5113: The Slytherin Gem - Ruby

Jan 11, 2022 23:16

Today’s entry features Harry falling head over heals for a complete stranger.

Title: The Slytherin Gem

Perpetrator: kaitlynwrites03

Sue-O-Meter: Toxic

Cover/Banner Art: The cover is a picture of a girl with red hair tied in a green bow.

Summary: “…in which a girl with memory issues is given letters instructing her how to defeat the dark lord and ( Read more... )

ps - memory issues/amnesia, pt - destiny, rating - toxic, ar - friend to all, ps - spechul needs, bh - red hair, pc - relationship sue, ar - eidetic memory

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Comments 3

anonymous January 12 2022, 19:11:35 UTC
At least someone out there is trying for redemption for Peter instead of just writing OCs who instinctively know he's a bad person and just circumvent the plot by kicking him out of the group early on ( ... )


pottersues January 13 2022, 03:24:43 UTC
"Or maybe that won't happen at all. But that begs the question: Why give her the flaw of short-term memory loss if you're going to fix it before it becomes an actual problem to overcome in the plot?"

The special needs characters I've come across and featured here always leave me feeling the character is special needs perhaps to make the character flawed and thus there is the hope they'll avoid their character being called out as a Mary Sue, or the writer is wanting their OC to have an interesting backstory, yet being special needs is only there superficially.

Yet, I've also seen special needs characters done right as well.


darth_gojira March 25 2023, 20:20:17 UTC
You know, this is an invasion of OCs and one of the most rushed romances ever, but frankly I'm less offended by this one. It's just more of a confused mess than anything else.


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