4494: Secrets, Lies and Discovering Truths - Lydia Lewis

Dec 07, 2018 15:48

Title: Secrets, Lies and Discovering Truths
Perpetrator: Lyct Maxine
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is a bunch of words under the Hogwarts logo saying a bunch of places.
Summary: “Set during the Golden Trio Era eventually featuring the main four characters in FBAWTFT. Lydia Lewis (at least that's who people believe she is) is a girl with a secret, a secret that she wants to keep no matter what. It's her first year at Hogwarts but when you have secrets, a father for a professor and an absent mother can life ever be simple? First in the Lydia Chronicles series”
Full Name: Lydia Lewis
Species: She’s Remus Lupin’s daughter.
Hair: There is a point where she’s deciding whether to put her hair up or down (chapter four), but I got eighteen chapters in and never got a length or hair color.
Eyes: Her eyes are never described in the eighteen chapters I read.
Markings: There isn’t anything specific.
Possessions:  She gets a butterfly set comprised of bracelet, necklace and earrings that is made of sterling silver from Draco. It’s in an emerald green box. (Chapter nine.) Since I couldn’t get through all fifty chapters it should also be noted that
Connection to Canon: The first chapter has the OC meeting the canon characters but no clear idea of when the story is taking place beyond the fact the OC just got her acceptance letter. She knows of who Draco is based on reputation. Second chapter has them playing Explouding Snap until they get to the castle. Third chapter we finally find out it is their first year as they’re getting into the boat, yet it felt like a later year in the previous chapter. It’s pretty much the sorting. In chapter four we find out that Lupin has a daughter and they eat breakfast. Apparently Lupin is teaching at the school and Lydia whines to him about not being normal. We get to chapter six and we get the broom lesson from first year where Harry and Lydia both get on the team of which Ron complains about in chapter seven. (Why is Lupin a teacher during the first year?) Lupin is the one who puts them on the team. There is of course a note to duel from Draco. By chapter ten Lydia is worried about beating Slytherin because she doesn’t want to beat Draco. Lupin notices his daughter withdrawing. She’s upset she knows nothing about her mother. I read sixteen of the currently fifty-seven chapters and got fed up with the lack of plot or character development so decided to stick on the reviews. Well, it’s not quite plotless. It’s about the OC trusting Draco and Narcissa with the big secret regarding her father. Yup, you heard that right. We’ve also got an issue of how Lupin and the teachers become the bad guys because they’re worried Lydia’s work is slipping because she is mooning over a boy and of the personal belief her father is the biggest bully of all. Of course, her mother Tina and Narcissa are willing to come to her rescue.
Origin: “Hello a new person here! I've been a fan of the Harry Potter series for ages and, after seeing Fantastic Beasts, I had the idea for a fanfic to cover both eras of the Wizarding World. Yes the Fantastic Beasts characters do feature in this story but I'm not going to say how yet. Let me know what you think.”
Special Abilities: She gets sorted into Gryffindor in the third chapter. A few chapters later we find out she’s a Parasite Sue as she ends up on the team despite being a first year. She’s the daughter of Lupin despite his issues with forming relationships and passing on his “issue” to his wife or children. We’ve also got an issue of Lydia being the person in the right instead of the child acting like a spoiled brat because she’s not getting her way.

Notes: I picked this one because the summary jumped out at me, but I also like reading the reviews for a chapter as I go and found the reviews stood out to be. One review on the first chapter said, “I like how real Lydia seems, not wanting to tell her father about the bullying and everything,” but the second notes the writer should “be careful you don’t make her a Mary Sue.”

However, I became quickly disappointed with how much the fanfic followed the original series. Lydia’s character is also grating. I said earlier in the entry that I stopped at chapter sixteen, but read a couple more because I read the reviews for those chapters and found myself looking over everything again.


"Lydia, this is important."

"I know, and you've been over it a thousand times."

"Well then, if you're not going to listen to me anymore, then it is time you started making some friends.

"I'd rather stay here," Lydia said looking up at her father, "I've got plenty of time to get to know people. Wouldn't you rather I got a head start reading my textbooks?"

"I've been telling you to do that for the last month, and you haven't touched a book. What makes you think I believe you're going to start now? It's time you stopped hiding and made some friends." When Lydia didn't move, her father pulled her up from her seat and gave her a gentle shove towards the door. "Now."

Lydia sighed, knowing she was going to have to so she picked up her bag and kissed her father's cheek before leaving. Looking longingly back at the compartment, Lydia felt a thud as she bumped into someone in front of her.

"Look where you're going," snapped a blonde-headed boy with pale skin and a foul look on his face. "You ought to show a Malfoy more respect." Lydia's eyes widened as she realised she'd made a massive mistake,

"I'm sorry, I…Malfoy? You're Draco Malfoy aren't you? I saw your mum on the platform. She's very pretty."

rating - awful, pc - parasite sue, related to remus, pc - relationship sue

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