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Comments 12

invalidcaracter May 20 2003, 19:50:12 UTC

sorry...... I'm done... thats just horrible.


donna_c_punk May 20 2003, 22:03:19 UTC
Tell what I can do to improve it!

Burn it. Oh, fuck, allow Pyro to do it for you.

And deep down her heart was breaking.

And my brain is bleeding. Deeeeeep huuuuuuuurting.

::goes into corner and cries::


armanininja May 20 2003, 23:00:10 UTC
Up and front abusal of slashes. Must aquit! *stamps a big 'DENIED' on this piece of shit*


deliciouspear May 20 2003, 23:01:24 UTC

Didn't even make past the fourth sentance.

I just couldn't take it.



ren_sama May 21 2003, 00:22:21 UTC
I applaud the brilliant fusion of LOTR and Monty Python in your wonderful, wonderful icon. >XD


Re: deliciouspear May 21 2003, 00:35:03 UTC

Feel free to take it and use it!

Am making a "hogwarts""hogwarts""hogwarts" one as well.



crooked_halo May 20 2003, 23:23:39 UTC
despite the fact that this fic MUST BE KILLED! NOW!!!

"She realized all to well what that meant. Draco like Miranda."

Yes, Draco like Miranda. Caveslayer think Miranda stupid. *g*

And dude... you should NOT have to mention in an author's note that some like is similar to another from the book. Just freaking describe the look!

Umm... I could go on, but I will not, cuz this fic is EVIL.

EVIL. lol.


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