(no subject)

Feb 14, 2010 13:19

TITLE: The Lost Daughter
PERPETRATOR: SeraphineVoldairem

FULL NAME: Seraphine Marvolo Riddle aka Seraphine Voldairem. She took letters from Marvolo Riddle to make up her last name.
HAIR: "fine black hair"
EYES: "coal-black", when she gets mad her eyes change to red with slit-like pupils.
MARKINGS: a thin face.
POSSESSIONS: nightmares, a yew wand.

ORIGIN: A mysterious past, with dead parents, abusive orphanage, Slytherin House connection and all. Voldemort is her father; he didn't die at the Battle of Hogwarts, "he still had some soul left in him". He fathered this thing. Then on her seventh birthday he is "hacked to pieces" by a hooded figure who wanted revenge for the destruction of his family. I'm sure it's Harry. Her mother, insane with grief, accidentally killed herself. Seraphine is starting Hogwarts with Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Severus Potter.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Meets Scorpius on the train. She is hostile and unfriendly to him, but he ignores it like a puppy. Hates Harry Potter because her dad taught her to hate him. She is sorted into Slytherin. She and Scorpius become friends and she tells him about her parentage. He is very understanding and doesn't really make any sort of fuss about it. He actually loves her. Serving detention in the Forbidden Forest, she wonders if Albus Severus saved her from being trampled by centaurs, and then becomes mesmerized by his green eyes. I smell a love triangle!
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is needlessly unfriendly, which is apparently a good character trait. "Maturity" beyond her years (see the unfriendly comment above). She can perform only Unforgivable Curses wandlessly.

NOTES: This story starts out with the possibility of it being very dark, and then dissolves into the typical teenage love-triangle.


Seraphine leaned forward a bit, put her elbows on the table, clasped her hands, and peered out for over them, all laughter gone from her face. Scorpius saw how serious she became, and began to grow worried. "Seraphine, what's wrong?" She looked around the common room, and saw it was empty. Then, she leaned forward and spoke. "Scorpius, I am about to tell you something i have never told anyone else before. It's about... my past."

Scorpius' eyes widened. In the short time he had known Seraphine, he had noticed she was very aloof and avoided questions about her family. Just this morning the Slytherins had gotten into a conversation about their lineage. Seraphine only looked up from her toast to mutter that she was a pure-blood. Then she had gone back to eating and hadnt said another word. It had made Scorpius really wonder who her parents were; and now, it was his time to find out.

Seraphine took a deep breath and said, "First, my mother. She was a kind witch from Italy, and i look exactly like her, except for my eyes. We'll come back to that later. My mother met my father when he was... Vacationing in Sicily. They fell in love, got married and had me." Here she paused and looked at Scorpius, then grinned. "You're wondering who my father was." When Scorpius nodded, so did she. Then she breathed deeply, and spoke the secret she had hidden for years.

"My father was known by some as Tom Riddle, but to most, he was Lord Voldemort."

Scorpius' mouth dropped open. Seraphine nodded and continued. "He wasnt really killed that day. Yes, all of his Horcruxes were destroyed, but he still had some soul left in him. And that soul was all he needed to stay alive. And, in his defense, he was the best father I could have asked for. He cared deeply for me, and never harmed me or raised his voice once. He absolutely adorded my mother too. Sometimes I would find them in the kitchen, just staring into each other's eyes smiling. There was this unspoken communication between them that I envied. But my father never forgot me. He always made sure to be the first one to wish me a happy birthday, always there for me. He was there when I first showed my magcal powers."

