0210: Kicking Wind - Maria Kicking Wind

Oct 31, 2003 21:58

Look, you little brats: 'sorry, we're out of candy' means 'sorry, we're out of candy.' Whining and moaning to your mother will not make mars bars appear out of thin air. Understood? Thank you.

If you haven't voted yet, four days left.

TITLE: Kicking Wind (that makes me snicker, for some reason)
PERPETRATOR: Mary7 (yep - a repeat offender!)


FULL NAME: Maria Kicking Wind (*snicker*)
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: 'dark haired'
EYES: 'dark eyed'
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: none mentioned

ORIGIN: The obligatory American. She comes from a long line of Native American holy women and shamen (no specific tribe is ever mentioned... just 'Native American'), and is sorted into Slytherin, which worries her, since we all know Slytherins are 3B1L.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Snape appears to be lusting for her. At the age of eleven. Apparently when they grow up, she marries him. Possibly before they grow up... you know what Sues are like. I couldn't read that far.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Wandless magic. Natch. An animagus. The 'wolf spirit' has told her that Lupin is a werewolf. And... well... 'Well, mostly I can heal the injured or ill even when they're an inch from death itself. But I can also change the weather, speak in eagle, deer, turtle, buffalo, wolf and bear languages and turn into those animals to run and play with my animal friends. I just found out last week, that I can speak to unicorns. Mandrakes, Cornish pixies, boggarts and hippogriffs as well. I can turn into them as well, sir. I can also go anywhere I want in the world just by thinking about it.' Goodness, girl... when do you sleep?

NOTES: Have you ever met a Native American who actually identified him or her self as such? I don't know about the rest of the world... but all the ones I know will refer to themselves as being 'Cree' or 'Blackfoot' or 'Peigan' or 'Sarcee'. Never 'Native American'.

I won't even get into this 'wolf spirit' nonsense. The author claims to be Native American (again, no tribe), but her fic sounds like she got all her information about such people from old westerns and the boy scouts.


Disclaimer: J.K.R. owns all except Maria Kicking Wind. I am making no money off of this


"Maria Kicking Wind!" Everyone looked around for a girl with the strange last name. It almost sounded as though she was one of those Native Americans in a John Wayne film.

The dark haired, dark eyed girl moved toward the front of the Great Hall and stood beside Deputy Headmistress, Minerva McGonnagall. The deputy headmistress placed the hat on the young girl's head.

The hat came alive and said, "Ah! An American! An alarmingly strong and organized mind and very ambitious. A great deal of knowledge too. Where to put you? I know.Slytherin!"

The eleven year old slowly walked down to her new house's table. She didn't know why she had placed within a house in which so much evil could take place, but she knew better than to question the Great Spirit.

Next to her a tall boy with long black hair and black eyes sat looking at her. He'd never met an American before and was simply curious as to what one looked and sounded like.

Maria turned and smiled shyly at the boy, who simply glared at her.

On the other side of her, a boy with white blond hair and gray eyes sat. He was of medium height and a medium build. In Maria's opinion, average. Little did she know that she was sitting next to Lucius Malfoy. She smiled slightly and the boy whispered, "Welcome to Slytherin. You're an American, right? I'm Lucius Malfoy."

Maria nodded and replied in her out of place American accent, "Yes. Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm Maria Kicking Wind."

Lucius pressed further, "So, you're from a wizarding family?"

Maria smiled and replied, "Of sorts. I'm American Indian and every woman in my family for twelve generations is a healer and shaman. I understand you call them mediwitches here." Okay, that was a gross understatement.

Lucius looked confused, "What do the men do?"

Maria smiled and replied, "They are often our holy men. Our religious leaders. They live between our world and the next to aid in making our lives easier. They all have great magical powers of their own."

This seemed to satisfy Lucius. He was merely checking to see that the American was not a Mudblood.

Snape, who had been listening to the conversation, kept his mouth shut. There would be time for him to get to know her. She, of course, would not know about the once glorious name of Snape in the wizarding world. Perhaps there might be chance for him to have a friend.

e - native american, af - wandless magic (child mastery), al - animal languages, rating - toxic, ap - acting pursuit, ph - slytherin house

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