4493: Love's Keen Sting - Maddie Steffani Lewis

Dec 06, 2018 22:12

I found myself with a bit of food poisoning. As I was looking for the entry for today I found the following gem. It is a Christmas gift the writer wrote for their friends for Christmas, but this is a wonderful example of gift fic.
Title: Love's Keen Sting
Perpetrator: TohruROX2221
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: I think the writer’s avatar is a picture of the writer.
Summary: “Oh, to be young and feel love's keen sting.” Cedric/OC. Rated T for language.”
Full Name: Katie Alice/Mrs. Braiden Lewis, Maddie Steffani Lewis
Species: Today we have a Snitty Sue who because a Mother Sue in the first chapter.
Hair: At four or five she has “short blonde hair” that “was pulled back in a ponytail.”
Eyes: As a baby she had “almond shaped green eyes”.
Markings: There isn’t anything specific.
Possessions: Maddie has a butterfly T-shirt.
Connection to Canon: The entire first chapter is about the grandmother complaining about her grandbabies name and that said baby looks masculine. (Yup. You got me right.) Chapter two talks about how “Cedric Diggory, age eight, was your example of a ‘perfect child’-never got into trobles, always did what he was told, and was very well behaved. Today, however, was an exception.” He goes and sneaks out so he can play with a much younger child. Apparently, their dads work together. For some reason Maddie gives her whole name, but Maddie is the part of her name Cedric thinks is unusual. We’re supposed to believe that this child of four to five years of age fell in love that day with Cedric. We jump to a match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff and how “Now Cedric felt that he had feelings towards her. He no longer saw her as a friend, but something more.” As for the age gap one of the readers complained about, “Yes, the four year age gap was something of a hassle, but it didn’t bother him. According to something his father told him once, ‘Love has no age, no limits, no boundaries.” (Is this just me or did this quote make something that didn’t actually come across as creepy suddenly feel creepy.) The story progresses and his friend Jospeh says, “I knew it! You do fancy her!” So, I’m three chapters in and the story is about how much they’ve loved each other forever. The last chapter is called “Chapter 4 Quidditch and Birthdays” which pretty much sums up the chapter, but the story also has Cedric trying to keep their relationship secret.
Origin: The Sue is so important the first chapter gives us a glimpse at her birth where the grandmother shrieks, “Good God, you named my granddaughter after a cult!” Her daughter wines about the grandmother complaining about the alternative spelling of Stephanie for their daughter. Grandmother Joan then complains she has a problem with her grandbaby looking like her father because, “well, she just looks a little…masculine.” The grandmother also keeps calling her daughter Katie Alice much to the annoyance of Katie
Special Abilities: Apparently this baby looks masculine despite the fact babies really don’t look feminine or masculine at that age. (I think the writer missed the fact when someone says a child looks like a parent it has to do with either hair coloring or having the same eyes or other traits which aren’t defined as feminine or masculine.)

Notes: I was looking for something else to feature, but the plans I started on the first of the moth got side tracked again. That said, I’m not sure anyone picked up on the fact there was a plan. Today I found a story called Four Walls. The summary said, “DISCONTINUED. PLEASE READ.” I found myself clicking the title of course and found a story that wasn’t a story, but an large author’s note for almost every chapter saying, “Since it’s 2010, I’ve decided to change this story entirely.” I checked the reviews and found out the writer was likely eleven or twelve when they joined the site. The last chapter was a sample of today’s entry.


It was year five of Hogwarts and Katie Alice was still getting lost. She barely slipped into her Transfiguration class, hoping McGonagall wouldn't notice, but then she heard the familiar WOOSH! sound as the tabby cat jumped off the desk and transformed into Minerva McGonagall.

"Miss Alice, I was hoping you'd be on time the first day of lessons," she said bitterly.

"Sorry," Katie said apologetically, smiling a guilty smile.

"Miss Alice, please, have a seat next to Mr. Lewis here," McGonagall said, pointing to a fellow Hufflepuff Katie barely knew. She sat down on the bench.

"I'm Braiden," he said.

"Don't care," she snapped, and he laughed.

"Miss Alice, huh? You're Katie Alice, right?"

"So what if I am," she snapped. Braiden laughed again.

"Miss Alice, Mr. Lewis, if you find your conversation so interesting you may step outside," McGonagall said.

"Sorry, Professor," Katie muttered, and returned to the board.

"You play Quidditch?" he asked.

"I thought about it," she whispered.

"You should try out, I'm captain of the team," he said proudly.

She paused. "Fascinating."

"Ya know, one day you're gonna marry me," Braiden said, winking.

"Really? The day I marry you is the day Dumbledore flies."
"I've told you a million times, Mum. Her name's Maddie. Not Madeline, not Madison, not Madden, Maddie. I know it's uncommon but I think it's cute."

Katie Alice, now legally Mrs. Braiden Lewis, was in the hospital just three hours after giving birth to a healthy baby girl she and her husband had named 'Maddie Steffani'. Her mother, being judgmental as usual, did not approve. Katie was a witch, born into a Muggle family; her husband was a pure-blood wizard. Joan, Katie's mother, did not approve of any decisions Katie made, and it proved to be true with her reaction to her granddaughter's name.

rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, pc - relationship sue

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