5100: The Last of the Line Clause - Harrison Potter

Feb 25, 2021 23:05

Today is the third day of Blood Adoption week which has actually dropped from seventy-five stories to seventy-four since I found the tag on A03 and not because I featured a story with this theme. I actually debated whether to feature one of the stories and then realized that it really wasn’t a Blood Adoption story but instead a Pureblood adoption ( Read more... )

rating - toxic, of - blood adoption, pc - child genius, or - clothing, pt - adults are useless, 0 - themed weeks/months, or - jewlery, pt - adults act like children, stu - harry potter, of - inheritence will, p - plot prop, ph - ravenclaw house, pt - children act like adults, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), p - crossover, p - sue what plot? swp, a - ability from another canon character, pc - relationship sue, b - celebrity lookalike, or - money (lots)

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Comments 1

darth_gojira March 15 2021, 20:04:53 UTC
I'd believe the "trying not to make him a Mary sue" if I saw them actually trying. They're obviously not trying hard enough


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