Seraphine took a breath and leaned back, remembering that day. "It was my seventh birthday. My father was keeping a close watch on me, saying he showed his powers the day he turned seven. I had gotten angry at some small thing, I cant even remember what, and i stormed outside. The first thing i saw was my beloved cat, Cleopatra. She was a beautiful short-hair, tan with a gold band around her forehead. I loved her so much...But in my anger, i waved my hand at her, there was a flash of green light, a yowl... and she was dead." Seraphine's eyes welled with tears at the memory of Cleo's lifeless body lying on the grass. Scorpius ran around the table and put an arm around her shoulders, trying to comfort her. He asked, "So you can do magic without a wand?" She nodded and said, "Sadly only the Unforgivable Curses. Watch." She got up, went to the window and plucked a spider off the edge. She put it on the table and waved her hand, muttering, "Crucio."

Immediately, the spider writhed in pain. Another hand wave, and the curse stopped. Seraphine brushed the spider off and said, "See?" Scorpius nodded. Seraphine wiped her eyes and continued.

"That same day, my father told me all the things about himself he never told me before. How he hurt people, killed people...and about the Potters. That story hurt me. That some stupid, ignorant baby could destroy my father like that... It sickened me. I vowed that day to destroy the Potters, make them feel the same hurt my father felt." She sighed. "Anyway, that night I was so excited, thinking about Hogwarts and classes and spells... I couldnt sleep. Near midnight, I heard someone Apparate into our living room. Being curious and foolish, I looked out of my room to see a hooded figure go towards my parents bedroom. I followed him in. I heard a voice, one I didnt recognize say, 'I've found you at last, Tom. No more hiding with your precious family. Tonight, your life will be destroyed like you destroyed mine.' Then...Then he pulled out a knife and hacked my father to pieces."

Seraphine broke down, sobs escaping from her chest. She felt Scorpius pull her onto the floor, wrapping her in an embrace Seraphine hadnt felt for years. She cried for a while, unleashing bottled up emotions that she had kept in check for years. Finally, shee straightened up and shakily continued.

"I stood there in the doorway and watched. I couldnt turn away. It was horrifying... I still have nightmares... All I heard was my mother shrieking, crying, yelling... It hurt both my ears and my heart. Then, the man Disapparated, leaving my father's mangled body to rot.

"My mother and I buried him the next day, in our backyard. She was never the same after that. I think the...incident drove her mad. It pained me everyday to look at her. She pretended my father was still here, spoke to him, had whole conversations... It was terrible. Finally one day, I came home and found a note, telling me that my mother had thrown herself off a cliff, in an attempt to 'catch my father.' Then i was sent to an orphange."

She turned to Scorpius. "Well there you have it. My life story, told once, and only once." Scorpius sat back on his heels, watching her carefully. He spoke slowly. "Two things. First, your eyes. You said something about them not being your mothers...?" Seraphine nodded and leaned closer to Scorpius,awkwardly close, but it was neccessary. She widened her eyes slightly. "Look at my eyes. Can you see my pupils?" Scorpius shook his head. Seraphine grimaced. "Really? Nothing?" Scorpius shook his head again, and Seraphine sighed. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," she muttered, then she sighed and looked at Scorpius.

"Get me angry,"she said. Scorpius looked confused. "How do I do that, and why?" Seraphine answered, "Tease me. Poke me. Laugh at me. Anything. And you'll find out after."

Scorpius took a breath. "Okay," he finally said, then looked at Seraphine coldly. "Why are you here?" he asked. Seraphine now was the one looking confused. "What?"

Scorpius stood up, towering over her. "Why are you at Hogwarts? You dont belong here. Your father is Voldemort, for God's sake. Who knows what you're capable of. Sure you say you can only do the Unforgivables, but you're probably hiding something. Lying, just like your father always did." He bagan to walk around her slowly. "You're worthless, Seraphine. Stupid, idiotic... and not to mention ugly. Hogwarts will never be a home to you. You will never fit in. And once I tell everyone who your father is," he said, leaning down to stare right in her eyes, "You'll be thrown out faster than you can say 'Quidditch'. You'll be a nobody... Just like you were. And just like you always will be. You'll never be the greatest witch alive. Never."

And that's when Seraphine lost it.

