0779: Just Another Diary - Grace Sirius Harriet Romona Lillian Lupin

May 23, 2005 19:35

What is it about working in malls that gives one such an urge to listen to really horrible music?

TITLE: Just Another Diary
PERPETRATOR: hopeforthefuture (not touchin' that)


FULL NAME: Grace Sirius Harriet Ramona Lillian Lupin. Yes, all that.
SPECIES: human/witch
HAIR: 'sandy brown, down to shoulders'
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: a diary which is, unfortunately, what we are reading. A brother named Lucas who can turn into a wolf 'at will'.

ORIGIN: Lupin and Tonks' angst-ridden fourteen year old daughter. I realize that most fourteen year olds are angst-ridden. But I don't really want to read about it.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Lupin and Tonks' daughter. Harry's goddaughter. Has a crush on Harry's son James. We get to read all about how gorgeous James is.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is a metamorphmagus, but only in the week before the full moon.

NOTES: Why give her the feminine version of Harry's name and what could be considered a feminized version of Lupin's, but the masculine version of Sirius'? Why not 'Siria'?


I hear my parents fighting all the time. The thing that hurts the most though is that I know that at one time they loved each other with everything they were. I know this because I’ve asked people, family, friends, and other members of the Order. My parents were both members of the Order of the Phoenix during the second war, and my father was in it during the first war also. I’m not so sure why I am writing this. My Aunt Hermione says journals/diaries are good ways to let your feelings out, which I am all for, considering I do not want another hole in my bedroom wall. Especially when I have to find someone to magically fix it for me because its summer, I’m under age, and underage students are not allowed to use magic outside Hogwarts. But anyway that is why I am writing in you, because I am only fourteen and am already on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown, all because of my parents.
Well that’s the introduction… now some information. My name is Grace Sirius Harriet Ramona Lillian Lupin. Long name I know but my parents evidently couldn’t decide on just one so I have five. Grace is my mothers own little joke with herself. I love my mother dearly but it is not a secret to anyone who knows her that she is a complete and total klutz, so naming me Grace was her way of trying to put me in good poise before I could muck it up to bad. So far it hasn’t worked; I’m just like her in the grace department.

The name Sirius refers to my uncle (not really my uncle but he was my mom’s cousin and my dad’s best friend so I dubbed him ‘uncle’), who I never got to know because he died before I was born. Sad yes, am I sorry… not really. Sorry uncle Sirius but I love to be able to say my uncle is the mass murderer Sirius Black, the only person to ever escape from Azkaban prison. And actually I think that he wouldn’t have minded so much.

Harriet is the feminine version of Harry, which is my uncle (once again not real uncle but whatever) and godfather. And yes if you are of magical heritage and are reading this (why you are reading my PRIVATE journal is beyond me) when you see the name Harry you think of Harry Potter. Well guess what world that’s the same guy. Harry Potter is my uncle and godfather. THE Harry Potter, the one that defeated the darkest wizard our world has ever seen… TWICE! So yeah, needless to say I love and am very proud of the fact that he is my godfather. :smiles: GO ME.

I’m not that sure why Ramona was put in her, I think my dad felt a little left out and they decided to put a name with an R in the, hence Ramona. And last is Lillian. That’s the name of one of my dad’s friends that dies in the first war. And is also Harry’s mother’s name. I’m quite proud of the thought that my parents put into my name so when ever anyone asked what my name is I state it full, ‘what is your name dear?’ My name is Grace Sirius Harriet Ramona Lillian Lupin. Thank you very much! Have a nice day.

I am fourteen years old and am going to turn fifteen in about two and a half months. I am going into my fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (most refer to is a just Hogwarts though). I received my letter a few days ago and I have been made a prefect. Why I am I prefect I have no effing clue. But Dumbledore is Dumbledore. And the one thing I have heard all my life, from everyone is that Dumbledore is always right, no matter how wrong you think he is. So therefore no more Marauding for me. Sorry must put that in there. I still can’t believe that, my father, a Marauder, possibly the most well known pranksters Hogwarts has, and will ever see. It’s very cool man. But now that I think about it, most likely I will not be able to step aside from my mischief. Nor do I really want to. But then again being a prefect might help James, Andrew, and Mallory with our midnight rendezvous to the kitchens.

James is Harry’s son and Oh My God he is gorgeous! He has the most breathtaking eyes you have ever seen in your life, it’s incredible. His father has the same eyes but there is something about James’ that makes his see different somehow. Then there is his hair. It’s messy like his fathers but is red like his mothers, my Aunt Ginny (not real aunt.) Maybe I should make something clear now, when I refer to anyone as my aunt or uncle they are not my blood relative. My mother is an only child and my father had a sister but she dies long before I was born in the first war. So therefore no blood aunts or uncles, I make up for them with friends that are more like family then anything. (p/s I’m in love with James… don’t tell or I’ll hex you)

Andrew is James’ best friend. Odd how things turn out right, Harry and Ron being best friends and then their sons also being best friends; it’s a small bit scary. Anyway Andrew is Ron and Hermione’s son. He is really sweet and I love him to death but even before you think of it I never have had crushes or any feeling for him what so ever… he belongs to Mallory Lovegood Longbottom. M double L. Stupid nickname I know but I just use that to piss her off cause she hates it. So we most of the time just call her Mal. Mal is head over heel in love with Andrew, but does he realize, No! Because boys are thick. And from what Aunt Hermione told me, thickness when it comes to women runs in the family.

I have other friends to like Jessica Dean, Esme Finnegan, Engelica Villa, Faira Couch, Leanna Wolverton, and Lisa Faro. The guys are James Potter and Andrew Weasley as you already know, but then there is Marcus Wood, Nick Corners, Kyle Jessie, Virgo Brank (we just call him V) and Danison McGray.

Hogwarts is out home and our legacies, we love it.

I didn’t realize I would like this diary thing so much but I have to say I am, even though all I’ve done so far is tell you about my friends, my name, and how much I hate my parents and how they fight.

ac - metamorphmagus, related to tonks, ap - acting pursuit, pf - new/next generation, rating - bad, related to lupin

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