5101: Hunter Orion Black - Hunter Orion Black, Lily, Sirius, Narcissa and Lucius

Feb 26, 2021 15:16

Please check out the Scavenger Hunt - Master Post. Here is day four of Blood Adoptions week. I’m definitely of the conclusion that most Blood Adoption stories exist so the writer can screw logic and say, “but it’s Blood Adoption so that means its now logical” when it does nothing of the sort but instead makes what is illogical all the more obvious. Actually, I might do a week of this on AO3 and a week of stories from the pit. Can we call AO3 the hole because of the big O in the name and it actually works in conjunction for the nickname for the pit?

Title: Hunter Orion Black
Perpetrator: LeAh7702
Sue-O-Meter: Currently the rating is just bad, but it could easily go into the Awful range of things.
Cover/Banner Art: None. This is AO3
Summary: “Narcissa Malfoy hears of Sirius and Lily's death and makes the decision to raise Hunter alongside Draco as his twin. Raised in Bulgaria to escape the dark past, Hunter and Draco attend Durmstrang Institute, will one of the boys be chosen as the Durmstrang Champion? Will Dumbledore discover what is hiding right under his nose?”
Full Name: See title. Pottersues can’t stop cringing. Let’s also include Lucius, Narcissa, Sirius, Lily in this because they’re far away from being themselves.
Sueworts House(s): Quanonreip for all, but Sparklypoo for Hunter because he’s supposed to be powerful. It’s rather tame though at this point.
Species: Not the Harry Potter canon characters, and not because the writer is attempting to explore alternative characterizations for characters but because they failed to establish a world where these changes to characterization make sense.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: The story starts off with a major “duh” moment with the writer asking if Voldemort would kill Sirius because he married a Muggleborn because there is honestly only one answer to that, but there should really be no surprise that Voldemort would do this. Pureblood Prejudices go out the window and it is as if Sirius was never disowned because it’s a convenient plot device rather than something the writer thought out. In the second chapter there is talk about Dumbledore believing Hunter is dead which seems to be another reason for the Blood Adoption which makes no sense, but they’re afraid of the twins being taken away and Lucius being sent to Azkaban for things he did in canon. Woops, apparently he’s now “Good!Malfoys” and that never happened, but the writer simply tells us that and doesn’t do anything to make us believe they were never prejudice. That explains going to Durmstrang because they decide to forced!plot!device move away. Seriously, the conflict in this is so forced it’s not funny. I read the rest of the eight chapters and found it rather boring with all the details regarding things such as picking out rooms in their new houses yet the writer couldn’t be bothered in almost 25k to set up the fact these Pureblood Prejudices don’t exist in these families, but it suddenly struck me as rather odd that they’re going this route yet couldn’t justify Regulus Black being alive. I guess that would have prevented their Harry is raised by the Malfoy family route, right?
Origin: For some reason Harry is now the son of Sirius but will end up with Theodore Nott simply because the Malfoy family is now “Good!Malfoys” and took Harry in. We’ve also got another writer who thought it would be awesome to change Harry’s name! Though in this case picking an actual name that stars with “H” and is a constellation (Hercules/Hydra) or an actual star in one of the constellations (Hadar, Haedus, Hamal, Hassaleh, Hatysa, Helvetios, Heze, Homam) might make since given he’s supposed to be a Black and not a Potter, but Hunter? Really? On top of this, would Sirius really name his son after the father he despises or would he give him a middle name from a family member he has no problems with. Also, why would they be sent to Durmstrang when we all know Narcissa’s reason for not sending Draco there? It wouldn’t change because she’s “Good!Malfoys” but become even stronger.
Special Abilities: The writer likes to ignore canon. Then there’s the “powerful!Harry” tag. Blood Adoption in this particular case allows the Malfoy family to “change his birthday to match Draco’s. The blood adoption gave Hunter more of the Malfoy looks along with the Black and Evans. Hunter’s face grew to be more defined and his eyes changed to blue to match Narcissa’s. He was renamed Hunter Orion Black Malfoy and could change it […] if he so pleased when he grew up.” Good job denying the rights of the child and creating a lie. The fact they admit they’re not his biological parents doesn’t change the fact they’re lying.

Notes: In this one Blood Adoption means Harry and Draco are now twins! Like, nope. Also, changing Harry’s name practically never makes sense. I mean, I get changing the name for a female version of the character. I get changing the name if he has a different father, but when the writer changing the name forgets the naming pattern for a particular family, something is wrong. On the positive side, the writer admits they might be “possible weasley bashing” and “possible Dumbledore Bashing”, though I don’t know if this is because they’re not sure yet, or that they know it might end up being that way unintentionally.

Also, I don’t think writers of Blood Adoptions stop and think about how traumatic regular adoptions are for a child where there is still considered to be some existence of the parent, but Blood Adoptions literally erases the biological parents from existence just so that a child can supposedly become another person’s biologically, which is in itself ludicrous, nor does an adopted child need to be blood related to feel loved let alone inherit.

Lily and Sirius Black’s murder came as a shock to both the light and dark sides of the war. Why would the Dark Lord kill a member of the Black family? Was it because he married a muggleborn?

Not matter what the most important thing is what will be done with their son? Who would raise young Hunter Orion Black? Professor Albus Dumbledore would arrive soon to make that decision, but was it really his decision to make?

‘No,’ Narcissa thought to herself as she picked the young boy up from his crib, ‘We all know that Lily’s sister would be the place he dumped him.’ Never had she ever spoken more than five words to Lily, but she had kept contact with her cousin and in his letters he described the awful things the Dursley’s said to the red headed muggleborn. Her young relative would not be raised in that way.

stu - sirius black, related to the blacks, of - blood adoption, sue - lily potter, rating - bad, 0 - themed weeks/months, b - dna error, stu - lucius malfoy, stu - harry potter, pc - gary stu, pc - godmode sue, related to the malfoys, p - sue what plot? swp, sue - narcissa malfoy, af - blood magic, related to the evans

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