Chapter three - The informant

Nov 08, 2007 20:59

Title: The year that went by.


Summary:  What went through the mind of Severus Snape during the time between him joining Dumbledore and Lily's death.

Characters: Snape, Lily, Dumbledore, Voldemort

Rating: PG

Warnings: Mild violence, DH spoilers

Disclaimer: The following characters belong to JK Rowling. I'm just having a little fun with them.

Chapter three

The informant

It was the sound one would associate with a jubilant crowd and in normal circumstances cause one to feel elated. But since the current pandemonium was coming from a group of people whose daily chores included torture and murder, Severus couldn't help feel a little uneasy. He moved from the spot he apparated to and walked towards the source of commotion.

The mansion was quite huge and stretched over a large area. It had a classic elegance, which one would associate with an ancient wizarding family. The path leading to the house was graveled and bordered by a once well kept garden. Overall one would have a good impression of the person who owned the house.

Unfortunately for him, he was also a blood traitor. He had been reported missing and was last seen a couple of months back. Although the neighbors were quick to recall that a few strangely cloaked men had stopped by the night he disappeared. The body of course, was never found as Nagini never left much food after dinner.

As Severus kept walking, he heard a tiny pop some where around him, causing him to withdraw his wand. When he realized it was Lucius Malfoy who had apparated next to him, he drew back his wand and pocketed it again.

"So what's the big news, Snape" said Lucius straightaway.

Slightly perplexed by this abrupt questioning he said. "I have no particular information to give to the Dark Lord tonight, atleast nothing of importance." Feeling slightly bothered by Lucius's tone he asked. "Why do you ask?"

Lucius merely shrugged and replied "You'll find out soon".

Severus didn't press the issue since he didn't care to know what the big news was, as it was no doubt related to the Dark Lord's success in the current war.

"Why are you late?" asked Severus since he was the only one given permission to come late for the meetings due to his job at Hogwarts.

"Draco is ill, Narcissa insisted I stay till he got better. He's fine now". Lucius replied.

Severus marveled at the nerve of the man walking by his side. Lucius was no doubt a loving father and a good husband. He would get distressed by the sickness of his child and yet he had no qualms about killing off other people's children.

The two men kept walking till they reached the front door. As they opened to enter, the noises from inside became more clamorous and Severus had the similar feeling of uneasiness. The door opened to a wide hall which was dimly lit, and which looked as derelict as the garden outside.

They walked towards the main hall to the left, which was usually where the Dark Lord convened the meetings . The main hall was decorated more eloquently than the rest of the house. It had a high ceiling on which a shiny chandelier hung, glistening over the furniture below.

When Severus and Lucius entered, the majority of the Death Eaters were huddled in the center of the room and cheering with their wands aloft. This wasn't a new ritual for the Death Eaters. Every once in a while they brought in muggle borns and blood traitors and tortured them senseless, sometimes for information but mostly for fun.

Severus had no interest whatsoever in witnessing this gruesome act as he sat down by a scared looking new recruit. The boy seemed quite young and was clearly regretting his choice as he stared at the group in the middle, pale faced.

Severus couldn't see the Dark Lord as he was masked by the group of mutinous Death Eaters. It was only when several of them withdrew from the center he got to comprehend the scene more properly.

The man lying on the ground was clearly quite old and looked around 60 or 70. His eyes were shut tight and he had several slash wounds on his skin which were bleeding profusely. The man looked like he had been tortured for several days and Severus wondered whether his mind had completely broken yet. He let out a tiny howl and it was only from the movement of his lips that Severus recognized it as a 'no'.

"Its no use" said the witch who Severus recognized as Bellatrix, who had clearly come to enjoy torture as a daily routine.

"He wont budge, shall we kill him already my Lord?" she enquired.

"Let me speak to him" said a cold voice, which send shivers down Severus's spine even though he was quite used to it.

"Open your eyes and look at me." demanded the voice.

The man slowly opened his eyes and Severus was amazed he could still comprehend what he heard.

"You would rather die than give me information is it?" he questioned.

The man lay there, still as a rock looking into Voldemort's scarlet eyes.

"You would rather protect the lives of those muggles and mudbloods than save your own" the Dark Lord spat.

The man, though having understood what the Dark Lord said couldn't get himself to reply.

"So be it" said Voldemort. But instead of enunciating the killing curse, he mouthed something in parseltongue.

It was only a moment later that Severus understood what he said as he saw Nagini pounce on the old man and pierce its fangs into the man's throat.

The man struggled in vain as Nagini strapped her giant leathery mass around his body, all the while maintaining the position of its fang on his neck. After doing its deed, the snake slowly slithered away onto its rug, content with its job for the day.

