Master List of Challenges

Jan 15, 2011 13:55

Master List of Challenges
Updated 23 June 2019
To have your challenge added to the master list, make an initial post to the community using the template. I will make every attempt to keep the Master List updated, usually within 24 hours. If your challenge has not been added to the Master List after 48 hours, you can comment to this post with a link to your initial post, or contact the mod, theimpossiblegl.

Challenges are listed in order of deadline, with the closest deadlines at the top.

Femmefest 2019: The sapphic fest at femmefest.
Posting Now

HP Het Minifest 2019: The het minifest at hphet
Posting Now

HP Summer Wishlist 2019: The rarepair wishlist at rarepair_shorts.
Posting Now Until August 31

Glompfest 2019: The HD community's appreciation fest at serpentinelion.
Posting Now

Granger Snape 100 Weekly Drabble Challenge: Weekly prompts for the pairing of Hermione and Severus at grangersnape100.
Challenge posted: 23 June 2019 (every Sunday)

Snape100: Weekly prompts for drabbles featuring Severus Snape at snape100.
Challenge posted: 23 June 2019 (every Sunday)

DracoHarry100: Weekly prompts for drabbles featuring the pairing of Draco and Harry at dracoharry100.
Challenge posted: 23 June 2019 (every Sunday)

Mixandmatch100: Biweekly prompts highlighting interhouse relationships at mixandmatch100.
Challenge posted: 23 June 2019 (every Sunday)

HD Fan Fair 2019: The HD career themed fest at hd_fan_fair.
Claiming: June 23
Submissions due: September 18
Posting starts: October 1
Big Reveal: November

HP Het and Gen Weekly Prompt: Weekly prompt to inspire het or gen fanworks at hp_hetgen.
Prompts posted: 24 June 2019 (every Monday)

HP Hump Drabbles: Write drabbles based on weekly prompt sets at hp_humpdrabbles.
Challenge posted: 26 June 2019 (every Wednesday)

HP Next Gen 100: Biweekly prompts for drabbles/drawbles featuring Next Gen characters at hp_nextgen100.
Next prompt posted: 26 June 2019 (every other Wednesday)

Hogwarts 365 Weekly Prompts: Write drabbles for slash or femmeslash pairings based on weekly prompt sets at hogwarts365.
Submissions due: 29 June 2019 (every Saturday)

HD Fluff Monthly Challenge: Fluffy Harry/Draco centered works at hd_fluff
Posting Ends: 30 June 2019

Slythindor Monthly Challenge: Harry/Draco centered works at slythindor100
Posting Ends: 30 June 2019

Poetic HP Monthly Challenge: Poetic works at poetic_hp
Posting Ends: 30 June 2019

HP Bun in the Oven Monthly Challenge: Pregnancy related works at hp_bunintheoven
Posting Ends: 30 June 2019

HP Creatures Monthly Challenge: Fantasical beasts related works at hp_creatures
Posting Ends: 30 June 2019

HP Coffeehouse Monthly Challenge: Coffee/tea house works at hp_coffeehouse.
Posting Ends: 30 June 2019

HP Unfaithful Monthly Challenge: The comm featuring infidelity at hp_unfaithful.
Posting Ends: 30 June 2019
HD Collab 2019: The themed-fest team fest at hd_collab.
Check-ins: July 5th
WORKS DUE: August 1st
Posting starts: September 1st ♥
Reveals: To be announced

HP Battleships Game Fest 2019: The multi-ship game fest on tumblr.
Sign ups end: July 5
Posting: July 1 - July 31

HP Daddy Fest: The top/bottom dynamic related fest at hp_daddyfest.
Signups and claiming end: July 15th
Check-in: August 1st
Call for pinch-hitters: August 25th
Submissions due: September 15th
Posting begins: October 1st
Reveals: To be determined

HP Next Gen Fest 2019: The fest featuring the next gen characters at hp_nextgen_fest.
Prompting: July 29 - August 9
Claiming Opens: August 12
Works Due: October 14
Posting Starts: October 28

HP Drizzle Fest 2019: The weather themed fest at hp_drizzle.
Claiming closes: August 7th, 2019
Submission deadline: August 15th, 2019

Dramione Couples Remix Round 10: The fest where famous couples are smashed with Dramione at dramione_remix.
September 8: Remix assignments due
September 16: Posting begins

!masterlist, !mod post

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