5100: The Last of the Line Clause - Harrison Potter

Feb 25, 2021 23:05

Today is the third day of Blood Adoption week which has actually dropped from seventy-five stories to seventy-four since I found the tag on A03 and not because I featured a story with this theme. I actually debated whether to feature one of the stories and then realized that it really wasn’t a Blood Adoption story but instead a Pureblood adoption story which isn’t the same thing but apparently they both get put together on A03, so I went with a different story for today’s entry instead. Also, I’m bringing back the Scavenger Hunt though a bit differently than the first Pottersues had said Scavenger Hunt.

Title: The Last of the Line Clause
Perpetrator: S_VanOosten
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: None. This is A03
Summary: “Receiving an inheritance at the age of Ten Harrison Potter learns all about the world he always knew he belonged. After learning of his Godfathers illegal imprisonment, he sets out to gain his freedom while dealing with figuring out who he really is, School, friends, enemies and betrayals. Can he deal with everything and the impending rise of the feared Dark Lord? Only time will tell.”
Full Name: Harrison Potter
Sueworts House(s): Quanonreip for the overly convenient plot devices, Sparklypoo for being a child genius and having an eidetic memory for the purpose of making him better than canon!Harry and ignoring the existence of a character who already serves that purpose, Hermione, Tootsietramp for being in being in a random pairing just because the writer likes said pairing and that gives the story a rather fleeting connection to the MCU. As for Bitchiwitch, the lack of actual flaws and insecurities means a hard no for this one in regard to them fitting in, but a hard yes because the writer actually thinks they do have actual flaws and insecurrites.
Species: Not Harry Potter.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: According to the writer, “Oh and for Sirius image, think Orlando Bloom with his shoulder length hair and his slight goatee. That’s my inspiration for 30 year old Sirius who has the time and means to make himself healthy again.”
Poessessions: In addition to Sirius being his Godfather, Alice is his godmother but she was originall a Prewett. This of course doesn’t make sense as a godparent is the person who will become the child’s legal guardian if something happens to the parents, but if this is the case why wasn’t Harry raised alongside Neville Longbottom. There is also a “main family vault” and a “heir vault. The family vault has “Total Liquid assets of 25,834,699 Gold Galleons, 5,634 Silver sickles and 600 Bronze Knuts. Solid assets containing a variety of Books, Clothing, Jewelry and Family Portraits” while the Heir Trust Vault has “Total Liquid Assets of 50,170 Gold Galleons, 509 Silver Sickles, and 500 Bronze Knuts. Solid assets Containing a variety of Books, and a selection of Jewelry chosen by Lord and Lady Potter.”. I guess Lily married James because of the Jewlery, but we’re supposed to believe Harry is some kind of Billionaire which he never was in canon. There’s a manor in France along with the cottage despite it not existing any more and a penthouse suit in Spain. The Black Heirs Vault means he also has “Total Liquid Assets of 100,312 Gold Galleons, 1,500 Silver Sickles and 1,000 Bronze Knuts. Solid assets containing a variety of Books, and a selection of Jewelry and clothing chosen by the Current Lord.” There is even a note at the end saying, “All contents and properties to be withheld until the Heir reaches the age of 17 or permission is granted by the current Lord.” We’re expected that Harry is supposed to also believe, “as part of the Last line clause, it is mandatory that you begin your tutelage of what is expected of a Lord to an Ancient and Most Noble House.” So, on top of having the parent/legal guardian’s rights violated, we’ve a violation of a child’s basic human rights in that they are being forced into a role they may or may not want, but was in fact the very thing Sirius rebelled against. This is all being done without a proper child advocate being there, but suddenly Harry is interested in the trial because somehow the goblins know what everybody didn’t know in canon outside of Sirius, Lily, James and Pettigrew. He heads off in the second chapter and starts buying stuff in Diagon Alley and nobody questions the fact there is this kid without adult supervision that they’ve never seen before selecting, “Nodding he selected a pair of his black pants and an Emerald long sleeved shirt, before heading into a changing room, coming back out minutes later with a large smile on his face.” and “Choosing a pair of regular trainers in a deep forest green, a shiny pair of black dress shoes, and a pair of Dark red- they almost appeared black-Boots in his size and brought them to the counter.” Didn’t know the Wizarding World carried Muggle Shoes, though the books are made from dragon hide - Welsh Red Dragon to be exact, but he spends a lot of money.
