Glompfest 2019

Feb 10, 2019 17:54

Origin: serpentinelion
Link: Glompfest 201 9
Type of challenge: Prompt and claim
Description: "The H/D Glompfest (hosted at serpentinelion) was created so H/D writers and artists could show their appreciation directly to the people who make posting their creations so worthwhile. Without our supporters, who would we write and draw for?"
Ratings restrictions: all ratings allowed
Length restrictions: none listed
Prompting Open: February 15-28
Claiming Starts: March 1 (Fri)
Submissions Due: May 19 (Sun)
Posting Starts: June 15 (Sat)

character: harry potter, character: draco malfoy, comm: serpentinelion, !mod post

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