(no subject)

Sep 15, 2009 22:55

TITLE: severus snape love sucks

FULL NAME: rachel helena dumbledore aka you
HAIR: "black hair down to neck emo hairstyle"
EYES: "ice blue"
MARKINGS: "hight: 5'7 build: tall and skinnyish you have a bit of puppy fat around your stomach"
POSSESSIONS: her virginity, she "gives" it to Snape. Snape's spawn.

ORIGIN: Dumbledore's granddaughter. She does not know her parents. Raised by Dumbledore, is finished Hogwarts and has had a crush on Snape for about four years. The story takes place during Harry's second year.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Was in Slytherin. Dumbledore believes in nepotism and gives her a job at Hogwarts helping Snape in his classes. Within 2 chapters they are already making out. By chapter 10 they are having sex. These are very short chapters. Three months later she is pregnant with Snape's child. He undergoes a "sympathetic pregnancy".
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Can turn Snape into fanon-Snape.

NOTES: I love reading fanon-Snape. It's a guilty pleasure of mine, it's just so entertaining!


when you and snape got to the teachers table your grandfather leaned over "and where have you to been" you look at him and give him a cold look "is that any of your business" your grandfather just frowns and goes back to his plate then lockheart comes over "argh dear rachel i believe you own me because i took the trios detetion last night" "fine what do you want and i will not date you" "oh dear you have me all wrong i would like you to help in my next class"
"if you forgot meatbag she is my assistant" (sp) snape shot back "oh severus of course i didnt forget" "ok i'll help one lesson" you say with anger that you have to help him but then again it was your own fault and because he had his answer he walked away
at the end of lunch you grandfather caught your arm "rachel can we please talk" he sounded sad you felt sad as well but you didnt show it and pretended to mad that he wanted to talk to you. when you get to his office he gestures for you to sit "rachel i'm sorry that i havent had a lot of time for you" you roll your eyes and mutter "sure you are" "and i'm sorry if you think i likeharry more than you" "thats just it i dont think i know out of all the years i have been here the only person to show me attation is severus" then you see your grandfather smile "argh yes so where were you and severus this morning"
you blushed and the only thought running through your head was *you couldnt talk to your grandfather about that* you look back at him and saw the smile was wider he must have seen you blush "oh now i know how long until i become a great grandfather" "well we're nowhere near having children yet but yes and you are getting no more information out of me" "ok ok i'll stop if you tell me you forgive me and give me a hug" you looked at him shocked "thats black mail" "i know" you think it over you loved your grandfather "ok i forgive you and no more talk of great grand children"
after that as you are walking back to yours and severus room you remember *wait we didnt use any protetecation i'm not on the pill severus didnt use a condom oh fuck* you run back to your room and see snape sitting on the sofa reading "whats the matter with you" he snaps because you had disturbed him "last night did we use protetication" you see his face is unchanged "i said a conterceptive spell while you were thinking if you wanted to do erm" his face suddenly became uncomfetable (sp) "anyway the spell should work....what made you suddenly think of that anyway" you looked uneasy "well my grandfather wanted to talk to me and i blushed when he asked me what we were doing and he worked it out and asked when he would be a great grandfather" snapes face went pailer then usual "and what you say" snape look nervous "nothing"

rating - awful, pw - you-sues o-noes, pw - text-block-of-doom, related to dumbledore

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