Raven [Mary-You #6]

Apr 04, 2004 12:14

YouJack number 6. Almost... done...

TITLE: So Close Yet So Far Away
CULPRIT: Fairy of Obsession
SUMMARY: "Jack Sparrow is a pirate, you are merely a girl that works at a tavern. Will it ever work out, or will both of you be pulled apart? Jackyou, plz rr!"
BEST LINE: "'All right,' you finally concede, hoping that maybe the man might leave you alone ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

salophile April 4 2004, 10:48:23 UTC
I want to thank you, potcsues. At present I am sick, miserable, and uncomfortably hungry, and this report has made me laugh harder than I thought possible.

This Sue makes no sense at all. Why would I let Jack Sparrow sleep in my bed with me, just minutes after meeting him? I may be gullible, but I'm not that far gone. Even if I did trust him not to try anything with me, I hate sleeping with someone else in the room. They always snore.


princesskraehe April 6 2004, 15:49:02 UTC
Oh, I'd let him sleep in a bed with me. Just not if he gave that excuse. If he said 'Hey, I'm horny, you're pretty, let's play' ... oh, wait, I read that one, too. Never mind.


wolfychan April 4 2004, 11:19:47 UTC
entering your house, which is fairly large. After all, you had been saving up for the past four years, ever since you were seventeen and your father had hired you at the Shadow Fox.

So a 21-year-old single woman is able to afford her own large house by saving a few years worth of three shillings an hour? Good God, that'd be ludicrous in the modern era. In the PoTC era it's unthinkable.

"Sorry, but I have to take her, love. I'm sure that you'll understand.

Um, while it's great I'm not getting killed, why aren't I a little miffed about being kidnapped for real?

"That is if you consider a quarter of a slice of bread as a meal."

Well, you already pointed out the house thing, but I'll add: she works in a tavern! Serving food! She can eat the leftovers, or mooch from a sympathetic cook, or steal stuff out of storage! I never heard of a restaurant employee who didn't get free meals as a perk, and I doubt it was different in PoTC times--even the cruelest tavern doesn't have much to gain if its workers are fainting from hunger.

Jack ( ... )


mylla April 4 2004, 17:01:09 UTC
Um, while it's great I'm not getting killed, why aren't I a little miffed about being kidnapped for real?

Because he's Jack! He's like TEH HAWT. So that makes it okay. Duh.


wolfychan April 4 2004, 23:41:36 UTC
Hey, yanno, that Ted Bundy was one good-looking bastard. I guess that's why his victims were always so flattered when he kidnapped them and threatened to kill them. Course then he DID kill them, but hey, that's the risk you gotta take if you wanna nab a hottie like him.

I have never had occasion to compare Jack Sparrow and Ted Bundy before. Thank you, Suethor.


I can't handle this anymore drakonlily April 4 2004, 11:33:29 UTC
Ok, someone, please tell me that it is hard to find these. Seriously. What the HELL are these You!Canon plots? Is it a poorly contrived rip off of the old pick your own adventure stories? Because you know, those were fun. This is just painful. What started this? Where do they live? Can I hurt them? My head really hurts...


Re: I can't handle this anymore farmercuerden April 4 2004, 14:31:29 UTC
Weel.. I once wrote a you/Canon semi-troll fic (It was kind of fun, as I was doing it to pervert the romantic hopes of the reader), and I think the idea is that they're portable self-inserts, for those too lazy to write their own sue.Ibndeed, you might call them better than Sues (for certain strange definitions of better), insofar as they invite the reader to share the Sueish thrills, hence making them have a slightly wider intended audience than just the author (the case with a normal Sues). They don't work. Hell, I'm embarrassed at my only foray into the genre, and it was a parody, but, eh.

(For those desiring to mock me: http://www.austen.com/derby/adcin1.htm Feel free. It deserves it =) )


Re: I can't handle this anymore drakonlily April 4 2004, 18:16:30 UTC
I shall not mock. I supppose it may date me, but I remeber those pick your own adventure novels. These remind me of those, without the selection


Re: I can't handle this anymore ganeris April 4 2004, 16:03:26 UTC
Hard to find? Sadly, no. By my (probably) conservative estimate these... things... make up a good third of the PotC stories at FF.N. It's why I asked potcsues to rend some of them, just to get a respite. I realize now that what I asked may well have been like asking someone to saw off their own leg with a butter knife. Horrible. *shudder*

So if I ever lose my mind and go asking for anything else, potcsues, please ignore me. I can't handle the guilt...


juniper200 April 4 2004, 12:51:59 UTC
God, how I hate this trope. Twice. Twice in the entire movie he insists on that title. The first time was for expository purposes and the second because he was being formally addressed. How does that translate into him being psychotically fixated on being called captain?

You are my god. I've even built a little church out of popsicle sticks and dedicated it to your worship.


kijou April 4 2004, 16:21:06 UTC
What kind of idiot buys a large house if they don't have enough money for food? Also, there is no way getting three shillings an hour for three/four years (the exact amount of time changes in the story) would make you rich. Also, if her father had enough money to run the inn, why would he let her starve and not give her any of the food? Plus, even if your father was that cruel, I think you would simply eat food when he wasn't looking.


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