She bared her teeth in a menacing way and blinked. When she opened her eyes, they were blood-red. Scorpius lept back as Seraphine stood to tower over him. He was terrifyed, but what really scared him the most was Seraphine's pupils. They were slits, like a snakes. Like her father's. "Imperio!" Seraphine yelled, waving her hand at Scorpius. He was lifted up by an invisible hand and was brought closer to Seraphine. She glared at him. "Take. It. Back." she said through gritted teeth. Scorpius stammered, "I...I take it back! I'm sorry Seraphine, I didn't mean it, you told me to, remember? You're smart and funny and beautiful and you will be the greatest witch!I would never tell anyone who your father is, never, I promise, Seraphine! Please, believe me!" Seraphine looked at the fear in his eyes, and felt the truth of his words. She did remember telling him to get her angry, and she sighed. She let him down, took off the curse, and shut her eyes. When she opened them, they were back to their normal coal-black.

She saw Scorpius huddled in fron tof the fireplace and went to sit next to him. She put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Sorry, Scorpius. I wanted to show you how i was like my father, other than being able to curse people. I didnt mean to scare you. Sorry." Scorpius saw how apologetic Seraphine looked and gave her a shaky smile. "It's okay, Seraph. I forgive you,"he said, putting a hand over hers. "Now, onto my second quesion. You said something about nightmares. Is that why you're always tired?" Seraphine nodded. "I've always had nightmares, even when i was a baby. My father used to be the only one who could make them go away. Which brings me to a question for you."

"When I fell asleep on the train, I didnt have any nightmares. I thought it was because my father's spirit was with me,"she said with a small, sheepish smile. "But when I fell asleep in the dorms, I had nightmares. You were with me that night on the train. I think... I think its you that keeps the nightmares away now. So, since I can't go in the boys' dorms, and you cant come in the girls', I was wondering if we could sleep in the common room. I could sleep on the floor, you on the couch, and see if I have nightmares. It wont be every night, just when I cant take the nightmares any more. So, what do you think? Will you?"

Scorpius nodded. "I think it'll work. If anyone asks, we say we fell asleep doing homework,"he said, gesturing toward the open DADA books. Seraphine smiled and threw her arms around Scorpius. "Thank you, thank you!"she cried, hugging him tightly. He hugged her back and she ran to get her pajamas, suddenly feeling very tired. She also grabbed a blanket, just in case she got cold.

When she got back to the common room, she saw Scopius in his pajamas, sitting on the couch, watching the fire. She walked around to the floor and started to lay down, when Scorpius jumped up.

"You can have the couch,"he said. Seraphine smiled. "It's fine,"She answered, sitting on the stone. "I'm used to sleeping on the floor. Good night." And she turned and was almost immediately asleep.

The fire threw shadows across her face, making it seem like her face was abnormally skinny. Scorpius sat watching her, see her fine black hair sprawled on the floor, her closed eyelids hiding the beautiful black eyes. He sighed and carefully picked Seraphine up, putting her on the couch. She curled up and stayed asleep, barely taking up half the couch. He watched her a little longer, then laid down on the other half of the couch. 'She just told me the biggest secret of her life,' he thought, staring at the dying fire. 'I wonder if i can tell her my secret. The secret that made me sit down with her that night on the train. The secret that makes me follow her, stay with her, want to comfort her when I see her upset. The secret....that I love her.'

The next morning, Seraphine woke up on the couch,for once not from nightmares. She was facing the empty, cold fireplace. She sat up, wondering where she was. Then she saw Scorpius and everything that had been said last night rushed back to her. She smiled, and curled back up,noticing she was on the couch. 'Scorpius must have picked me up,' she thought. 'He's stronger than he looks. And a much better friend than I thought. He's so understanding, so kind, so loyal... I expected him to run when I told him my father was Voldemort. But he didnt. He's a true friend.'

Then she curled up and fell asleep again, still smiling, happy the truth was out at last.

related to voldemort, rating - toxic, b - speshul eyes

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