The man meanwhile twisted himself around aimlessly as the blood gushed forth from his neck. Although Severus had witnessed several deaths, most of the victims being fed to Nagini, this was the first time he'd seen something this deplorable. The Avada Kedavara was a painless and merciful form of death compared to the torture the poor man was going through.

After several twists and turns the man finally rested on the ground facing Severus with his eyes locked on the former. There was a moment which could have perhaps been a second, in which Severus felt the eyes of the man searching his soul and he had an inexplicable vision of himself in the man's position, lying on the floor bleeding and he could swear he saw a flash of green eyes, Lily's eyes.

But the moment had passed and he saw himself looking into the eyes of a dead man. Voldemort moved the body with his wand into a corner of the room and worded something in parseltongue. No doubt a mention to Nagini about her breakfast, thought Severus.

He then conjured a table long enough to seat all of the Death Eaters.The Death eaters conjured their own chairs and sat down. Severus did the same and sat down in his appointed position towards the middle of the table which also signified his rank among the Death eaters.

The meeting began with several of the death eaters briefing the Dark Lord about their various exploits. However when it was Severus's turn, the Dark Lord didn't question him and he moved on to the next Death Eater. Severus knew this was because his information and his role as a spy tied in with the prophecy, something the Dark Lord hadn't confided in the others.

Once the meeting was over, Severus stayed back and waited to be briefed as the other members slowly made their way out of the room.

"So Severus." said the Dark Lord. "What news do you have from our muggle loving fool, Albus Dumbledore".

"Nothing my Lord." he said as he put in every bit of effort in blocking out the truth.

"He has become quite secretive these past few meetings. He has refused to divulge much to most of the Order members, especially me." He continued.

"He doesn't trust you still?" asked Voldemort.

"Not as much as the rest. But I assure you my Lord, I will reach there soon. Im already a member of the Order, a privilege only few of the hogwarts staff has been granted." added Severus.

But Voldemort, Severus noticed, wasn't paying attention as he stroked Nagini. There didn't seem to be the usual disappointment etched on his face when told about the lack of information, but rather a triumphant smile.

"But I doubt I would be needing any more information Severus." he continued with that same eerie smile.

"My Lord?" said Severus, his heart rate increasing by the minute.

"I have a new informant. Someone well disposed to give me information of the most valuable kind" said Voldemort.

"My Lord, if he is at Hogwarts perhaps we could work together" said Severus apprehensively.

"No, he is not at Hogwarts. Infact I am quite content with the information you bring in and I doubt whether I would be needing another one there." said Voldemort.

"This informant has been passing me information for over a year now , he isn't of the most loyal kind, but his informations I cannot say have been entirely futile." he continued while petting Nagini.

Severus listened calmly trying to think of a means to ask him who the informant was, which he knew, had to be done carefully, a wrong approach and he would get suspicious.

"All I can tell you is that I have him right where I want him. And now he has brought me news most exhilarating. He has assured me that if his plan succeeds, my wish will finally come true, that is if he doesn't spoil things by his own foolishness." said Voldemort.

If the Dark Lord hadn't been busy stroking Nagini, Severus would have blown his cover as his defenses broke immediately after the Dark Lord finished speaking. He couldn't help himself from thinking about Lily and the danger that she was in now. This is why, Severus thought, Lucius had questioned him about the 'big news', thinking him to be the informant.

Severus knew he couldn't hold onto those thoughts for much longer, lest he should be caught, as he quickly washed out his brain and employed Occlumency again.

"I want to you to keep an eye on Dumbledore. If he leaves the castle for any purpose, I want to be informed immediately. Should my plans succeed, I don't want him interfering." said Voldemort.

"Yes my Lord." replied Severus.

"You can leave now." said Voldemort as he absent mindedly stroked Nagini, clearly lost in a reverie of his moment of success.

Severus gave a slight bow and quickly moved out of the room. As he made his way out of the mansion, he stopped by a mirror and looked into his reflection. He realized his face had lost the little color it possessed and his hands were trembling.

He had to reach the castle and tell Dumbledore, but he felt like he couldn't wait. What if something happened by then, he thought woefully. He understood now what Dumbledore meant by the usefulness of the patronus for communication.

Without wasting much time, Severus walked to the edge of the house and apparated, hoping against hopes that what he heard wasn't what he dreaded.

Author:The vision that Severus has when looking into the eyes of the man was sort of a premonition of his own death. Of course he thought it was Lily's eyes he saw, when in reality it would be Harry's..*sniff*

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Chapter four

fanfiction, harry potter, severus snape

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