4493: Love's Keen Sting - Maddie Steffani Lewis

Dec 06, 2018 22:12

I found myself with a bit of food poisoning. As I was looking for the entry for today I found the following gem. It is a Christmas gift the writer wrote for their friends for Christmas, but this is a wonderful example of gift fic.
Title: Love's Keen Sting
Perpetrator: TohruROX2221
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: I think the writer’s avatar is ( Read more... )

rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, pc - relationship sue

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Comments 2

yemi_hikari December 8 2018, 04:14:31 UTC
There is nothing wrong with a four year age gap. That is until the writer makes it a big deal like this. Cedric comes across as a creep, but the story feels to much like the OC is getting groomed. I doubt the writer intended this though, given that they're a rather young writer, but I think they were struggling in putting the pieces together. They knew quite a few of the things they wanted in their story, but didn't think of how to put them together. For example, they wanted both a character who was in Harry's year, but also her character to be paired with Cedric.


darth_gojira December 13 2018, 17:52:36 UTC
Do 4 year olds really fall in love with 8 year olds? I don't remember having a crush until I was 5 or 6, and she was in the same class. When I was 8, I thought girls were icky.


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