4123: The Girl with Pink Hair - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy

Aug 31, 2017 17:40

So, this entry has another person who doesn’t get that being aware of a writing issue doesn’t make it any less of an issue. Worse, this defender honestly thinks the reader should have the patience to delve into what amounts to original fiction and not fanfic to get “answers” to questions which really weren’t questions, but that we all know what the ( Read more... )

pw - woobie/cry for me, stu - draco malfoy, rating - toxic, pw - subject matter not kawaii, pc - b swanitis, sue - hermione granger

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Comments 4

anonymous September 1 2017, 20:51:11 UTC
What's with the number of Hermione fics where she's raped? Does the things she go through canonically not matter or something? You'd think that something like nearly dying every year and the threat of people with your blood status being wiped out (by Voldemort's triumph) would be enough reason to make someone have an emotional breakdown. Has anyone made an effort to capitalized on these reasons? It's like people don't think she's allowed to angst unless they drag rape into the equation! smh


pottersues September 2 2017, 04:07:45 UTC
Yes. The issue isn't the trauma, but how realistic the breakdown happens to be as well as how the writer deals with the PTSD in the story, yet also why they've got a PTSD episode in the first place.


yemi_hikari September 14 2017, 20:08:41 UTC
It would be, which should be a serious clue that Hermione's not the type of character to easily and emotionally break down.


darth_gojira November 11 2017, 01:10:15 UTC
1. Contrived roomate situations where students wouldn't have a choice, not even having roomates from the SAME HOUSE
2. Rape trauma
3. Dramione

Where's that monkey? I need to shoot something.


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