4195: Blackstrike series - The Black family and company

Mar 10, 2018 23:23

I find this one honestly a bit annoying.

Title: Elseworlds, The Road Not Taken and Matron vs Matriarch
Perpetrator: Rigel Black/Crookshanks, Cassiopia Black, Hermione, Harry, Walburga
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: It’s a griffin.
Summary: “Blackstrike AU, Part 1 of Blackstrike/Family”, “Order of the Phoenix AU, Part 2 of Blackstrike/Family”, “Molly Weasley faces off against Walburga Black- and loses. Sequel-ish to The Road Not Taken, Part 3 of Blackstrike/Family.”
Full Name: Rigel Black/Crookshanks, Cassiopia Black, Hermione, Harry, Walburga, Orion
Species: I don’t know what to call them.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: Here is the supply list for Blackstar. “-wand; -potioneer's kit; -4 sets day robes (preferred muted tones); -2 sets work/exercise/combat robes; -dragonhide/leather gloves;-riding boots; -tack; -mount; -familiar; -Principles of Logic when applied to Magic (Aries Black II); -Potioneer's Principles (Andromeda & Edward Tonks); -Transfiguration of the Ages (August Wrath, Belinda Singer); -Charms For the Cheeky (Garrett Goshawk); -Runestone: Learn the Language (Tamara Futhark-Bund); -Fountain of Youth: Legends and Truths (Regulus Black I); -Law and Order: Magical and Mundane (Hon. Marius Black); -Combatant's Repository (Charlus Potter, revised edition by Nymphadora Tonks); *Brooms are permitted, but any mount you possess- horse, hippogriff, gryphon or thestral- are requested.” Next piece is Sirius telling Kreacher to protect Regulus, and apparently they turned the Malfoy’s into spies. His parents are alive, they remove the horcrux, The third is about insulting Molly Weasley’s ability “to properly command her family”. *sigh* You don’t command families.
Connection to Canon: Crookshank turns into a long lost member of the Black family. Everyone is now attending Blackstar College of Mages. Walburga and Orion are alive and good as well?
Origin: “Rigel explained that he was Rigel Black, a member of the Black Family and a Blackstrike operative, one of a handful sent out to investigate Sirius' imprisonment.”
Special Abilities: Not putting an actual effort into the AU they’ve written.

Notes: The summaries the writer uses say nothing, but these stories - only one is not marked as complete. Together, the three parts also barely get over 2,000 words. It’s an interesting idea, but this is worse than the other AUs that go this far off canon at not establishing why we should believe this Elseworld exists, except for the writer wanting to write an Elseworld.

Except, does the writer honestly understand the concept of Elseworld? Do they think it’s something where they can do just anything? They didn’t put any effort in for starters, but “in fanfiction this is know and an Alternate Universe (or AU), where the characters generally remain the same but the setting changes.”


Harry, Hermione and Sirius are saying goodbye when Crookshanks trots up transforming

Sirius gasped

"Rigel?" at the man Crookshanks had transformed into. He looked like a healthier, bulkier version of Sirius, his robes were neat, and well kept. With a terse nod, he said in clipped tones

"Go to Grimmauld, Sirius. Regulus and your parents are waiting for you." Wide eyed, Sirius moved to protest, when 'Rigel' held up a hand

"I've got things to explain to the young ones about Blackstrike. All you need to know is that Regulus needs you and Walburga and Orion want to explain a few things before they hear your side of the story. Go."

He went, and 'Rigel' informed them briskly

"I'll see you in three days to explain things. Bring the Weasley runt." He turned, body twisting into Crookshanks' furry self before he darted off.

ss - other, stu - sirius black, related to the blacks, rating - toxic, stu - (other canon), p - sue what plot? swp, stu - harry potter, sue - hermione granger, pw - ron the death eater

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