Connection to Canon: The story starts off with the writer explaining everything to the reader about how Voldemort killed the Potters and ten-year-old Harry came to live at the Dursley household. Harry’s time with the Dursley is described as “now nine panic free years later” only to later point out “the years have not been happy ones for the young savior.” (Am I the only one who feels like I’m being talked down to as a reader, which feels super strange in a story rated M of all things?) For some reason Harry, I mean, this Harrison pretending to be Harry, with his sophisticated variant in name proving he is far more sophisticated than canon!Harry and thus this must somehow give logical reason for the fact “Harrison spent the years living with the Dursley’ in the school library studying,” because apparently we don’t need Hermione Granger anymore, but we’re told he has an eidetic memory. (I don’t know what’s worse, a story where the writer actually shows Harry unrealistically becoming a child genius or a story where the writer simply tells us he is one because they want him to be special despite the fact Hermione is supposed to serve that role in canon.) That’s when Harry gets a letter in the mail from the bank because it makes perfect sense for a ten-year-old to come into inheritance rather than at age seventeen when they are recognized. The letter even recognizes that he won’t have the title of Lord Potter until he turns fifteen, so we’ve also got the whole “Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter” mess going on. We’ve got the logical fallacy of Gringotts handling the matters of inheritance rather than a lawyer, but I’ve never heard of a child being informed of their legal inheritance rather than, you know, their legal guardian. In fact, a representative is being sent to bring him there without the permission of his legal guardian. He then goes and spends his new found wealth in Diagon Alley because he has the money and plenty of it, but he even buys a trunk with “four compartment Trunks with a Library.” There are also a bunch of books, but then goes in and tells Petunia she isn’t his legal guardian despite the fact she bloody is. Well, because it’s known that Sirius is innocent, he is able to get out. Reading through some of the other chapters, there’s really nothing of interest until chapter five when Harry is being informed that Sirius is being properly treated as if he’s the adult rather than Sirius. (And this is the exact problem with the story, that it acts like a child is an actual adult when they are NOT!) There’s also an interrogation where Sirius is put under the truth serum in the present time and he says his birthday was “March 3rd, 1970” which would have made him ten when Harry was born. (Oops.) This means in chapter nine he is able to get his Hogwarts letter under Sirius’ care and in the next chapter he gets sorted into Ravenclaw. As for where Hermione is, she doesn’t appear in the chapter at all, because you know, what need to we have of her if Harry is a child genius. She doesn’t show up until the troll incident occurs and he’s not involved. (I guess that is good thing, but that doesn’t change the fact Harry is a Gary Stu in this story. In chapter eleven, the writer decided that “so i decided to change Tonys age just a bit, hes only 5 years older than Harrison instead of 10.” We learn in this chapter that Tony Stark is graduating at age sixteen from MIT, though why that matters I don’t know beyond the fact they’re trying to bring him into the narrative. There’s a bunch of balls going on around Christmas time. Chapter thirteen starts off with the line of “Sirius watched his son out of the corner of his eye…” to which I see the canon!Sirius flipping out on the Suethor and pointing out Harry is his godson, not son. They go and get the prophesy early because - I honestly don’t understand the reason for adding it in this early as very few people knew about this so it ends up being like the Goblin’s knowing Sirius wasn’t the secret keeper and Pettigrew was. That’s about it, but that was fourteen chapters and nearly 50k. That’s all there is right now.
Origin: “I have an idea stuck in my head and have decided to publish it. Its an old story of mine that was originally started on FFN, that life got in the way of, so got left behind. However now I am finally able to get back to writing and see if I am any good lol. Over the past couple months, I have sat down and written out not only an outline for the entire story, but also each chapter outline has been written for as of now 80 chapters. What I am trying to figure out now, is if I just want to make this, one exceptionally long story and keep going until it is finished without worrying about the chapter count. Or, I can write the story until Harrison has graduated from University and end it there as the first book. Writing the part where the marvel universe makes an appearance as the beginning of the sequel. Know this; End game for this will be Harry/Tony. I am obsessed with the pairing and decided to add it to this story. My original outline for this did not have Harrison with anyone. It was not my focus at the time. But as I said. Things have taken a different path and that is how it stays”
Special Abilities: So, one of the tags the writer uses is the “IM TRYING SO HARD NOT TO MAKE HARRISON COME ACROSS AS A GARY-STU” and I think one of the places to start is by NOT having to use the “Harry goes by Harrison” tag because lets just face the fact there is no real reason why Harry’s canon name should be changed except because the writer wants to do so. Moving on from there, DON’T give Harry an “Eidetic Memmory” just because you can do so and DON’T write “Genius Harry Potter” just because you can do so, but “I really hope his flaws and insecurities come across mixed in with his Genius and Maturity” almost never happens because those things are tacked on to make fanon!Harry better than canon!Harry yet seem redundant when we’ve got Hermione whose supposed to be the smart, mature one, but for some reason we’re supposed to believe that “MOST OF HP CANON HAPPENS THE SAME!” (how unoriginal” despite the fact we also have “Ravenclaw Harry Potter”. Another reason why Harry’s a Gary-Stu is because we’re supposed to believe “Those who failed canon Harry will get what they deserve!” when the very idea that the adults actually failed Harry in a way that should be punishable within the narrative is a myth unto itself. Let’s not forget the fact Harry is supposed to be getting paired up with Tony Stark later on simply because the writer likes the pairing, which is rather creepy depending on when the Marvel universe comes into play. Gringotts of course has godmoded powers it shouldn’t actually have.

