0170: Astriel Miranda McGonagall - Astriel Miranda McGonagall/Black

Sep 21, 2003 21:09

Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins!

*sobs* Make it stooooooop!

TITLE: Astriel Miranda McGonagall
PERPETRATOR: Astriel_Black


FULL NAME: Astriel Miranda Black, nee Astriel Miranda McGonagall
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: 'blonde hared'
EYES: 'gray eyed'
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: A lot of makeup... and of course, modern-day preppy clothes, in a fic set in the 70's.

ORIGIN: McGonagall's daughter.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: McGonagall's daughter. Lily Evans' best friend. Marries Sirius. Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Dressing like a slut without her mother getting mad at her.

NOTES: The author describes our Sueoine as being 'somewhat stocky, but almost voluptuous'. What, exactly, does that mean?


Astriel Miranda McGonagall

By K. Ann Pietraszka

A short, blonde hared, gray eyed, somewhat stocky, but almost voluptuous girl stood before her mirror, carefully applying mascara. Her name was Astriel McGonagall, and she was seventeen, preparing for her first day of her seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She wore a short purple skirt and pink fishnet tights along with a white blouse that she wore unbuttoned to reveal a rather revealing pink T-shirt, which read "I am Pro-Wizardry".

As Astriel moved on from mascara to dark blue eyeliner, her best friend, Lily Evans lay sprawled out on her bed holding a magazine entitled Witch Miss. The radio played quietly in the corner. It was very peaceful and common scene and had been for a few years now, sense Lily and Astriel had been eleven and had met each other for the first time at Hogwarts.

"God Astriel, how much of that stuff are you going to put on?" asked Lily, seeing the amount eye shadow her friend was now applying. Light purple, sparkly eye shadow extended from her eyelids to almost her eyebrows. Astriel smiled at her friend and held out the make-up.

"Do you want some?" she offered. Lily looked at it disdainfully and shook her head.

"It's all right, you can look like the street corner prostitute. Does Sirius really go for this kind of look?" Lily asked.

"Well, it's not really a matter of what Sirius wants..." Astriel said complacently as she applied more shadow to her other eye. When she finally put the make-up away, she looked at Lily.

"What do you think?" she asked. Personally, Astriel thought she pulled it off well and that her boyfriend, Sirius Black, would be particularly pleased. Lily looked at her with an appraising eye.

"Yeah, I suppose it fits you, the whole 'look' you've got going on here... Your mum's going to have a fit though."

"Not if I'm wearing this!" she cried, running over to her closet then pulling out a long, tan trench coat, "I'll be wearing this when we leave the house for King's Cross and then the next time she'll see me I'll be in my Hogwarts' robes!" Lily rolled her eyes.

"Of course, all right, you do what you want..."

Minerva McGonagall said little when her seventeen-year-old daughter came running down the stairs into the kitchen in a trench coat, face decked out in an insane amount of make-up. She pursed her lips and simply continued toasting toast for the walk to King's Cross. Lily was close behind, dressed conservatively in a blouse and plaid skirt. Why can't Astriel do that? Minerva thought to herself, but of course she knew it wouldn't be likely that Astriel would change anytime soon.

"Morning mum! Are we almost ready to go?" Astriel asked as she bounded over to her mother, snatching up a piece of toast and shoving it into her mouth. Minerva rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I'm ready when you are. Lily, how are you this morning, were you able to get any sleep?" Lily nodded, and smiled. Astriel rolled her eyes.

"You know I do sleep mum," she said indignantly.

"You could have fooled me," Minerva muttered. She then handed out pieces of toast to the girls and ushered them outside.

"I've already apparated your trunks to the school, so I'll simply drop you off at the station and then see you there, all right?"

"Yep, okay mum!" cried Astriel.

"How do you get to school Professor McGonagall?" Lily asked.

"Portkey," she replied. They were all walking down King's Cross Station Boulevard, and every once in a while, Astriel would see someone who looked familiar, someone who was a wizard in incognito, just like her.

rating - awful, ph - gryffindor house, related to mcgonagall

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