5113: The Slytherin Gem - Ruby

Jan 11, 2022 23:16

Today’s entry features Harry falling head over heals for a complete stranger.

Title: The Slytherin Gem

Perpetrator: kaitlynwrites03

Sue-O-Meter: Toxic

Cover/Banner Art: The cover is a picture of a girl with red hair tied in a green bow.

Summary: “…in which a girl with memory issues is given letters instructing her how to defeat the dark lord and reunite the potters with their son, form in which a girl has to play politics to put her soulmate's family back together. harry potter x fem!oc, lily and james are alive, regulus is alive, marlene is alive, peter redemption fic.”

Full Name: Ruby

Sueworts House(s): She’s in Bitchiwitch because she’s got the sob story past and she’s a Sparklypoo because she’s just so amazing. Towards the end I realized she’s also a Tootsietramp.

Species: She’s a relationship sue.

Physical Description: She’s not described in the story, though if the cover is anything to go by her hair is red.

Possessions: A very child like personality which begs to question how she’ll ever be able to play politics. Also, “A silver bracelet with emeralds decorating it rest in her hands. She quickly put it on her wrist, eager to wear something magical.” She has a lettter that explains everything to her including the Potters being Petigrew’s fault. Harry’s heart is also something she possesses. Oh! Almost forgot her cat, Juniper.

Origin: Angst - the Sue has memory issues. Angst - because she has memory issues her ability to properly gauge how to react is severely compromised to the point she comes across as child like. I say this because she drops her cat on the floor when Griffin tells her to stop crushing her cat, yet I’m not understanding why she’s crushing her cat in the first place.

Connection to Canon: A character named Griffin shows up and tells our Mary Sue not to trust Santa Claus which is what Ruby calls Professor Dumbledore because she can’t remember. She’s able to remember Griffin and is excited to see him. She even asks him about his family. He’s not seen her in five years and is seventeen. He tells her to go to the Leaky Cauldron so she gets on the knight bus, no questions asked. She runs into Harry who is mortified because “he had just insulted the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Now she’ll never want to talk to him.” Here’s where I got back to he first chapter and realized it was Harry who asked her “what’d you trip for?” Yes, we’ve a clumsy Sue! She’s giddy because she’s made a friend which means she’s oblivious to how Harry spoke to her. He goes to his room. She opens a letter, gets her special bracelet because the summary is in effect her destiny! The letter reveals R.A.B. getting involved with the Pottters miraculously and Lily and James living miraculously. Did I mention the letter is written as if it were a flashback instead? Dumbledore is also the bad guy. After she reads the letter, she and Harry are snuggling. At the end of the second chapter we’re told “the next chapter will be filled with Ruby x Harry fluff.” That’s it. Two chapters and 3.8k.

Special Abilities: Why does this character have memory issues? Her bracelet also has special powers. “Before you learn anymore, you must put on your memory bracelet. Your bracelet was customized for you and will not function properly for anyone else. When you wear the bracelet, you will have an eidetic memory. This means you remember everything you see and hear, which is in direct opposition to your current situation. It also blocks the three unforgivable curses and reduces the effects of other minor jinxes/hexes. Simply focus on ''memory bracelet" and place your hand into the bag.”

Notes: For what it’s worth, I actually like Ruby as a special needs character. What I don’t like his how her memory issues are brushed aside with the bracelet or how we’re supposed to believe it’s her destiny to save the world when her mental capacity just isn’t there. I’m also confused regarding why she has a memory issue. Other issues include not ever having to use her last name and the minister of magic being okay with her staying with Harry without asking any questions.


"Hi, I'm Ruby. I suffer from short-term memory loss." Ruby was practicing her introductions in the mirror, deadset on no longer embarrassing herself when she meets new people.

"Hey, Ruby. I'm Griffin... remember me?"

Ruby whipped around, squealing and wrapping her arms around the older boy. "You've been gone for, like, ever! How's your new family? Do you have a sister? A brother? Oh my goodness, do you have a pet? Like Juniper?" Ruby snatched the fluffy kitten off her window sill, causing Juniper to meow in protest.

"No, Little Red," Griffin chuckled, although the panicked look remained plastered on his face. "I love my new parents, and the cool school I attend now. But that's not what I came to talk about after five years."

Ruby hugged Juniper close to her chest as Juniper tried to squirm her way out of it.

"First, you have to loosen your grip on your kitty, Little Red. You're going to crush her."

Ruby dropped her cat.

"No, not completely! I meant to gently set her down! Look at her distressed little face." Griffin rubbed his forehead in an I-can't-believe-I-have-to-tell-you-this action.

ps - memory issues/amnesia, pt - destiny, rating - toxic, ar - friend to all, ps - spechul needs, bh - red hair, pc - relationship sue, ar - eidetic memory

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