4123: The Girl with Pink Hair - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy

Aug 31, 2017 17:40

So, this entry has another person who doesn’t get that being aware of a writing issue doesn’t make it any less of an issue. Worse, this defender honestly thinks the reader should have the patience to delve into what amounts to original fiction and not fanfic to get “answers” to questions which really weren’t questions, but that we all know what the answer ultimately is, and it’s not one that could be found in the story like the defenders claim.

Title: The Girl with Pink Hair
Perpetrator: WinterWillows
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: I believe it’s Hermione as a nymph, because
Summary: “Dramione! Our pair aren't Head Boy and Head Girl, but they are sharing living quarters, hmmm interesting...Set after DH and loosely cannon, I have deviated in some places for the sake of my plot. EWE and HEA. MA rating for language and smut. Pic credit: Cherry Tree Sprite by Arbetta on deviantart”
Full Name: Draco and Hermione Granger
Species: half-nymph, half-dryad
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: Chapter One - Hermione and Draco are told that during eighth year they have to live together despite the fact there are issues of co-ed rooming arrangements which McGonagall would have addressed. Chapter two opens up with “Hermione’s throat was locked and she knew that if she tried to speak she would start sobbing so she kept quiet and allowed Draco to lead her to their rooms.”  We then find out that Hermione got raped during the final battle. (Yup. You heard me right.) What’s really bad was that I was under the impression it was Draco, but at the end it became quite clear he’s unaware of the incident. She’s a mess in chapter three, which is dedicated to her sobbing in her room so that he can have a House Elf fetch tea and coffee for them, only for him to be like “yeah, we freed her from the manor. More in room bonding in chapter four. Hermione’s still staring at her empty tea cup in chapter five. (Good grief, that’s long.) More bonding in chapter six where Hermione conveniently shows a letter that shares she’s not a Mudblood that she got from Regulus Black, who signs it “your servant”. (WTF!) At least now they’re at a bad. (Wait, that’s not a good thing!) Still in the bar in chapter seven. Chapter eight is Draco brushing his teeth, and she’s beating herself up thinking she’s repulsive, and Draco’s trying to calm her.
Origin: The writer decided to deviate “for the sake of the plot” rather than letting the plot shape around the canon. (Suethor, I’m not really in a good mood after finding a note from someone defending another person from criticism because the writer also decided to make changes “for the sake of the plot” rather than letting their plot take shape around the world, only changing what would naturally change.
Special Abilities: In other words, the changes are convenient so he’s there to comfort her. She actually opens to him about her rape. Severus helped Regulus in getting Hermione to safety. (Why was a safe place needed? That comes up so many times, with the answer being, no, a safe place wasn’t actually needed.)

Notes: Lovely. Another story which can be reported to the admins for removal. Now, I don’t like the idea of Suethor’s stories disappearing, but the rules are the rules and right now I’m face palming at the fact the writer openly admitted to their story containing MA content, or that it will.


'In addition to your emotional state there is a matter arising in the coming weeks that will be better dealt with in the relative privacy of your shared quarters with Mr Malfoy. You will have your own bedroom of course, which I think will be preferable for you this year.' The headmistress spoke slowly, as if choosing her words carefully and with a measure of uncertainty. While Hermione looked confused at this Draco didn't fail to notice how McGonagall's eyes flickered ever so briefly to the portrait of Dumbledore on the wall.

'But Headmistress, what matter is this? Why have I been told nothing before now? And why must I share with Malfoy? Hermione cried in consternation.

'Miss Granger, I have no wish to repeat myself. I have explained the reasoning behind my decision not to place you in your house quarters this year. As for the upcoming, ah, developments, I will say no more this evening as it's getting late and approaching curfew. Come and see me tomorrow Miss Granger at 2 o'clock and I will give you what details I can. I will need to see both of you at 7 o'clock on the 18th to explain further what this will mean for you in particular Miss Granger, and also for you as her fellow roommate Mr Malfoy.' McGonagall drew the meeting to an end, she was more than ready for a gillywater and a hot bath before retiring to bed.

Malfoy was nonplussed by the whole conversation and he could see that Granger was having difficulty holding herself back from asking further questions. Urgh, was he really going to be sharing accommodation with her for the next nine months? He gave it less than 24 hours before one of them hexed the other. On the bright side, he reflected, it was better than sharing a house with Voldemort!

pw - woobie/cry for me, stu - draco malfoy, rating - toxic, pw - subject matter not kawaii, pc - b swanitis, sue - hermione granger

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