4202: Making the First Move - Hermione Granger and Severus Snape

Mar 21, 2018 19:35

Another suethor found their story featured here. They actually found their story over a year ago but are honestly proving my point of “one of the known downsides to homeschooling is that some students don’t get the social interaction they would in public school.”
Title: Making the First Move
Perpetrator: Divess
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: ( Read more... )

rating - toxic, pw - subject matter not kawaii, pc - relationship sue, stu - severus snape, sue - hermione granger, pc - jerk/anti sue

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Comments 3

yemi_hikari March 22 2018, 17:09:26 UTC
The only time I accept OoC as warning is when the writer is warning about the characters acting out of character being explained later on, or they give a good reason. This writer did neither, and they're just OoC because...

I'm not sure how to put this one. They're having the characters be nasty to each other just because they can, and because it causes drama. The fact there is potential rape or a near rape experience by just the forth chapter says stuff is being done just for drama's sake, not because it's a legit plot device.


darth_gojira May 2 2018, 13:35:46 UTC
I'd give them credit for saying this is wildly OOC, but that would mean giving them credit, and I'd rather pull out my own fingernails than do that


darth_gojira May 2 2018, 13:36:49 UTC
And Michael Corner? A Rapist? Yeah, no. No. That's a Snape trait, lady


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