Sign the roster!

Mar 05, 2011 19:48

Welcome to Pirates of the Caribbean Land!
We are not currently accepting applications.
Round One begins on Monday, March 14, 2011!Aye, avast! I'm sure several of you are eager to join this community and start participating in the games and challenges right away, but first you must read the rules and fill out an application. Please read everything ( Read more... )

+application, +rules

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Comments 51

crystaldrake March 6 2011, 21:04:24 UTC
Name: Jamie
Team Preference: Black Pearl
Second Choice: Flying Dutchman
How did you find PotC Land? my friends-list beckyh2112 and nuitsongeur


moonys_autumn March 6 2011, 21:13:27 UTC
You have been accepted to Team Black Pearl! Welcome to the crew! :D
You have been sent invites for this community, Tortuga, and Team Black Pearl.


luf100 March 7 2011, 02:10:51 UTC
Name: Caitie
Team Preference: Team Black Pearl
Second Choice: Team Flying Dutchman
How did you find PotC Land? crystaldrake's post on the potc community.


luf100 March 7 2011, 02:17:26 UTC
Actually that was crystaldrake's post on the uber_castle community, part of disney_uberland, sorry. :P


moonys_autumn March 7 2011, 02:26:35 UTC
You have been accepted to Team Flying Dutchman! Welcome to the crew! :D
You have been sent invites for this community, Tortuga, and Team Flying Dutchman.


luf100 March 7 2011, 02:51:19 UTC
Am I supposed to get a message telling me I was invited? Because I didn't... :S


gruver26 March 7 2011, 02:33:05 UTC
Name: Eyanna
Team Preference: Team Flying Dutchman
Second Choice: Team Interceptor
How did you find PotC Land? nuitsongeur had a post over at atlacactusjuice which is part of atlaland.


moonys_autumn March 7 2011, 02:37:05 UTC
You have been accepted to Team Flying Dutchman! Welcome to the crew! :D
You have been sent invites for this community, Tortuga, and Team Flying Dutchman.


jessswann March 7 2011, 07:50:01 UTC
Name: JessSwann
Team Preference: Team Black Pearl
Second Choice: Team Flying Dutchman
How did you find PotC Land? On Lady Turner's LJ


moonys_autumn March 7 2011, 13:13:24 UTC
You have been accepted to Team Black Pearl! Welcome to the crew! :D
You have been sent invites for this community, Tortuga, and Team Black Pearl.


shieldmaidenjen March 7 2011, 12:41:24 UTC
Name: (real and/or pseudonym is fine) Jenny
Team Preference: Team Black Pearl
Second Choice: Team Flying Dutchman
How did you find PotC Land? lady_turner left a link in an icons community. :)


moonys_autumn March 7 2011, 13:14:09 UTC
You have been accepted to Team Flying Dutchman! Welcome to the crew! :D
You have been sent invites for this community, Tortuga, and Team Flying Dutchman.


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