0780: Lupin's Little Dark One - Kieran Lupin

May 24, 2005 19:30


TITLE: Lupin's Little Dark One (I'm sensing great angst, captain.)


FULL NAME: Kieran Lupin
SPECIES: human/witch
HAIR: 'dirty blonde hair'
EYES: 'dark blue eyes'
MARKINGS: lightning bolt scar across her abdomen.
POSESSIONS: a guitar. Deep pain that nobody could possibly understand.

ORIGIN: The daughter of Lupin and his school sweetheart. Her mother moved to Canada, got married, and then got killed when Voldemort blew up the wizarding school there - probably because he didn't want all these Sues around claiming to be his daughters.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Lupin's daughter. Hits it right off with Draco. And she has a special 'bond' with Harry because both survived being attacked by Voldemort - there's a new prophecy about this.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: 'Your music, your poetry, your sports, your partying abilities' And she can 'tell things by touching them', whatever that means.

NOTES: The writing's not bad, it just gets more and more Sue with every chapter.


As she sat aboard the Hogwarts express, her first year at the school, she would be entering the same classes as the students that had been studying six years, and she was a year younger than them. Her school in Canada was destroyed, her teachers, two being her parents, all murdered. She was devastated as she moved in with her mother's school friend in England, a Remus Lupin, he was upset to, he never took the guardianship to heart, never thinking he'd have to care for her. They had adjusted in the two months, to life with each other, she mostly stuck to her room, playing her guitar, or reading. He was always about, a member of the Order of the Pheonix, and preparing to return to Hogwarts as the defense against the dark arts professor.

She now sat playing her guitar and looking out the window, while he dosed. Outside the compartment door people shuffled to find a seat. Eventually there was a knock at the door and she opened it.

"Look at that!" the young man behind it said, "Lupin's coming back!" He and his two friends came in. The one who spoke had flame red hair and bright blue eyes, his friends, a boy and a girl, the boy having jet black hair and mystic green eyes, and the girl poofy brown hair and matching eyes. She herself had dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes, which in some people opinion, had her resmebling Lupin.

"Can I help you?" she asked, making herself noticed.

"Bloody Hell," said the same red headed boy, "your a reincarnation of Lupin you are." She stared at him.

"Excuse me," she said. This was when Lupin awoke, smiling at all four of the younger peoples.

"Ah, Keiran, I see you've met Ron, Harry, Hermione," he said, "Guys, this is my god child Keiran." She nodded to the group.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hermione asked.

"You never asked." Remus remarked with a smirk, "It was very sudden, her mother was my Hogwarts sweet-heart and well..."

"Voldemort decided it was a good idea to blow up Central Canada's wizarding population," Keiran said darkly. Harry met with her eyes for just a split moment. He could tell that she wanted a revenge and he wished that she could have it. "My friends, my family, and my school, all gone, both my parents taught." Lupin put a firm hand on her shoulder as she clenched her fist. She turned sharply and went back to sit by the window staring out at the passing land. Remus walked up to Harry.

"I was hoping youi could help her, please, considering everything so similar to what you've gone through." He whispered. Harry nodded in understanding as the compartment filled with the strumming of Kieran's guitar. They all looked at her.

"It's a perfect day and no one's standing in my way, it's a perfect day and nothing can go wrong." Kieran sang the song softly. Harry took a long look at her. He knew that what had happened had affected her deeply, by looking at her eyes. She stopped and glanced at him. He smiled softly and she turned to look back out her window.

rating - awful, related to lupin

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