna on the full moon. I heard someone get up behind me, I thought it was Luna

"GET DOWN, MOONY!" I yelled

"No" A deep, husky voice that didn't belong to Luna... PROFESSOR... NO!!! he will NOT fight this dementor, no way known in HELL will he fight it!

At the same time we both yelled the incarnation

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" My Silver Lion and his Silver Wolf ran ahead at attacked the dementor. We finished the spell only to turn around and see that Harry had fainted.

"That's not possible" I heard the Professor mumble under his breath

"What's not possible, Professor?"

"You! You shouldn't be able to produce a patronus that well at your age!"

"Hey! I'm not the only one! My friends can as well! Oh, Harry's waking up!" I got some chocolate out of my pocket and so did the professor

"Fan of chocolate, Professor?" I asked

":D Yeah, I am, you too?"

"Nah, I always save some for when Moony, I mean Luna, wants some"

"Hmph! What happened?" asked a dazed Harry

"Oh, Harry! Are you alright, it didn't hurt you, did it?" I asked back

"No, it didn't hurt me but did you hear someone screaming, a woman?"

"Crap! How dare they leave that memory behind, Imma Kill 'em, Ye, Imma KILL 'EM!" I said, getting all gangster and cool, i WILL kill those dementors!

"What are you talking about? What memory did they leave behind?"

"Harry... Well... You see... Professor? You tell him!"

"Uhh... No, you can"

"No, no, I insist"

"Please miss-"


"Miss Arpin, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to tell it better than I can"

"But, your a PROFESSOR!! It's you JOB to tell the answers, please, I don't want to tell him, I CANT tell him, Please!" I gave him my best puppy dog look, he loves me, he'll fall for it... HE HAS!!! Ah Ha! Sweet Success!!

"Alright! Fine"


So, now he's telling Harry what the dementors are and what they did to him, I swear he paled more than a ghost would... Scary!

Hermione, Luna and I left to go get changed, once we got to a empty compartment, Hermione decides to ask questions

"So, how did you two meet?" She asked

"Well, Luna's parents and my dad went to school together and remained best friends so we've known each other since we were born" I answered

"How did you meet Harry and Ron" Luna asked, good, i was wondering that...

"I met them on the train ride to school on our first day in year 1"

"Cool" I replied

"What about Robert?" She asked, Luna answered this time

"Well, we went to a muggle school in Australia when we were 6, he was in the same class as us so we became friends"

"Yeah" I said "Pretty much"

We finished changing into our robes, Luna and I's robes were just plain black but Hermione's had red and gold on it, we asked her about it and she said that red and gold were her house colours and that there are three other houses: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin

GD: Red and Gold
HP: Gold and Black
RC: Silver and Blue
S: Silver and Green

She also said that we didn't want to be friendly with the Slytherins because they are evil bastards who's family have in-bred to keep the pure-blood status for their family, a little bit like Waterona, stupid faggots But if the professor was a Slytherin, you will like that house, got it? yeah, yeah, sure! What ever...

When we got back to our compartment, Harry and Ron were playing some sort of card game and Robert was watching them, i think he was trying to learn, but where's the professor?

"He went to talk to the driver"" Harry said then turning to Robert to calm down, oh, i must of said that out loud

"Thanks" I said, i turned to go find him but Luna gave me a look that said Flighty will kill you both if you go so I just sat down and talked to Luna and Hermione.

After a little while, the train stopped, Luna and I got immediately scared but Hermione told us that we had arrived, so, Luna, Rob and I said good bye, got our trunks and headed to the front of the train to get off.
I was Yelling at Rob to hurry up so i couldn't see where I was going, so as soon as Luna said -yelled- TURN AROUND, ANNIE! I ran into someone, and that someone dropped all their books, so, me being the nice person I am, bent down to help them pick them up, but i realized too late that the person i ran into was the gorgeous Professor, so i quickly picked up his books, stood up straight and gave them back

"I am SO sorry professor-" I don't know his name!

"Lupin, but out of class, call me Remus"

"Okay, I'm SO sorry, Remus! I wasn't looking where i was going and-"

"Annie, it's okay, I'm fine... I-uh... Um... Better-uhh... Go now, yeah, See you, Miss Arpin"

"Okay, Remus, see you in class" With that, he smiled, waved and turned to walk nice ass SHUT UP!!!

"Annie, you better not let Flighty know that the professor was flirting with you or Rob will KILL him" Luna Warned

"Your right, stupid, over-protective fool!" Luna and I laughed at that, then Robert finally caught up so we started to walk towards some 1st year students when we saw this really tall man, I would have said that he was a giant but not that tall, suddenly, he talked

"Hello, firs' years and new students! Welcome teh Hogwarts'!"

rating - toxic

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