Notes: The common pattern I am seeing with these Blood Adoption stories is the erasure of the parent or legal guardian’s consent regarding matters a child doesn’t have the mental capability of handling on their own as their brains are still developing. As I got farther into the story, I also started suspecting the writer might be rather young because I’m struggling to believe that an adult wouldn’t be aware of the fact a child can’t advocate for themselves let alone the fact absolutely nobody outside of Sirius, the Potters and Pettigrew should know that they switched secret keepers.

Things are way too easy, way to convenient, but what happened to letting a character struggle? I mean, isn’t that the real reason behind Harry becoming a child genius and gaining eidetic memory as well? Two chapters in, there is none of this “flaws and insecurities” one of the tags mentioned because they don’t exist. Because let’s face it, a child who is able to go from finding out they are a billionaire and walk into a bunch of shops and purchase stuff with a ton of confidence isn’t a child suffering from insecurity issues. A child who gets their godfather a new court case is far from a flawed child.


It was a cold night almost nine years ago in a small Village, where a small family was spending Halloween held up in their little home. The father -a man with the same black hair that his son inherited- was sat on the coach making puffs of colored smoke appear from the tip of his wand for the amusement of the toddler sat in his lap, while a beautiful red-haired woman finished cleaning the remains of their dinner.

Neither parent knew that they were breathing their very last breaths or spending the last night with their only son.

It was while they were getting ready to turn in for the night that things began to take a turn for the worst.

While James Potter yelled for his wife to take their child and run, the front door was blasted off its hinges; and a snakelike man stepped over the threshold wand in hand. James fought bravely, trying to give his wife and son the time they needed to escape, but it wasn’t long before he was hit with the killing curse and was falling to the floor, facing the ceiling with unseeing eyes.

Stepping over the man laid across the hallway floor the snakelike man-also known as Lord Voldemort-made his way up the stairs where he could hear the mother and child trapped in the boy’s nursery at the end of the hall.

It did not take long for the mother to fall dead like her husband. She had pleaded with the Dark Lord to spare the life of her son, to take her instead and it was this that made all the difference. So, when the man turned his wand onto the defenseless child sat inside his crib and uttered the curse that had taken so many others; the ancient magic invoked by the love Lily Potter had for her only child caused the curse to rebound back onto its caster. Voldemort fell that night.

It was while people celebrated the defeat of the dark lord, that their savior was removed from the wreckage of his home and taken to his only remaining relatives.

rating - toxic, of - blood adoption, pc - child genius, or - clothing, pt - adults are useless, 0 - themed weeks/months, or - jewlery, pt - adults act like children, stu - harry potter, of - inheritence will, p - plot prop, ph - ravenclaw house, pt - children act like adults, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), p - crossover, p - sue what plot? swp, a - ability from another canon character, pc - relationship sue, b - celebrity lookalike, or - money (lots)

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