
Sep 02, 2019 10:15

Title: Journey To Survive
Perpetrator: Cam-Moggy (Something tells me with how I’m going about looking for Sues right now she has the potential of popping up again as she has three other stories which are crossovers with OCs which aren’t OCs in them.
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: I’m guessing the cover is a picture from the Anime?
Summary: “ ( Read more... )

rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, b - sphesul chest size, stu - harry potter, or - money (lots), p - crossover

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Comments 4

yemi_hikari September 2 2019, 20:17:35 UTC
I really dislike these stories where a canon character is shoved into another universe as most of the time the writer takes too much artistic license because they're trying to create a cooler and better character.


darth_gojira September 4 2019, 15:45:42 UTC
I'm so lost right now


anonymous September 5 2019, 18:02:47 UTC
For tags, how about Treasure Chest, Blouse Cup, or Padded Attention?


pottersues September 5 2019, 18:30:44 UTC
I like treasure chest as that can actually imply other things.


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